07/11/SH NEWS

Upgradation of Grade Pay of LDC/UDC: Date of next hearing is 01/04/2020.

Flash message

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Remember these martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the cause of Eight hours labour, Eight hours recreation & Eight hours rest.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

All Units are requested to organize massive demonstration on 29th April 2013 and send Telegram/Savingram (by post) to the Prime Minister of India in the following format.



          The Hon’ble Prime Minister,
          Government of India,
          New Delhi

“Withdraw PFRDA Bill and set up 7th Central Pay Commission to effect wage revision of the Central Government Employees”.

(TKR Pillai)
General Secretary
All India Association of Admn Staff (NG),
Min. of statistics & Programme Implementation,


Bhopal, Dated 29/04/2013
The Director,
CS-II, Ministry of Personal, PG & Pension,
Department of Personal & Training,
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market,
New Delhi

Sub:    Appeal to 1st appellate authority under RTI Act 2005.
            I had sought some information under RTI Act vide letter dated 09/03/2013(copy enclosed in annexure I).. In response to my letter, I have received a reply vide annexure-II from the CPIO & Under Secretary (CS).  However, the reply has not communicated the information which I actually sought for.  In this respect I would like to put up the issue in chronological order for your kind reference please.
The Sixth Pay Commission has recommended improvement/upgradation of the Pay Structure/Grade pay of almost all cadres of Government of India Offices. But the Pay/Grade Pay of LDC & UDC, who is working hard to run the administrative offices especially the Subordinate Offices smoothly, has been downgraded. In the mean time the Pay Commission has raised the educational and technical qualifications of a person to get selected to the post of LDC viz. educational qualification from Matriculation to 10+2 and proficiency in computer education etc.  Implementation Committee of the 6th Pay Commission at Government level has also not cared to bridge the gap. Aggrieved over the severe lapse, Shri TKR Pillai, General Secretary, All India Association of Ministerial Staff (Group C), Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation has sent an appeal to the Prime Minister, Government of India vide letter dated 16/04/2010 and requested the upgradation of the  grade pay of the UDC & LDC to Rs. 2800 (copy enclosed in Annexure III). And the aforesaid appeal was forwarded to the Secretary, Department of Personal & Training for action vide PMO Office letter PMO ID No. 4/3/2010-PMP4/158890 dated 18/05/2010 (Copy enclosed in annexure IV).
1.      When action on the matter has visibly been not taken till 2012, Shri A.H. Lokhande, Jabalpur has sought the action taken report under RTI (copies enclosed V). But both CPIO & appellate authority vide letter No. 20/2/2012-Estt(Pay-1) dated 29Aug 2012 & letter No 20/2/2012-Estt(Pay-1) dated 23rd Oct 2012 respectively have confirmed that the said letter was not received at  DoPT and as such no action taken report can be given(copies enclosed VI).
2.      Subsequently, the undersigned has obtained a copy of the acknowledgement in confirmation of the receipt of Shri TKR Pillai’s letter at DoPT from the PM Office (copies enclosed VII). In the light of the said acknowledgement, a letter seeking the copy of the action taken report/Noting drafting under RTI was sent to the CPIO DoPT vide letter dated 09/03/13 (Copy enclosed VIII).
3.      Meanwhile, when a reply from the aforesaid letter was not received till 22/04/13, a  letter addressed to Ms Anshu Sinha, Deputy Secretary (AUD-1) Room No. 215, A/I, DoPT, North Block, New Delhi was sent vide letter dated 22/04/2013 (copy enclosed in Annexure IX).
4.      On 25th April 2012 I have received a letter from CS Section of DoPT, which has not given the pointed reply I sought and as such the same is not convincing.
It is therefore requested to please look into the matter and supply a copy of the action taken report on the appeal of Shri TKR Pillai, General Secretary which was forwarded  to DoPT vide PMO letter No. 4/3/2010-PMP4/158890 dated 18/05/2010. Also the copy of the noting/drafting regarding disposal of the aforesaid letter may be supplied.  
Encl:    As above
Yours faithfully

(TKR Pillai)
Flat No. 74/11, Govind Apartment,
Govind Garden, Bhopal-462023

Copy to:        
Ms Anshu Sinha, Deputy Secretary (AUD-1), Room No. 215, A/I, Department of Personal & raining, North Block, New Delhi with a request that the letter on the subject dated 22/04/2013 sent to here under RTI act by the undersigned  may please be treated as withdrawn.

(TKR Pillai)
Flat No. 74/11, Govind Garden,



No. 20/1/2013-CS-II(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personal, PG and Pensions
Department of Personal and Training

3rd Flood, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, dated 22nd April, 2013

Shri TKR Pillai
Flat No. 74/11, Govind Apartment,
Govind Garden,

Sub:       Information under RTI


                I am to refer to this Department’s letter No. 20/1/2013-Estt. (Pay I) dated April, 2013 on the above subject. The application of Shri A.H. Lokhande has not been received in this Division. Further CS division deals only with LDCs and UDCs of Central Secretariat Clerical Service and as such there is no proposal as of now for revision of grade pay of LDCs and UDCs of CSCS as per the records available in the Division.

                If not satisfied, you may prefer an appeal to Appellate Authority, Director (CS.II) within 30 days of the receipt of this letter.

Yours faithfully

(K. Suresh Kumar)
CPIO & Under Secretary to the Govt of India

Copy to:
1.       DOPT, RTI Cell, North Block, New Delhi.
2.       DOPT (Shri S.G. Mulchandaney, CPIO & US, Estt. (Pay-1), North Block, New Delhi, with reference to their letter No. 20/1/2013 Estt.(Pay- 1) dated April 2013.


Bhopal, Dated 22/04/2013
Ms Anshu Sinha,
Deputy Secretary (AUD-1),
Room No. 215, A/I,
Department of Personal & Training,
North Block, New Delhi

Sub:     Appeal to first appellate authority under the RTI Act 2005.

                A letter under RTI Act 2005, requesting the supply of a copy of the decision taken by the DOPT on the letter forwarded by the Prime Minister’s Office vide PMO ID No. 4/3/2010-PMP4/158890 dated 18/05/2010 was sent to the Central Public Information Officer, Department of Personal & Training vide letter dated 09/03/2013 (copy of the letter along with enclosures in Annexure I to V enclosed). But I have not received any reply from the concerned CPIO till date.
                In the light of the above, I request you to kindly direct the concerned CPIO to provide the information as sought at the earliest.
Encl:       As above
Yours faithfully

(TKR Pillai)
Flat No. 74/11, Govind Apartment,
Govind Garden, Bhopal-462023


Bhopal, Dated 09/03/2013
The Central Public Information Officer,
Department of Personal & Training,
North Block, New Delhi

Sub:     Seeking information under Rule 6 of the Right to Information Act, 2005.
                This is in reference to the reply given to Shri A.H. Lokhande, Jabalpur in connection with the Upgradation of grade pay of LDC & UDC in the Administrative branch of Government of India Offices (Copy enclosed in annexure I & II). In this connection, the Prime Minister's Office has informed that the letter as referred by Shri Lokhande has already been sent to the DOPT and the proof of the receipt of the same at DOPT has been  supplied (Copy enclosed in Annexure III,IV & V).
                In the light of the above, it is requested to please supply a copy of the decision taken by the DOP&T on the aforesaid letter. 
                Please also supply the noting/drafting made on the aforesaid letter by the DOP&T till date from the date of receipt of the letter at DOP&T.
                Indian Postal Order No  98E 907893 dated 09/03/2013 worth Rs. 10/ is enclosed.
Encl:       As above
Yours faithfully

(TKR Pillai)
Flat No. 74/11, Govind Apartment,
Govind Garden, Bhopal-462023

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Constitution of a Committee for Cadre Restructuring of the Central Secretariat Service (CSS).

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi -110003
April 25, 2013.


Subject: Constitution of a Committee for Cadre Restructuring of the Central Secretariat Service (CSS).

A Committee for cadre restructuring of the Central Secretariat Service (CSS) with the following composition and terms of reference is constituted:


(i) Establishment Officer & Additional Secretary, DoP&T Chairman

(ii) Joint Secretary (CS), DoP&T Member

(iii) Joint Secretary (Pers), D/o Expenditure Member

(iv) Director (CS-I), D0P&T Member-Secretary

Terms of Reference:-

(a) To review the structure of CSS cadre, along with the feeder cadre, so as to harmonies the functional needs with the legitimate career expectations of its members

(b) To assess the magnitude of stagnation in various grades of CSS and suggest remedial measures — both short-term and long-term, as to reduce promotional blocks and at the same time prevent gaps from building up

(c) To suggest measures to enhance the effectiveness of service and capacity building of its members.

(d) To take into view the suggestions of the stakeholders, viz, participating Ministries. Associations and members of the service for cadre review

(e) To examine any issue as referred to it by the cadre controlling authority of CSS and Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS).

2. The secretarial services to the Committee would be provided by the CS Division.

3. This has the approval of the Hon’ble Minister of State for Personnel,.

(Parminder Singh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Source: www.persmin.nic.in

Thursday, April 25, 2013

PAYMENT OF D A TO CG EMPLOYEES Revised wef 1.1.2013


Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, 23-rd April, 2013

Subject: - Children Education Allowance — Clarification -
The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Personnel & Training's O.M.  No.12011/03/2008-Estt.(Allowance) dated 2nd September, 2008, and subsequent  clarifications issued from time to time on the subject and to state that various Ministries/Departments have been seeking clarifications on various aspects of the Children Education Allowance. The doubts raised are clarified as under:-
(i) Whether reimbursement of balance amount of fee paid during 1st and 2nd   quarter could be paid in 3rd /4th quarter without the fee receipt for the 3rd/4th quarter?
            No. As it is reimbursement for the whole year, original receipts for the fee paid for the 3rd/4th quarter has to be submitted to  ensure that the child has not dropped out  of the school in the mid-session.
(ii) Whether a Government servant is required to give a certificate that the spouse,   if earning, has not claimed CEA?
Yes. The claimant Government servant required to furnish an undertaking that reimbursement of CEA has not been claimed in respect of the child by any person other than the claimant.
(Vibha G. Mishra)

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Web Site: www.aiamshq.blogspot.com
Hall No. 201 & 205, Vijay Stambh,
Zone I, Maharana Pratap Nagar,
                                                                                                                    Bhopal, dated 19/04/13
Dear friends,
You may be aware that the proposal of the restructuring in respect of the FOD Ministerial Staff has been returned by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) for further clarification on some issues and the same is pending with FOD Hqrs since January 2013. To discuss the issue, the undersigned visited FOD Hqrs thrice since then. On 12th April when I visited FOD last time, the file, after finalizing the clarification as sought by the MoF, was under re-submission. It is expected that the proposal will be sent to MoS&PI in the month of April itself and would reach MoF by 15th of May.

We are worried because of the fact that most probably 7th Pay Commission will be constituted in the current year.  In such a situation, all the restructuring/cadre review proposals which have not been accepted and finalized will be referred to the Pay Commission. In this respect we have contacted the newly appointed DDG (Admn) who assured us of sending the proposal to the Ministry immediately.
As regards the promotion of UDC to Assistant, ADG has told me that he is considering the promotion of Assistant to Office Superintendent initially and thereafter the promotion of UDC to Assistant.  According to the ADG, FOD has consulted the Ministry for getting permission to do so. It is worth mention here that the DPD has already filled the vacant post of OS by promoting Assistant.
It has come to know that the restructuring proposal in respect of Administrative Staff of DPD/SDRD is pending with DoPT. But the Ministry has not given the clear reply which we sought on the matter.
The case of Hindi translator posted in FOD the case has been resubmitted to the Ministry and the same will be sent to Ministry of Finance through FA.

 It is a fact that the inordinate delay in getting recognition to the Association also affected the process. But it can be seen that the Ministry’s objection on the matter is not on valid grounds. There is no provision in the CCS (RSA) rules to re-identify the distinct category once identified and as such other Ministries have not implemented the order dated 9/4/2009. But here the Ministry re-identified the distinct category removing Assistants without taking this Association into confidence. Now the Ministry is willing to give recognition to the Association in the name of All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted) but they do not want to include the Assistant, a Non Gazetted post as its member! In this respect the latest letter received from the Ministry and the reply given for the same, are place below:
It is worth mentioning here that 6th CPC had recommended abolition of all administrative posts below Rs. 4200 grade pay. The 7th CPC may finally merge all Administrative posts to 4200. And here our Ministry is not willing to keep Rs. 4200 posts in the JCM. Then what will be the future of JCM activities in our Ministry.
Friends, a final decision on the recognition matter will be drawn after the receipt of reply from the Ministry.  However the matter will be discussed in the National Conference of the Confederation scheduled to be held at Kolkata on 4-6 May 2013. And the position will be informed you thereafter.
With warm regards
Yours faithfully

(TKR Pillai)
General Secretary


 Hall No. 201 & 205, Vijay Stumbh,
Zone I, M.P. Nagar,
            Shri S.K. Roy,
            Under Secretary to the Govt. of India,
            Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation,
            Sardar Patel Bhawan,
            New Delhi-110001

Sub:     Proposal for recognition of All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted)-Reg.

            With reference to your letter No. B-12011/2/2008. Ad.III dated 18/02/2013, addressed to Shri N Basu, Assistant General Secretary of the Association, I may submit that the distinct category as defined by the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation consist of all Group C Administrative Staff including Assistants. There is no provision in the CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 requiring to redefine the above distinct category merely because of the Assistants are now classified as Group B (Non Gazetted). And therefore, they should continue as before as a part of the distinct category of Administrative Staff of NSSO.
            I therefore urge that our Association the All India Association of Administrative Staff which include all group C staff and the Assistants may be granted fresh recognition.
Yours faithfully
(TKR Pillai)
General Secretary
Copy to:
1.      The Additional Director General, NSSO (FOD), New Delhi.
2.      The Secretary General, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers, New Delhi.

(TKR Pillai)
General Secretary

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Dear friends,

Confederation of Central Government Employees & Worker’s letter to the Prime Minister, Govt. of India dated 17/04/13; appealing to release 8% DA and the subsequent call for organizing massive demonstration throughout India on 23rd April in protest against the inordinate delay in granting DA brought the desired result. A day after the sending of the said letter i.e. on 18/04/13  the Government has decided to release 8% DA. Please keep the spirit alive. Without our unity nothing can be achieved.

Now, please prepare for the massive demonstration called by the Confederation, on 29th April 2013 and sending of telegram to the Prime Minister, Govt. of India in support of the very important two point programme i.e.  (1) Withdraw PFRDA Bill and (2) Set up 7th CPC to effect wage revision of Central Government Employees.

First time since 4th CPC the CG Employees is forced to organise Agitation for getting DA

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



No. Conf/27 /2013 -                                                    Dated 17th April 2013



            Since the implementation of the recommendations of the 4th central pay commission in 1986, the Dearness Allowance (DA) is paid in two six-monthly installments – in March and September of every year. The practice followed since then is that the order granting DA to government employees is issued in March and September itself.

            This time the practice in force since 1986 is violated. Our enquiries with concerned Ministries informed us that the file is already moved for Cabinet approval. But it is nearly a month now. The cabinet has found no time to take a decision on this.

            This naturally is quiet disturbing, especially in the time of galloping price line. The employees have, in the past, fought bitterly for grant of DA and the 3rd CPC gave a definite formula for DA in the aftermath of the one day strike on 19th September 1968. We cannot allow the hard won DA to be tampered with.

            Confederation has written to Prime Minister conveying the disquiet amongst the amongst the employees over the inordinate delay in the grant of additional installment of DA due from 1st January 2013 and urging the Prime Minister to take immediate steps to assuage the feelings of the employees. Copy of the letter is given along with this Circular.

            The Secretariat of Confederation therefore calls upon every affiliate as well as State Committee of Confederation to organise lunch hour demonstration in the work place on 23rd April 2013, Tuesday and send the following telegram to the Prime Minister of India.


            Each affiliate and State Committee of Confederation may send a detailed report on implementation of the programme in their organisation/state to the Confederation CHQ.

            With greetings
Yours fraternally
(KKN Kutty)
Secretary General

A-2/95, Manishinath Bhawan, Rajouri Garden,New Delhi-110 027
 Tel: 011-2510 5324:  Mobile: 98110 48303
 17th April 2013 
Dr Manmohan Singh,
Hon'ble Prime Minister of India
South Block,
New Delhi – 110001
           Subject: Grant of Dearness Allowance to Central Govt Employees and Officers – Reg.
 I am to invite your kind attention to the delay in the grant of additional installment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees and officers and the consternation it is causing amongst the employees.
            It would be apt to point out here that since the implementation of the 4th CPC recommendations with effect from 1st January 1986, the Dearness Allowance is paid to Central Government employees in two six monthly installments – along with the salary for March and September every year. The 5th and 6th CPCs also recommended the same principle for payment of additional installments of DA and since then the order granting additional installment of Dearness Allowance is being issued well in advance honouring the recommendations.
            The Central Government Employees were expecting the announcement of grant of additional installment of Dearness Allowance (8 % with effect from 1st January 2013) and Office Memorandum on that in the month of March 2013 itself. The delay of more than a month has led to disquiet amongst the employees.
            I shall be thankful if the fears of the central government of employees are allayed by immediately releasing the additional instalment of Dearness Allowance with effect from 1st January 2013 without any further delay.
            Thanking you in anticipation,
Yours faithfully
(KKN Kutty)
Secretary General

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Merger of 80% D.A., One increment for employees who retiring on 30th June, CCL for male employee, Setting up of 7th CPC etc.: Demand of Railwaymen's persued by AIRF


1. Employment to the wards of all the Railwaymen’s working in Grade Pay up to GP Rs.4600 in the Railways under LARSGESS.

2. Scrapping of New Pension System (NPS) & all the staff, irrespective of their date of appointment, should be covered under the Old Pension Scheme.

3. Merger of Sr. PWS with the J.E(P.Way).

4. Setting up of 7th Pay Commission without any delay.

5. Enhancement in upper age limit up to 59 years for the purpose of Voluntary Retirement under LARSGESS.

6. To earmark at least 20% quota for priority in recruitment of the wards of all the Railwaymen in RRC/RRB, preference to be given to the wards of the Railwaymen retiring by 31st March, 2014.

7. Dispensation of Written Examination from the process of engaging Act Apprentices to facilitate engagement of wards of Railwaymen under this scheme – their(wards of Railwaymen) engagement should only on the basis of viva-voce.
8. There should be full reimbursement of education expenses up to 10+2, which should include cost of transport, and the reimbursement scheme should be enhanced up to Degree and Post Graduate level.

9. 100% service rendered in CPC Scale of casual period should be computed for all pensionery benefits and financial upgradation under MACP Scheme with payment of consequential arrear.

10. Unanimous recommendation of the Jt. Committee on Package and Career Progression for Trackmen should be implemented in toto in regard to promotional percentage, i.e. 10%, 20%, 20% and 50% in GP Rs.2800, 2400, 1900 and 1800 respectively.

11. Pilot Project of promotion on Selection Posts on the basis of “Perusal of ACR and Benchmarking” should be regularized for ever.

12. Unanimous report of Cadre Restructuring Committee for all categories of Railwaymen should be implemented retrospectively w.e.f. 01.05.2010 with payment of consequential arrears. 13. Total working hours of all the categories of the Railwaymen should be limited to 8 hrs. per day, and for the Running Staff, 6 hours a day.

14. Implement decision taken in the Anomaly Committee to grant GP Rs.4200 to ASMs, GP Rs.4800 and Rs.5400 to all Technical and Non-Technical Supervisors presently placed in GP Rs.4600.

15. Grant GP of Rs.2400 for all Grade III Technicians presently in GP Rs.1900.

16. Upgrade Tech II to the level of Grade I and grant GP of Rs.2800. To avoid further Anomaly and till such time upgrade Tech Grade I to the level of GP Rs.4200, pay Rs.3000 as a Special Pay for all Grade I Tech.

17. Grant GP Rs.4600 for all MCMs and JEs.
18. Grant GP Rs.4800 for all Section Engineers.

19. Grant GP Rs.5400 for all Sr. Section Engineers.

20. Scrap GP of Rs.2000 under MACP Scheme and GP Rs.2400 with arrears for MACPS.

21. All grade III Technicians, TNCs, Pointsmen, Accounts Assistants, Junior Clerks, Accounts Clerks, TC, and Paramedical Staff in GP Rs.1900 should be paid GP Rs.2400 with immediate effect.

22. Grant GP Rs.2800 as a Minimum Entry Grade Pay for all the Commercial Clerks present in GP Rs.2000.

23. Encashment of 10 days LAP once in 2 years should be revised and encashment of 10 days LAP should be allowed every year without any condition.

24. Group `C’ employees retire from service in GP Rs.1800 should be issued 2 sets of Post Retirement Complementary Passes, out of which 1 set should be 3rd AC every year.

25. All the employees, both in safety and non-safety categories, presently in GP Rs.1800, should be given career advancement, like Track Maintainers with promotion in GP Rs.1900, Rs.2400 and Rs.2800.

26. All the Railwaymen should be paid a monthly Special Pay of Rs.2000 as “Railway Special Pay” on par with(Ministry’s Special Pay).