The draft memorandum to be submitted to
the 7th Pay Commission
on the side of our Association, incorporating the issues of Administrative
Staff, including LDC & UDC, Stenographers, Official language Staff and
other common cadre have been prepared and placed below: Since this memorandum
has been prepared by me single hand, there may be mistake. I request you to
please discuss each and every suggestion of this memorandum in our units and
inform me the change wherever needed by 15th of this month so that this Memorandum
may be sent to the 7th CPC
by 16th of this month.
Readers of this website other than the
members of our Association can also send their suggestion regarding the
description, documents in support of the up-gradation, pay structure proposed
All our friends are therefore requested to
give maximum contribution to improve this memorandum.
With regards
TKR Pillai
General Secretary
Mob 9425372172
Chapter I
Function and organizational set up
of National Sample Survey Office
1.1 National
Sample Survey Office(NSSO), a technical Organisation of Government of India, conducts nation wide
sample survey in socio-economic parameters viz. Employment– Unemployment,
Consumer Expenditure, Land-holding & livestock, ‘Debt, Investment and
capital formation’, Migration, Disability, Morbidity, service sector,
Unorganized Trade/ Manufacturing etc. to facilitate socio-economic planning,
development, policy framing, research & other economic/Administrative
National Sample Survey (NSS) was established in the year 1950
to conduct large-scale continuous survey operation in the form of successive
rounds to fill up data gaps for socio economic planning and policy making of
the country. In the year 1970 the NSS was re-organised and brought under the
Government of India as a single Organisation namely NSSO with a Governing
Council for the overall direction to impart objectivity and autonomy in the
matter of collection, processing and publication of the NSSO data.
The NSSO Investigator (Statistical
Officer) is the first Government Employee, who reaches the farthest and remote
villages of the country to collect data for the purpose of the economic
planning and social re-organization of the country. Thereby NSSO become
instrumental in collection compilation of information thereby to assist the
Government to solve several of the socio-economic problems, faced by the
country. Here the contribution of the NSSO for the five year plans of the
country is specially mentioned. United Nations Organisation and other
International Organisations acclaimed the services of the NSSO and the NSSO
figures take a prominent role in the UNDP and other reports of the UN. Here, in
the Universities and Research Institutes of the country NSSO reports are the
main sources of teaching economy and statistics. It is evident how the NSSO data
are valuable for the overall economic and social development of the country.
The Ministry of Statistics &
Programme Implementation of Government of India, with its two main
functional organs -the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) and the National
Sample Survey Office (NSSO)-acts as the nodal agency for coordination of
statistical activities and maintenance of statistical standards in the country.
As a result, now the responsibility of conducting large scale statistical
surveys, making provision of data and production of estimates on different
aspects of Indian Society and Economy rests with the Ministry of Statistics.
1.2 Organizational
set up
NSSO is headed by a Director General has
four Divisions viz. Field Operations Division, Survey Design & Research
Division, Data Processing Division and Co-ordination & Publication
Division. The Field Operations Division
has its Headquarters at Delhi and Faridabad with a network of six Zonal
Offices, 48 Regional Offices and 117 Sub-regional Offices spread throughout the
country. The Data Processing Division has its Headquarters at Kolkata with 5 DP
Centers in various part of the Country. The other offices are Survey Design
& Research Division has its Hqrs at Kolkata and the CPD at Delhi.
& Other Staff
Chapter II
in the NSSO by extensive use of computer.
Since the age is of
computerization and online operation of work, the responsibility and quality of
work to be dealt with are high nature. Fifth & Sixth Pay Commissions in its
reports had given more stress for doing work in the offices of Government of
India in computer and recommended pay scale in accordance with volume
modernization programme done.
NSSO modernization by extensive use of computers and modern instruments has
been started since last twenty five years.
All Administrative Staff even MTS have been trained to handle the
computer. As a result all the work in Administration and Accounts branches,
including preparation of pay bills and related work are done in computer with
the facility given in various packages in it. As a result now-a-days, web sites
and e-mail are become medium of communication and the Administrative Staff of
NSSO Offices are fully trained and developed to take up the challenge.
Chapter III
Role of Administrative Staff in NSSO
2.1 The quality control of the NSSO
data and overall management of the NSSO office are rest with the highly
qualified & trained technical officers of Indian Statistical Service. In
order to assist them in the collection and compilation of the statistical data,
a subordinate statistical service, consisting group B technical officers, has
been constituted by the Government of India.
Being a technical department, the
Administrative Staff posted in the NSSO offices have multifarious functional
role to play. Since the overall control and management of the Administration
rests with the technical ISS Officers, the administrative staff has a very
prominent role in the decision making and other matters of routine
administration for which level of understanding to handle the rule and other
routine Administration should be high. In addition, Administrative staff
assists the ISS Officers in correspondence, table work, Inspection report,
report writing, compilation and finalization of data, report analysis and
survey design and preparation of various statistical directives for field
survey, scrutiny points, data entry of several plan schemes etc which require
specialized attention and skills. Having
smaller offices with independent Administrative set up; expansion of field set
up, field work & Field Staff;
the four fold increase of ISS Officers
together with the decrease of the person
meant to handle these work in
administrative branch by 33% during the last 25 years in a phased manner,
increased the burden of Administrative Staff in NSSO Offices. As a result the
per capita work load in these offices especially in FOD Regions has increased
manyfold and therefore the Administrative Staff posted there has to do work
with additional burden.
Staff in NSSO Offices have been trained to handle the computer and all the work
are doing in computer in addition to their normal duties, which to an extent,
helped to equalize the increased work
load, but no pay parity has been given to them. Considering the nature of work
attended by the Administrative Staff in NSSO offices, they cannot compare or
equalize with similarly placed staff elsewhere.
Existing pay scale allowed to the Administrative Staff including group B
Gazetted posts which are promotion post of the group C Ministerial Staff along
with the Hindi Translators and other cadres related to this Association are
given below:
Category of post
Pay scale
Grade Pay
Sanctioned strength
DD Admn
Sr. AO
Office Superintendent
Steno Grade I
Steno Grade II
Junior Hindi Translators
Sr. Hindi Translator
Hindi Officer
Data Entry Operator
Lib. Inf Assistant
Driver I
Driver II
Driver III
Chapter IV
Administrative cadres
Pay Commission must bring uniformity in the pay scales of Administrative Staff
in various Ministries of the Government of India. The pay scale recommended for
each cadre in the Administrative branch should be in accordance with the
responsibility actually attached with the posts. The duties and
responsibilities attached to the LDC & UDC in NSSO Offices are much higher
quality than the duties of their counterpart in Central Secretariat Offices. LDCs NSSO Offices have been allocated with independent section worth to do by UDC/Assistants. Similarly the Assistant are doing the work of Section
Officer/Administrative Officer. In the NSSO Regions Grade II Stenographers with
Rs. 2400 Grade Pay Assists Joint Secretary Rank Officers. In the NSSO (FOD) SRO
Offices MTS are doing the work of Ministerial Staff as there is no Ministerial
Staff posted there. No cadre review has been conducted for the Administrative
Staff since the inception of the Organisation. And the recommendation for
conducting cadre review in every 5 years by successive pay Commissions have
been ignored.
3.1 Multi tasking staff
Sixth Pay Commission has recommended to merge the
existing 5 pay scales (S1, S2, S2-A, S3 & S4) of Group D staff to a single
pay band and granted Rs. 1800 Grade Pay and named the post as Multi Tasking
Staff (MTS) i.e. amalgamating the posts with
unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled functions without any scientific basis or
logic. The educational qualification for direct recruitment for the post
has been raised to Matriculation and the status of the post has been raised from
group D to Group C. But a person who passed matriculation might have also been
passed 12th standard. And most of the persons who passed 12th
standard may be a graduate and applies for the post of MTS and other
competitive examinations simultaneously. As per the work allotment of MTS,
circulated by the DoPT an MTS who has been appointed through SSC has to do the
work of Office peon, Mali, Cobbler, sweeper and many other functions. Thus most
of the candidates passed the SSC examination for the post of MTS do not join
the post and those who joined do not do several of the works earmarked in the
recruitment rules for the MTS with devotion. Thus the MTS may be paid special
allowance in addition to pay as much as to attract a person with more than
matriculation to join the post.
3.1.1 Since the
educational qualification for the post of MTS has been raised to Matriculation
and most of the persons who are applied for the post are holding the
qualification of Higher Secondary/Graduation and as such they are qualified for
getting recruited higher posts. Thus it is suggested that 50% post of the
administrative post next higher to the MTS may be filled through
promotion/Departmental Examination.
has already been given in Para 1.2 above NSSO FOD has 117 Sub Regional Offices
(SRO) and in each SRO around 15 to 25 Technical Staff viz. Assistant Director,
Senior Statistical Officer and Junior Statistical Officers are posted. Since no
Ministerial Staff is posted in SROs, the duties of Ministerial Staff viz. Diary
of Dak, Dispatch, typing of letters in computer etc in these offices is
discharges by the only MTS posted there. Most of these MTS posted in NSSO SROs
are holding higher educational qualification. Similarly, the MTS posted in NSSO
Regional Offices also assisting the Ministerial Staff in day to day
Administrative matters, for which training has been given to them by the office.
Hence the MTS in NSSO Offices are
working as substitute to the Administrative Staff particularly in NSSO SROs and
as such their Grade Pay may be upgraded to Rs. 2000 and revised pay may be
granted accordingly.
3.2 Lower
Division Clerk
3.2.1 Having the strength of
Administrative staff in NSSO Offices especially in their fields offices are
small in number the LDCs posted there are engaged to do the skillful and
quality work. They have been allocated with major administrative sections worth
to do by the UDC/Assistants because sanctioned strength of UDC/Assistants are
very less. All LDCs are doing their respective work in computer. LDC/UDC has
also to assist the technical officers in work relating to the field
matters. Major duties and
responsibilities assigned to the LDCs are as given below:
a) Maintenance and up keeping of service
books, grant of annual increment, leave cases and other work viz. noting,
drafting, correspondence related to the service matters of the staff.
b) Scrutiny of TA Bills, Medical Bill,
LTC, Tuition fees, overtime bill etc..
c) Preparation and maintenance of GPF
accounts Registers.
d) Preparation of bills (Pay, Medical, TA,
LTC, GPF, Tuition fee, GPF etc...) & contingent expenditure,
e) Maintenance of store including purchase
and disposal of the articles etc. Maintain the
receipt, proper storage,
distribution, safe custody, accounting of stores, procurement of
stationery item etc.
f) Maintenance of registers and files in
all subjects.
g) Dealing the work of Income Tax
h) Preparation of seniority lists.
i) Typing (on computer) of Inspection
report, scrutiny notes, data entries and all typing related all administrative
j) Processing of records/documents
including technical data, noting drafting, typing etc.
k) Dealing the cases of monthly/quarterly/half
yearly/yearly returns.
l) Assist the ISS Officer and other
technical officers in correspondence, table work, report writing, data entry of
several plan schemes, compilation and finalization of data etc.
m) Despatch and dairying of the letters and
all other document related to the entire office,
technical section.
n) RTI Matters
o) Discharging the duties and
responsibilities of Cashier; and several other duties.
3.2.2 LDC & DEO The pay scale of Data entry operator
(DEO) during 5th CPC was 4000-100-6000 and that of LDC was
3050-4950. The difference in pay scale between DEO & LDC was due to the
reason that the educational qualification required for data entry operator
prior to 6th CPC was 12th
standard & Computer proficiency and the
educational qualification for LDC was Matriculation with manual typing. But Sixth Pay Commission has increased the educational qualification for the post of LDC equal to Data entry
operators. And
the technical qualification/skill for the candidates appear for the post of LDC
requires typing speed 10500 Key depression per hour (KDPH)/9000 KDPH English
and Hindi respectively on computer whereas the candidate appearing the DEO
requires 8000 KDPH (Since the issue has
been raised by this Association for the last 2 years and filed a case in the
Jabalpur CAT, now the DoPT thorough a notification has changed the 8000 KDPH to
15000 KDPH). Please see table 1 below:
Name of post/Educational Qualification
3rd CPC
4th CPC
5th CPC
6th CPC
DEO (10+2) & Typing
8000 KDPH in computer(now 15000 KDPH).
(EDQ: 10+2)
(EDQ: 10+2)
5200-20200(GP 2400)
(EDQ: 10+2)
LDC(up to 6th
CPC Matriculation & 35 words per minute in manual type writers and 6th
CPC onwards 10+2 and
Typing 10500 & 9000
KDPH English & Hindi respectively in computer.
(EDQ: Matriculation)
(EDQ: Matriculation)
(EDQ: Matriculation)
5200-20200 (GP 1900)
(EDQ: 10+2)
EDQ=Educational qualification.
3.2.3 As regards the
work assignment, the DEO has only to entry the data given to them whereas the
LDC has multiple task
and discharge a very responsible & decisive role in subordinate offices in
addition to computer work.
3.2.4 LDC & Postman: The postman
in postal Department with matriculation has been granted Rs. 2000/ Grade pay by
the 6th Pay Commission. During the 3rd & 4th CPC Postman was a Group D post
with pay scale Rs. 210-4-270 & Rs.825-15-900-20-1200 respectively
and educational qualification required for the post was 8th
Standard. Fifth Pay Commission has leveled the pay scale of Post man i.e. Rs.
3050-75-3950-80-4590 to the post of
LDC after increasing the educational qualification for the post to
3.2.5 LDC
& Police Constable: The Police
Constable with matriculation has been granted Rs. 2000/ Grade pay by the 6th
Pay Commission. During the 3rd & 4th CPC Police Constable was a
Group D post with pay scale Rs. 210-4-270 & Rs.825-15-900-20-1200
respectively and educational qualification required for the post was 8th
3.2.6 Notice
Server of Income Tax The Notice Server of Income Tax was also Group D
officials during 3rd and 4th Pay Commission and was
getting pay scale lesser than the pay scale of LDC. But similar to the Post Man
& Police Constable, the pay scales of this post has been upgraded to the
level of LDC after raising their educational qualification to Matriculation
during 5th CPC. And 6th CPC upgraded the pay scale of
these posts and granted to Rs. 2000 Grade pay in the pay band Rs. 5200-20200.
Please see table 2 below:
Name of post/ Educational Qualification
3rd CPC
4th CPC
5th CPC
6th CPC
Post Man/Police Constable/
Notice Server of Income Tax (8th
Class till 5th CPC and thereafter Matriculation )
(EDQ: 8th)
(EDQ: 8th)
(EDQ: Matriculation)
5200-20200 (GP 2000)
(EDQ: Matriculation)
LDC (up to 6th
CPC Matriculation & 6th CPC onwards 10+2 & Proficiency in
(EDQ: Matriculation)
(EDQ: Matriculation)
(EDQ: Matriculation)
5200-20200 (GP 1900)
(EDQ: 10+2)
3.2.7 Action
taken by the Government to remove the anomaly:
In order to remove disparity, a request was sent to the DoPT by our
Association and the DoPT termed the case related to anomaly and sent to the JCA
for disposal (Letter enclosed in Annexure I). JCA returned the case to DoPT
directing them to consider the case at their level in consultation with
Ministry of Finance. And finally Ministry of Finance vide OM No 58 (2)/E. III
(B)/2014 dated 12th November 2013 has directed the Ministries/Associations for sending proposals to the
Ministry of Finance through FA, DoPT for approval (Copy enclosed in Annexure
II). Ministry of Statistics &
Programme Implementation was also directed to do action for necessary
upgradation of LDC vide Ministry of Finance OM No.58 (2)/E. III (B)/2014 dated
18th February 2014 (Copy
enclosed in Annexure III) But the
directions contained in the aforesaid OM were insufficient to consider the
upgradation of Grade Pay of LDC w.e.f. 1.1.2006 i.e. the date of implementation
of the 6th CPC and that is why
this Association has filed a case in the CAT Jabalpur (Application
No.200/00205/2014-submitted in Annexure IV)
3.2.8 JCM Staff Side Proposal: JCM
Staff side has proposed the upgradation of LDC to the post of UDC (Para 12.6).
It is requested to please grant
upgradation of the Grade Pay of LDC to the Grade Pay of UDC. The present Grade
Pay of UDC as granted to the Army Ordinance Corps by the DoPT is Rs. 2800. Thus
the pay the LDC may be granted accordingly.
3.3 Upper
Division Clerk
3.3.1 UDCs are the first level supervisory staff
in subordinate offices, the link between LDCs, who have been allocated
responsible sections, and section officer. The pay structure given to the post
by the 6th Pay Commission was very meager in view of the role played
by them in the Administrative Offices of the Government of India. And as such
the demand for upgradation of the Grade Pay of the UDC in subordinate offices
have been raised immediately after the implementation of the 6th Pay
Commission. Even though the Government has not taken a common decision to
upgrade the Grade Pay of UDC for all Central Government office, DoPT has
revised he Grade Pay of UDC in Army Ordinance Corps vide letter No.
A/26576/CPC/Clerks/OS-20/268/D(O-II)/2011 dated 23rd September 2013
(Copy enclosed in Annexure I).
The average time period
in NSSO, for the promotion from LDC to the post of UDC is 15 to 18 years. In
NSSO Offices the number of post of Assistant are very less and as such the work
earmarked for the post of Assistant have been allocated to UDCs. The details of work assigned to the UDCs are
given below:
Preparation of pension papers and
allied correspondence.
b) Preparation of
c) Processing cases
under Right to information act 2005.
d) Scrutiny of TA
Bills, Medical Bill, LTC, Tuition fees, overtime bill etc...
Preparation of bills (Pay,
Medical, TA, LTC, GPF, Tuition fee, GPF etc...) & contingent expenditure
and all other works related to accounts.
f) Maintenance of
store including purchase and disposal of the articles etc.
g) Dealing with
Recruitment matters
h) Dealing with Audit
i) Dealing with legal
j) Preparation and
maintenance of GPF accounts Register of Group D employees.
k) Maintenance of
registers and files in all subjects related to the work allotted to them.
l) Maintenance and up
keeping of service books, grant of annual increment, leave cases,
correspondence related to the service matters of the staff and all other
works related to Establishment.
Noting, drafting etc related to
their section and additional assigned to them from time to time.
Dealing the cases of various times
of monthly/quarterly/half yearly/yearly returns.
Typing (on computer) of work
related to their section and also assigned by the concerned officer from time
to time.
Discharging the duties and
responsibilities of Cashier
q) RTI Matters
All other works allocated from
time to time by the superior officers.
3.3.2 In addition, the UDCs
are responsible for the scrutiny of important documents/ registers maintained
in various sections of the office and held accountable for all lapses at their
level. The UDCs should have full knowledge of the rules and regulations and
updating of the same with latest circulars issued by the Government from time
to time. The vigor and vitality is
mandatory for the post to handle complex nature of work. In contrast, the UDCs
working in Central Secretariat is less accountable and work-load bearing with
the UDCs of subordinate offices
Thus the Grade of
UDC in NSSO may be upgraded to that of Assistant to get Rs. 4200 Grade Pay.
3.4 Assistant
NSSO Offices, Assistants are doing valuable supervisory work and training a
team of UDC/LDC in day to day administrative work. In addition, preparation of
Budget, MPER, Pension papers, Monthly Reconciliation Statement, handling the
court cases, doing DPC matters, Income Tax, inspection of service books and
other matters related to employees periodically, audit work, noting &
drafting relating to important cases etc are the part of their job.
was historical parity amongst the Assistants in Central Secretariat and
subordinate offices. On this matter
Fourth Pay Commission’s observes that:
8.41 The scale Rs.425 (pre-revised) covers posts of
Assistants and Stenographers in different Ministries/ Departments, auditors
under C & AG. The recruitment is
either through competitive examination or by promotion from the scale of
8.44 Considering the duties and responsibilities of
these posts and the fact that promotions to these are made from more or less
similar levels, we recommend that all categories of posts presently covered by
the scales a) 425-800 b) 425-700 c) 440-750 d) 470-750 and e) 440-750 may be
grouped together and given the scale of Rs.1400-2300.
And the
recommendation was accepted by the Government.
These positive recommendations have been bypassed by the Government to
give higher pay scale to the Assistants in Central Secretariat
Again, 6th Pay
Commission observed that “Earlier,
the respective pay scales of Rs.5500-9000 and 5000-8000 existed for Assistants
in Secretariat and in Field offices. This disparity was aggravated in 2006 when
the Government further upgraded the pay scales of Assistants belonging to
Central Secretariat Service to Rs.6500-10500”. 6th CPC in its report Para 3.1.3 further
observes that “higher Pay Scales in
the Secretariat Offices may have been justified in the past when formulation of
proper policies was not paramount importance. The present position is
different. Today, the weakest link in respect of any Government policy is at
the delivery stage. This phenomenon is not endemic to India. Internationally
also there is an increasing emphasis on strengthening the delivery lines and
decentralization with greater role being assigned at delivery points which
actually determines the benefit that the common citizen is going to derive out
of any policy initiative of the Government. The field offices are at the edge of
administration and may, in most cases, determine whether a particular policy
turns out to be a success or failure in terms of actual benefit to the
consumer. Accordingly, the time has come to grant parity between
similarly placed personnel employed in field offices and in the Secretariat.
This parity will need to be absolute till the grade of Assistant.” And accordingly the pre-revised pay scales Rs. 5000-8000 to 6500-10500
have been merged and granted Rs. 4200 Grade Pay. But later, Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide O.M.
F. No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 13/11/2009 has upgraded the grade pay of the Assistant
in CSS to Rs. 4600/ and
the Assistants in the subordinate offices has been left out. In this way, the
parity up-to the post of Assistant as recommended by the 6th CPC and
accepted by the Government overturned.
On this subject, All India MES Clerical Cadre & Group D Employees
Association has filed OA No. 2389/2012 before Central Administrative
Tribunal Principal Bench against the two different pay structure for
subordinate and Central Secretariat Ministerial Staff. The court observed that
while doing their right for fixation of pay scales, the employers should ensure
that these fixations have been done on the basis of some rational grounds and the
traditional parity reinforced by the recommendations of the Pay Commission should not be disturbed.
The court further observed that
“What is not understood is as
to how a higher scale of pay or grade pay which is justified on the ground of
direct recruitment is extended to the promotees also. If that is justified on
the ground that both direct recruits and promotes are doing the same work and,
therefore, differential can be introduced, then how can it be justified that
the same treatment cannot be given to a cadre which hitherto enjoyed parity
with the Assistants/PAs of CS/AFHQ only on the ground that they are appointed
100% by promotion”. The Court directed the respondents to constitute
and Expert Group to consider up-gradation of grade pay of Assistant/Office
Superintendent/Stenographer Grade I to the level of Assistant/Steno Grade I in
Central Secretariat. The expert group constituted by the Ministry of Defense
has recommended upgradation of grade pay of Assistant/Steno I/Office Superintendent equal to
Central Secretariat. Now the case is under consideration of the Ministry of
Thus parity between
Central Secretariat Assistant and the Assistant subordinate offices should be
3.5 Section Officer
Section Officers (No post of Section Officer is
sanctioned in NSSO office in place the duties of Section Officer is discharge
by the Administrative Officer with a meager grade pay Rs. 4600 i.e. equal to
the Grade pay of Assistant in Central Secretariat) next above the level of
Assistant is the real in-charge of administrative matters in subordinate
offices. They are responsible for finalizing all Administrative, Accounts,
Court and all other matters related to Administration/Accounts in field offices of the subordinate
offices and put up to the Controlling Officer for
his approval. Administrative Officer with Rs. 4600 Grade Pay in most of the
offices are functioning as Head of Office as well. Since the Controlling
officers are from All India Service they are mostly concentrating technical or
field matters. Looking to the heavy responsibilities assigned to the Section
Officers or equivalent post, the 6th Pay Commission has granted
Rs.4800 Grade Pay in PB II with a provision to automatic upgradation of the
grade pay to Rs. 5400 after completion of 4 years service(Para 3.1.14 of 6th
CPC Recommendation). But the same has not been implemented in NSSO Office
despite of repeated requests.
Thus the post of Administrative Officer
Grade II with Rs. 4600/ Grade pay in NSSO Offices may be upgraded to Rs. 4800
and named as Section Officer.
3.6 Higher
Administrative Posts:
In NSSO Offices no post of Administrative Officer above
Rs. 5400 Grade Pay is allocated. However, posts of Deputy Director (Admn),
Chief Administrative Officer etc have been allocated in the promotional
hierarchy of the Administrative Staff. But Staff Side JCM in their Memorandum
to 7th Pay Commission has proposed Cadre of Administrative Officers
in three Grades above Rs. 5400 Grade Pay. It was also proposed that wherever
the three Grade are not available they may be granted the next three successive
pay scales i.e., Grade A entry scale, senior time scale of pay, and the one
next above. Staff side (JCM) has also recommended for uniformity in the pay scales of Administrative Staff in
various Ministries of the Government of India in view of the fact that lack of
common cadre structure the administrative Staff posted in the smaller
Department face heavy stagnation and retires on the post of UDC/Assistant
It is
proposed that recommendation for creation of 3 Administrative Grade above
Section Officer commencing from Rs. 5400 Grade Pay may kindly be made to bring
the administrative staff posted in smaller offices to the mainstream.
3.7 Stenographers
The recruitment
of Stenographers for various offices of Government of India is being done by
SSC through tough competitive Examination. A person with vast General
knowledge, command in English/Hindi Languages and the competence do very good
stenography can only succeed the examination of the SSC.
recruitment of Stenographers both in Central Secretariat and Subordinate
offices are done through SSC only. Stenographers in Central Secretariat get
frequent career progress because of their placement in Central Secretariat at
the entry level. For Central Secretariat Stenographers, promotional posts are
being created in frequent intervals through periodical cadre restructuring and
accordingly they get frequent promotion. Since in subordinate offices there is
no promotional avenue for stenographers and therefore most of them are do not
get more than one promotion during the service period. In NSSO Offices, not a
single cadre restructuring is done since its inception and as such the
stenographers posted there are in constant stagnation.
It is pertinent
to mention here that both Central Secretariat and Subordinate Office
Stenographers are working with All India Cadre Officers who work both in
Central Secretariat and Subordinate offices.
Hence the level of work output as Stenographic Assistant done by the
Stenographer in Central Secretariat and Subordinate Offices are the same.
As per the provision given in the
Hand Book of Personal Officers published by the DoPT the Stenographic
entitlement of the officers posted in Attached/Subordinate offices is as
1. Joint Secretary or equivalent Private Secretary with Rs. 4800
Grade Pay with
automatic upgradation to Rs.5400 after 4 years.
2. Director/Deputy Secretary Steno
Grade I with Rs. 4600 Grade Pay
3. Deputy Director Steno
Grade II with Rs. 2400 Grade Pay
4. Section Officer/equivalent Steno Grade II with Rs. 2400/ Grade
In most of the FOD Regional offices and also
in Zonal Offices Deputy Director General with Joint Secretary Rank has been
posted. In the Hqrs offices of FOD, DPD & SDRD also large number of DDG,
Director and Deputy Directors are posted. Moreover, one Deputy Director in
addition to DDG is posted in every Regional Offices as well as Zonal Offices.
According to the norms given above, posts of Private Secretary with Rs. 4800
Grade Pay should have been allocated to DDGs and Stenographer with Rs.4600/
Grade Pay has to be allocated to Directors/Joint Directors. But none of these
DDGs have been provided with Private Secretary and in place Steno Grade II is
working in these offices. Since Deputy
Director is also posted in all Regional/Zonal Office the only steno Grade II
posted is compelled to assist both of the officers in their day to day office
On the other
hand, DoPT vide OM no. No.20/49/2009-CS.II (8) dated 22nd June, 2011
has ordered to upgrade the Grade Pay of 30% UDC and Steno (NFSG)
of Central Secretariat to Rs. 4200/ after completion of 5 years service
on the grade and the same was not made applicable to the UDC & Steno Grade
II in subordinate offices which have virtually demoralized all the
UDCs/Stenographers Grade II in subordinate offices.
In view of the
above, we suggest the following structure for Stenographers in NSSO Offices.
Sr. No.
Name of Officer
Post demanded
Director General
Secretary with Rs. 5400 Grade Pay
Director General
Secretary with Rs. 4800 Grade Pay
Grade I with Rs. 4600 Grade Pay
Director/SO/Asstt. Director
Grade II with Rs. 4200 Grade Pay
A person appointed initially as
Stenographer in the Central Secretariat often goes beyond the post of Senior
PPS. But in subordinate offices the stenographers appointed are stagnating
years together due to lack of sufficient promotional avenue. And as such even
though presently NSSO Offices have not the requirement of personal staff above
the grade given in the table, provision for granting next two successive time-scales
may be made to bring the stenographers of subordinate offices equivalent to the
Stenographers of Central Secretariat.
Language Staff
While passing
the Official Language Act, the Parliament adopted a resolution on the Official
Language policy according to which the Central Government is committed to
accelerating the spread of Hindi. Accordingly the posts of Junior Hindi
Translators, Senior Hindi Translators, Hindi Officer and Assistant Director,
Deputy Director, Joint Director & Director (OL) have been created in the
offices of the Central Government. The qualification for recruitment for the
post of Junior Translator is Post graduation in Hindi or English and having
studied as vice versa subject at Graduation level. The post is a challenging
one and requires multifaceted talents. They have to possess a sound knowledge
of two languages and should have linguistic ability to comprehend and also
require skill of quality translation. The translator has to play a role of
motivator, orator, leader, editor, conductor of various meeting and also should
have the ability to teach the Hindi and organize Hindi workshops.
Fifth Pay
Commission laid down the principle that the post requiring Post graduation as
minimum academic qualification should be placed in the scale of Rs. 6500-10500.
Even after, the 6th CPC has recommended a poor Rs. 4200 grade pay to
Junior Translators.
According to the Model Recruitment Rules for the various
posts in Official Language Cadre for Subordinate Offices, circulated vide DoPT O
M No. AB-14017/46/2011-Estt (RR) Dated 19th September, 2013 Educational
and other qualifications required for direct recruits as Junior Translator is Master
Degree in Hindi & English, the extract of the same is given below:
“Master's degree of a recognized University in Hindi with
English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at
the degree level OR
Master's degree of a recognized University in English with Hindi
as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree
level OR
Master’s degree of a recognized University in any subject other
than Hindi or English, with Hindi medium and English as a compulsory or
elective subject or as
the medium of a examination at the degree level OR
Master’s degree of a recognized University in any subject other
than Hindi or English, with English medium and Hindi as a compulsory or
elective subject or as
the medium of a examination at the degree level; OR
Master’s Degree of a recognized University in any subject other
than Hindi or English, with Hindi and English as compulsory or elective
subjects or either of the two as a medium of examination and the other as a
compulsory or elective subject at degree level;
Recognized Diploma or Certificate course in translation from
Hindi to English & vice versa or two years’ experience of translation work
from Hindi to English and vice versa in Central or State Government office,
including Government of India Undertaking.”
It is regretted
to note that while a person with graduation are being selected to the post of
Assistants with Rs. 4600 Grade Pay in Central Secretariat, the Junior
Translator with Post Graduation in two languages get less Grade Pay than a Central Secretariat
Assistant i.e. Rs. 4200. We feel the Pay Structure of Official Language Staff
should be upgraded in accordance with the educational qualification.
Restructuring of the posts of Official Language Staff may be recommended so as
a person initially appointed as Junior Translator may get 5 promotions during
the service career.
In view of the above we propose the following changes
in the pay scale/Grade Pay of Hindi Staff.
Grade Pay
Rs. 4600/
Grade Pay
Rs. 4800/(Automatic upgradation to Rs. 5400/ after 4 years in the Designation
as Hindi Officer)
Grade Pay
Rs. 5400/ (Group A)
Director (OL)
Grade Pay
Rs. 6600/
Director (OL)
Grade Pay
Rs. 7600/
Grade Pay
Rs. 8700/
Chapter VI
Career Prospects/Promotional avenues:
level stagnation de-motivates the employees.
For the efficient functioning of an
organization, the primary pre-requisite is the systematic career progression of
the workforce. But in most of the Departments especially smaller Departments
stagnation has come to stay for the last two decades. Considering the fact 5th
Pay Commission had recommended two ACP in a time bound manner. The Sixth Pay Commission had awarded 3 time
bound MACP in replacement of previous ACP. But the scheme was found less
beneficial especially for lower category staff because the MACP was granted on
grade pay hierarchy and not promotional hierarchy. This created large scale
anomaly and as a result dozens of cases have been filed in various courts all
the court judgments were delivered in favour of implementation of MACP on
hierarchical basis but the Government has not implemented the same till date.
6.1 Career Advancement of Officers:
1996, the FOD, NSSO used to be headed by a Director, Regional level Offices
were headed by Deputy Directors and SRO level offices were headed by
Superintendents. But now, the quantity
and quality of work has increased considerably and as such the ISS posts at
Regional/Zonal level have been upgraded to the level of Deputy Director
General. Simultaneously, the strength of
total ISS cadre was increased manyfold. In the year 1961 the total strength of
ISS cadre was 185 (116 primary posts with 69 promotion posts) which was
increased to 690 and 799 respectively in the year 2002 & 2006. Today the position is 808 (232 primary posts
and 576 promotion posts). Besides a further upgradation of the posts of the
posts are under consideration.
6.2 Upgradation of the pay structure of SSS
The pay
structure of the Group B & Group C Field Staff has improved considerably,
in comparison with our cadres, by the recommendation of pay scale by the 4th
& 5th Pay Commissions, by implementation of Arbitration awards,
court decisions and re-structuring of the posts twice since 2002. Besides
subsequent to the merger of the Pay Scales during 6th Pay
Commission, three increments in the form of additional MACP have been granted
them. Recently, through yet another cadre review, several post of Assistant
Directors have been created in cooption of the posts of Senior Statistical
Officers. Besides a considerable increase in the post of Senior Statistical
Officers are also registered.
6.3 Bleak career prospects of Administrative/Official
Language staff:
The discontent amongst the Administrative Staff in
NSSO due to stagnation is in high magnitude today. Successive Pay Commission have recommended periodical
cadre review of the staff and asked to conduct cadre review in every 5 years.
Despite of these recommendations and its acceptance by the Government no cadre review has been conducted for the Administrative
Staff in NSSO Offices since the inception. As
a result the person holding the posts of
LDC, UDC, Stenographer, Junior Translators all are stagnated for more than 20 years on the
same post. And in this way majority of the Ministerial Staff in the NSSO
hardly reach the post of Assistant at the time of their retirement and many of
them are retiring on the post of UDC itself.
Even though NSSO Offices are committed to promote official
language its offices and all efforts are being done for the same, the Official
Language Staff who are instrumental to implement the official language policy
are being ignored; a clear picture of same has been given in Chapter V above. A
person appointed as Junior Translator in FOD, NSSO hardly reach to the next
promotion post till his retirement as only one Senior Translator is available.
The position of other Divisions is not different.
In view of the above, a strong policy for promotional
avenues to the employees especially the Administrative Staff and Official
Language Staff should be formulated. The
VII CPC therefore, should recommend the implementation of cadre review strictly
to ensure five hierarchical promotions
to all employees in their career on the pattern obtaining for Group A Officers.
The qualifying period for the 1st promotion for an LDC may be
reduced to 5 years from the present 8 years.
7.1 Existing
& Proposed Pay Scales for Ministerial Staff
Sl. No.
Existing Pay Band
Grade Pay
Proposed Minimum Pay
Rs. 1800/
Rs. 33000+ Rs. 5000 Spl Pay/
Upgradation of
Grade Pay to Rs. 2000 & Grant Special Pay to MTS in NSSO
Rs. 1900/
Rs. 46000/
Upgradation of Grade Pay to Rs. 2800/
Rs. 2400/
Rs. 56000/
Upgradation of Grade Pay to Rs. 4200/
Rs. 4200
Rs. 66000/
Upgradation of Grade equal to Central Secretariat
Section Officer
Rs. 4800/
Rs. 74000/
Upgradation of the Present
Administrative Officer is proposed.
Admn Officer
Rs. 4600/
Rs. 88000/
After completion of 4 years as
Section Officer
Deputy Director
Rs. 6600/
Rs. 102000
Chief Admn Officer
Rs. 7600
Rs. 120000/
7.2 Existing
& Proposed Pay Scales for Stenographers
Sl. No.
Existing Pay Band
Grade Pay
Proposed Minimum Pay
Stenographer Grade II
Rs. 2400/
Rs. 56000/
Upgradation of Grade Pay to Rs. 4200/
Stenographer Grade I
Rs. 4200
Rs. 66000/
Upgradation of Grade to Rs. 4600/ proposed
Private Secretary
Rs. 4600
Rs. 74000/
Upgradation of Grade Rs. 4800/
Sr Private Secretary
Rs. 4800/
Rs. 88000/
Automatic upgradation of
Private Secretary after 4 years service
Principal Pvt Secretary
Rs. 6600/
Rs. 102000
Sr. Principal Pvt Sec
Rs. 7600
Rs. 120000/
7.3 Existing
& Proposed Pay Scales for Official Language & Other Staff
Sl. No.
Existing Pay Band
Grade Pay
Proposed Minimum Pay
Junior Hindi Translator
Rs. 4200
Rs. 66000/
Upgradation of Grade to Rs. 4600/ proposed
Senior Hindi Translator
Rs. 4600
Rs. 74000/
Upgradation of Grade Rs. 4800/
Hindi Officer
Rs. 4800/
Rs. 88000/
Automatic upgradation of Sr.
Hindi Translator after 4 years service
Deputy Director (OL)
Rs. 6600/
Rs. 102000
Joint Director (OL)
Rs. 7600
Rs. 120000/
Director (OL)
Rs. 8700/
Rs. 139000/
Library Inf. Assistant
Rs. 2400/
Rs. 56000/
Upgradation of Grade Pay to Rs.
Driver(Ord. grade)
Rs. 1900/
Rs. 41000/
Upgradation of Grade Pay to Rs.
Driver grade II
Rs. 2400/
Rs. 56000/
Upgradation of Grade Pay to Rs.
Driver Grade I
Rs. 4200
Rs. 66000/
Upgradation of Grade Pay to Rs.
Requirement of Effective Grievance Redressal Procedure
Consultative Machinery and Compulsory Arbitration with an intention to
redressal of the grievances of the employees has been functioning since 1966.
All non Gazetted officials in the Government of India Offices were allowed to
be a member of the Association working under JCM Scheme. Group B officials of
the Headquarters Organizations have been covered under this scheme whereas the
Group B officials in subordinate offices have been kept out of the purview of
the JCM Scheme which is discriminatory.
though there is no provision for re-identification of the cadres already
identified under CCS (RSA) Rules 1993, the Ministry of Statistics &
Programme Implementation has re-identified the cadres without seeking opinion from the concerned Association. And
re-recognized the lone Association which have the support of more than 70%
the same cadres, which have been removed in the name of Group B through the
above exercise, are members of the Association working under JCM Scheme in
other Government of India Department and that Department allowed them to
function. For example: The Assistant or equivalent posts with 4200 Grade Pay
working, in Central Ground Water Board, Census, CPWD, Income Tax, Central Excise and many other
offices are allowed to function as part of JCM. The Income Tax Inspector/Excise
Inspector with Rs. 4600 Grade Pay, Senior Accountant with 4600 Grade Pay in
CAG, Post Master with 4200 and above and all are allowed the Government of India
to function under JCM scheme in their respective Departments.
It is, therefore, necessary that
all categories and cadres of employees and officers, who were covered under the
JCM Scheme in 1966 (i.e. the year in which the JCM came into existence), must
continue to be covered under the scheme irrespective of the change of
classification or revision of pay scales that have been ordered from time to
time. In the present context all employees drawing grade pay up to and
including Rs. 4800 (PB2) must be converge by the JCM Scheme.
It is re-iterated that in NSSO
the Administrative Staff are an integral part of the technical management. And
with their active participation only the collection and processing of the
statistical data can be successfully conducted. Also under the modernization
the NSSO has fully computerized and the Administrative staff does work in
computer only. And also the MTS, LDC, UDC all cadres in NSSO Offices are forced
to do duties prescribed for higher posts due to lack of sufficient higher posts
and yet they have
Considering the entire
special feature discussed above the proposal of restructuring of the
Ministerial and other staff may please be considered and the pay scale proposed
therein may be awarded.
Allowances and advances, facilities and miscellaneous
This Association has concentrated
only on the issue of the pay structure of the Administrative Staff of NSSO
Offices. For all other issues/grievances related to our staff viz. allowances
and advances, facilities, miscellaneous issues, we endorse the provisions given
in the General memorandum of the National Council (JCM)/Confederation of
Central Government Employees & workers.
Yes, the demand of association for enhance of grade pay of LDC from Rs.1900 to 2800 is genuine, because the LDCs are the base of the each office but they are getting very less grade pay almost below to MTS staff. After giving 10 years of service getting benefit of Rs.100 by new Grade pay of Rs.2000. This is so negligence of the pay fixation. Therefore, the revision of Grade pay from 1900 to 2800 is required for LDCs which will be make better work environment in all offices.
ReplyDeletePawan Kumar,
Thanks to Pillai Sir, the demand of LDC/UDC is really genuine and I am agreed to Sh. Pawan Kumar, Muzaffarpur quoted his comment, the LDCs are neglected by 6th CPC by fixed GP Rs.1900/- which should be revised to Rs.2800/- at the earliest.
Pillai Sir, hamaari aapil aur aapka mehnat jaroor rang layegi, ham sabhi LDC & UDC bahut dino se intjar mei hai ki kab hamari mang ko puri ki jayegi. God se naman karta hui ki hamare family & children ko dhyaan me rakhate hue kripya jald se jald new grade pay (LDC- 2800 and UDC-4200) diya jaye.
ReplyDeleteAvinash K Kashyap
Sir, I am a Hindi typist of Assam Rifles. LDC ke grade pay ke sath-sath Hindi Typist ke grade pay par bhi care karna jaruri hai. Official language staff me Hindi Typist ka to jikra hi nahi hai. Hamare future ka kisi ko care nahi hai. Assam Rifles me hamse achchha future group D employee ka hai jo 3rd MACP me 4200 grade pay ka benefit pa sakte hai. MHA hamare future ko ignore kar rahi hi. Kindly help to our cadre sir.
ReplyDeleteHindi typist and LDC are the same and the pay scale proposed for LDC is applicable to Hindi typist also.
DeleteThe sincere as well excellent endevours put in by the Association must bear fruit. Because, the demands put forth therein are quite genuine and irrefutably justifiable. No one can deny, but may turn a deaf ear. All the relevant facts & figures have been duly explained in the demand. Warmth regards to all those involved in the concerted effort!
ReplyDeleteSir, grade pay of LDC/UDC is genuine as some locations we are getting pay lower than MTS. iam working in Border Roads Organisation (GREF). Our demand LDC-2800/ UDC-4200 is correct. As almost 80% work done by these two cadres all offices all over India.
ReplyDeleteB. Sailoo, Udhampur
1001 (I) ESPL (GREF)
Sir, Grade pay issue of LDC and UDC are genuine and the grade pay should be upgraded. We appreciate your efforts and hope for the best. Thanks
ReplyDeleteshri tkr pillaiji such an exhasutive note to show the anatomy of the field offices it doesnt requires xray machine to peep through, i think if 7th pay commission take into consideration(all are legitimate demands), it will be a "ghao par malampatti". hats off.
ReplyDeletemr pillai but the majority of the ddg (joint secretary level) post which being taken as cue for certain up gradation is actually dying post i.e., the person vacates the post by virtue of superannuation the strength dwindles. The DOPT orders regarding this dying ddg post created by abolishing of certain other posts, it is not really a creation of post. Please see this point and adduce further material to make demand strong.
ReplyDeleteA reliable source has confirmed that the present posts of DDG will continue. Moreover, yet another Cadre review of ISS officers is under progress. It has come to know that creation of ADG's posts in Zonal and Major State Capital are under consideration.
DeleteSincere and best efforts, Shri Pillai Sir. Best of luck.
ReplyDeleteWell done Mr.Pillai. Your work is simply the best. You make it delivering the best is your usual.. I have gone through other associations proposals. Ours is excellent.
ReplyDeletePlease go through chapter VII - 7.1 - sl.5 & 6. In grade pay and proposed minimum pay some error is there. It may be corrected.
There are several judgements pronounced by courts. All are in support of staff side. The 7th cpc must get it implemented by govt. The 7th cpc must insists the govt. that the pending cases must be amicable settled and the judgements already pronounced by court in 'granting of MACP in promotional hierarchy' case must be implemented to all cg employees Then only revised pay structure to be fixed by 7cpc will become justified.
Dear Sir, kindly push the matter of Grade Pay of LDC/UDC which is pending since long time and almost closed. Various courts has given their judgement for grant of Grade Pay of Rs.2800/4200 to UDCs but the same is still pending for implementation. Kindly look into the matter so that we can get better Grade Pay in 7th Pay Commission. Your efforts are highly commendable. Thanks Sir You are the only person who have pushed the matter related to the upgradation of Grade Pay of LDC/UDC.
ReplyDeleteKind Regards
GDS, New Delhi
you are not posting any news on cadre review of admn / hindi staff forthe last somany years. whether shall we get the cadre review during the life time or before retirement.you are not making any effots to fill the vacant posts 16 to 17 posts of assistant posts or why donot you try to get the information via rti, you are hanging only to ldc /udc gp issue leaving behind the issues of assistants and oL staff . what is happening .try to give the latest news
ReplyDeleteAccording to our information the file of Cadre restructuring of the Administrative Staff is pending with Department of Expenditure (DoE). Earlier, DoE had returned the file twice for clarification on some of the related issues same was clarified. But it is come to know that the file is being returned again for clearance of some more doubts.
DeleteAs regards the promotion of UDC to Assistant the case is pending due to non-finalization of merger of the posts of OS/Assistant.
I have sent an application to MoS&PI under RTI for getting the information regarding the latest postion of Cadre restructure of Administrative/Hindi Staff, progress of merger of OS/Assistant, Status of recruitment rule of AO etc. The reply will be communicated to you all as soon as it received from the Department.
TKR Pillai
thank you for the information.HIndi translators have been granted 5500- scale in dhananjay kumar singh case and some translators have also approached cat nagpur for implementation of 5500 case they have won , basing on the judgement we have representations, but it is pain to say that so far there is no response from fod hqrs, we will forced to approach cat for the implementation of the above judgements. You should give more stress on creation of more posts sr. transaltrors at zonal level and deputy director level at hqrs level. if u are having any information on no. of sr. translators and assistant director ol, pl shrare the inforamtion
DeleteSir, I appreciate your services to the Central Govt. Staff. We are all with you in your endeavours. Sir, Please note that Stenographers Gr. III cadre has been abolished and recruitment is being made for Stenos Gr. II. But the Grade Pay has not been changed for Gr.III but they have been classified as Gr.II. I can't understand how the Govt. is paying the abolished cadre's grade pay to Gr. II stenos. Please fight for Rs. 4200/- Grade Pay for Stenos Gr.III who have been classified as Gr.II.
ReplyDeleteThere is a big gap between CSSS stenos' pay and sub-ordinate offices stenos' pay. Please fight for that also.
Thank You.
Jawahar Lal
What you have explained in your comment is wright. I request you to add the point on ACP/MACP or minimum 5 promotions to all LDC and UDC's in the departmental hierarchical.
ReplyDeleteDear sir, i am very confuse. Hindi typist post ko official language me kyo nahi rakha gaya? Hindi typist hindi lauguage ke kaam karta hai fir bhi es post ka future itna dark rakha gaya hai. Hindi typist ka na to grade pay sahi hai nahi koi promotion hai. Es post ka further promotion ke bare me kuch point plus kare sir.
ReplyDeleteSir I am agree with your proposal of LDC udc grade pay I.e 2800 and 4200.
ReplyDeleteIs there any hope for upgradation of Grade pay of LDC / UDC as this issue is pending very long time? The present status of the case. All LDC/UDC are still in hope that we will definitely get the this grade pay with great efforts of Mr. TKR Pillai. Sir, kindly write one fresh to the DOPT to look into the matter. In addition to this the issue related to grant of MACP in the grade pay of next promotional post the same is still pending in spite of various judgement given by the Hon'ble courts.
Respected Pillai ji, Kindly intimate about the latest news on upgradation of LDC/UDC grade pay Rs.2800/4200 or any good news for upgradation of grade pay of LDC/UDC. We are very much upset due non grant of handsome Grade Pay comparable to others. Please reply as soon as possible. You are the only person sir who is defending this matter since long time.
New Delhi
Respected Shri. TKR Pillai ji, I am working in MES. I really thank you from the bottom of my hearts for your selfless efforts for the betterment of clerical staff. Lets hope for better career aspects after 7th pay commission. In MES all the administrative officers' posts are occupied by Engineer officers, depriving clerical cadre from promotions. Please guide our association in overcoming this problem.
ReplyDeleteMES Association should take up the issue with the higher authorities. You can insist the Administration to create a separate administrative hierarchy and fill the posts belong to the administrative hierarchy from the eligible administrative staff only and in case eligible person in the administrative hierarchy is not available to fill a higher post, then the post may be filled through deputation basis till a person in the Administrative hierarchy become eligible to get promotion to the post.
DeleteAs per work load the deserving grade pay for LDC is 2800/- and UDC is 4200/-. Anything less than this will be injustice. I think all associations must project this.
ReplyDeletesir, In this regards, i m informing Ldc grade pay. which is the post H.S. competed with 50 % of all ldc staffs. 50% should be involve in issues for ldc/udc gtade pay.
Dear Pillai Sir,
ReplyDeleteLets hope for better career aspects after 7th pay commission. I am agreeing with Association's proposal of LDC/UDC GP 2800/4200. But as was given by Rajasthan Govt., we shall be more than happy if the GOI atleast grants the GP of 2400 to LDCs and 2800 to UDCs w.e.f. 1.1.2006 and make the payment of arrears of pay in Cash.
You proposed In chapter VII, 7.1, Sl.No. 5 & 6 the proposed minimum pay & grade pay for section Officer is 4800 and 74000, but for Admn.Officer 4600 and 88000. The minimum pay for S.O. is lesser than A.O. but GP is higher. It is an error. Please correct it.
ReplyDeleteYou must suggest the 7CPC to insist the Govt. to implement the judgements on MACP to be granted on promotional hierarchy to all CG employees. Then only the pay revised by 7CPC will become applicable without any disparity.
In NSSO Offices at present Section Officer is not available. The Grade Pay of Administrative Officer in our Organisation much less than a Section Officer i.e. Rs. 6500/ Whereas as per JCM Staff Side Proposal an administrative Officer's Grade Pay should be more than that a Section Officer. Thus we proposed the creation of the post of Section Officer with Rs. 4800 and up-gradation of Section Officer to Administrative Officer (Class I Post) after completion 4 years.
DeleteThe Grade pay of Administrative Officer Rs. 6500 as given above may please be read as 4600/
DeletePresent & proposed scale/Gr.Pay for LIAs is not correct. The present Gr. Pay of LIA is R.4200/- in Central Govt. & Rs.4600/- in Kendriya Vidyalayas & other school Libraries. The same was contested in Anomaly Committee & yet to be settled. Therefore the proposed scale/Gr.Pay for LIAs should be Rs.4600/- in VII CPC.
ReplyDeleteRespected Sir, I am also working in MES (MILITARY ENGINEER SERVICES). Thanks a lots for your endeavours. Sir please guide our association in terms of cadre review also. From past 10 years its a long pending issue inspite of protracted correspondence between different ministries and department. We are now feeling helpless. Please honour us with your guidance.
ReplyDeleteMES walo ki association so rahi hai kya.
ReplyDeleteakhiir.....kab milegi LDC/ UDC ko insaaf. .......
ReplyDeleteGood recommendation for Official Language Staff
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