07/11/SH NEWS

Upgradation of Grade Pay of LDC/UDC: Date of next hearing is 01/04/2020.

Flash message

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001

Ref: Confd/AIC/2019                                                                                           Dated : 17-12-2019

Notice is hereby given for the 26th National Conference of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers at Nagpur on 7th & 8th February 2020 to discuss the following agenda.
1.      Confirmation of the minutes of the 25th National Conference held at Chennai from 16th to 18th August, 2016.
2.      Presentation, discussion and adoption of
          (a)     Report for the period 2016-19.
          (b)     Accounts for the period 2016-19.
3.      7th CPC related issues and common demands of Central Government Employees- Review and Future course of action.
4.      Implementation of the 2020 January 8th General Strike decision of Confederation.
5.      Amendment to the Constitution, if any; (proposal from the delegates must reach the CHQ before 15-01-2020).
6.      Presentation, discussion and adoption of Resolution on Policy and Programme.
7.      Consideration and adoption of Resolutions on demands (Draft resolutions must reach CHQ by 31-01-2020).
8.      Election of office bearers i.e. Members of the National Secretariat.
9.      Appointment of Auditor.
10.    Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.

Detailed programme notice will follow.
The Reception Committee set up by the Host Unit, the Confederation Vidarbha Region, Nagpur, will intimate the other arrangements in connection with the Conference. Delegate fee shall be Rs. 1000 per delegate.
The Composition of the Conference as per the provisions of the Constitution is as under:

Article 9A - National Conference:
Shall consist of (a) members of the National Secretariat i.e. the office bearers; (b) National Executive Committee members; (c) National Council members (d) delegates selected by the respective affiliate on the basis of their paid up membership as under: -
Upto       250                    -      1                     5001-10000          -           6
                251-500            -      2                     10001-20000        -           8
                501-1000          -      3                     20001-50000        -           12
                1001-5000        -      4                                                    
For every additional members exceeding 50000 one delegate for every 10000 members subject to a maximum of 20.
Article 7, 9B, 9C, 9D and Clauses 6 and 7 of Part II of the Constitution are reproduced for the sake of ready reference.

Article 7 – Subscription:
Every affiliated Federation/Union/Association shall pay an annual subscription at the rate of Rs.1/- per member of the affiliated Federation/Union/Association to the Confederation CHQ within the financial year or with such extended period as decided by the National Executive.

9B - National Council:
            The National Council shall consist of (a) Office bearers (b) National Executive Committee members (c) the Chief executives (General Secretary or Secretary General as the case may be) of all affiliated Federations/Associations/Unions (in the case of NFPE, the Chief Executives of all its affiliated unions/Associations) (d) the Secretaries of all State Committees.

9C - National Executive Committee:
            The National Executive shall consist of (a) Office bearers (i.e. members of the National Secretariat) (b) one member nominated by the affiliated Associations/Federation having paid up membership of more than three thousand and who are not represented in the National Sectt. as an office bearer.

9D - National Secretariat shall consist of the elected office bearers.
Clause 6 of Part II. Each State Committee shall have five delegates in the National Conference who have the right to participate in the deliberations and other activities of the National Conference but shall not have the right to vote. The Secretary of each of the Sate Committee shall be the delegates to the National Conference and shall also be the member of the National Council and shall have the right to vote as a Delegate/Councilor.

Clause 7. of Part II. Each State Committee of the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers shall remit Rs. 1000/- per year to be eligible for sending the State Secretary as a delegate to the National Conference. For every additional one thousand rupees remitted per annum (subject to a maximum of Rs. 5000 per annum) the State Committee shall be eligible to depute one associate member for every additional one thousand rupees remitted.

                                                                                                         (M. Krishnan)
                                                                                                     Secretary General

1. All Members of the National Secretariat, National Executive Committee and National Council (By Speed Post)
2.  All affiliates and the State Committees.

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