Friday, September 30, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
24-September-2016 10:35 IST
Understanding Minimum Wages and Bonus
A minimum wage is the lowest remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers or it is the price floor below which workers may not sell their labour.
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*Bandaru Dattatreya |
The concept of minimum wages first evolved with reference to remuneration of workers in those industries where the level of wages was substantially low as compared to the wages for similar types of labour in other industries. As far back as 1928, the International Labour Conference of International Labour Organization, at Geneva, adopted a draft convention on minimum wages requiring the member countries to create and maintain a machinery whereby minimum rates of wages can be fixed for workers employed in industries in which no arrangements exist for the effective regulation of wages and where wages are exceptionally low. Also, at the Preparatory Asian Regional Labour Conference of International Labour Organisation held at New Delhi in 1947 and then at the 3rd session of the Asian Regional Labour Conference, it was approved that every effort should be made to improve wage standards in industries and occupations in Asian Countries, where they are still low. Thus, the need of a legislation for fixation of minimum wages in India received an impetus after World War II, on account of the necessity of protecting the interest of demobilized personnel seeking employment in industries.
The justification for statutory fixation of minimum wage is obvious. Such provisions which exist in more advanced countries are even necessary in India, where workers’ organizations are yet poorly developed and the workers’ bargaining power is consequently poor.
To provide for machinery for fixing and revision of minimum wages a draft Bill was prepared and discussed at the 7th session of the Indian Labour Conference in November, 1945. Thereupon the Minimum Wages Bill was introduced in the Central Legislative Assembly. The Minimum Wages Bill having been passed by the Legislature received the assent on 15th March, 1948. It came on the Statute Book as the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
The Act provides for fixation by the appropriate Governments of minimum wages for employments covered by Schedule to the Act. The Central Government is the appropriate Government in respect of 45 scheduled employments in the Central Sphere. The minimum wages fixed for Central sphere are applicable to the scheduled employments in the establishments under the authority of Central Government, railway administrations, mines, oil-fields, major ports or any corporation established by a Central Act. Employments other than the scheduled employment for Central Sphere come under the purview of the State Government and accordingly State Government wages are applicable in such employments. The minimum wages for Central Sphere are revised from time to time based on the increase in Consumer Price Index effective from April and October.
According to Section 3(1)(b) of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, “the appropriate government shall review at such intervals, as it may think fit, such intervals not exceeding five years, the minimum rates of wages so fixed and revise the minimum rates if necessary.
The norms recommended by the Indian Labour Conference, in 1957, fox fixing the minimum wages are: (a) consumption units for one wage earner; (b) minimum food requirements of 2700 calories per average Indian adult; (c) clothing requirements of 72 yards per annum per family; (d) rent corresponding to the minimum area provided for under Government’s Industrial Housing Scheme; and (e) fuel, lighting and other miscellaneous items of expenditure to constitute 20% of the total minimum wage.
In 1991, the Hon’ble Supreme Court delivered a historic judgement and directed that children’s education, medical requirement, minimum recreation including festivals/ceremonies, provision for old age, marriage etc. should further constitute 25% of the minimum wage and be used as a guide in fixation of minimum wage.
The Act envisages appointment of an Advisory Board, by the appropriate Government, for the purpose of advising the appropriate Government in the matter of fixing and revising minimum rates of wages.
The Central Government revises the wages in the scheduled employments from time to time in accordance with the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. Draft Notifications for all the Scheduled Employments in the Central Sphere were issued on 1st September, 2016 simultaneously, in fact for the first time. The basic rate of minimum wages for an unskilled worker in the scheduled employment other than agriculture has been proposed at Rs.350 in Area ‘C’ from the current minimum wage (basic wage + variable dearness allowance) of Rs.246 resulting in an increase of about 42%. The basic rate of minimum wages for an unskilled worker in the scheduled employment “agriculture” has been proposed at Rs.300 in Area ‘C’ from the current minimum wage (basic wage + variable dearness allowance) of Rs.211 resulting in an increase of about 42%.
The proposed revision in the rates of basic minimum wages would indeed provide much needed solace to the labour fraternity.
Bonus payment is an extra payment given for doing one's job well also known as performance-related pay or pay for performance.
The practice of paying bonus in India appears to have originated during First World War when certain textile mills granted 10% of wages as war bonus to their workers in 1917. In certain cases of industrial disputes demand for payment of bonus was also included. In 1950, the Full Bench of the Labour Appellate Tribunal evolved a formula for determination of bonus. A plea was made to raise that formula in 1959. At the second and third meetings of the eighteenth Session of Standing Labour Committee (G.O.I) held in New Delhi in March/ April 1960, it was agreed that a Commission be appointed to go into the question of bonus and evolve suitable norms. A Tripartite Commission was set up by the Government of India to consider in a comprehensive manner, the question of payment of bonus based on profits to employees employed in establishments and to make recommendations to the Government. The Government of India accepted the recommendations of the Commission subject to certain modifications. To implement these recommendations the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 was enacted, which came into force on 25-9-1965.
The objective of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 is to provide for the payment of bonus to the persons employed in certain establishments on the basis of profits or on the basis of production or productivity and for matter connected therewith.
It applies to (i) Every Factory; and (ii) Every other establishment in which 20 or more persons are employed on any day during an accounting year subject to the exemptions under section 32. Every employee shall be entitled to be paid by his employer in an accounting year, bonus, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, provided he has worked in the establishment for not less than thirty working days in that year. While the minimum bonus is 8.33% of the salary or wage earned by the employee during the accounting year, the maximum bonus is 20% of such salary or wage.
Two ceilings are available under the said Act generally known as eligibility limit and calculation ceiling respectively. Clause 13 of Section 2 of Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 defines an employee based on salary or wage per mensem. This is usually taken as the “eligibility limit” for computation of bonus. Similarly, Section 12 of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 provides for calculation of bonus of an employee based on salary or wage per mensem. This is known as “calculation ceiling”.
The two ceilings are revised from time to time to keep pace with the price rise and increase in the salary structure. At present, the calculation ceiling has been enhanced to Rs.7000 or the minimum wage for the scheduled employment, as fixed by the appropriate Government, whichever is higher and the eligibility limit has been enhanced to Rs.21,000/-.
Due to this revision, additional 55 lakh workers would be benefited. This would indeed, be a good gesture on the part of the Government towards the labour fraternity.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Implementation of recommendation of 7th CPC – Fixation of Pay and Payment of arrears in respect of - (a) Autonomous organisations (b) Central Government Employees who are working in Autonomous bodies on deemed deputation.
Click here to view - Letter to Secretary (Expenditure), Ministry of Finance
Click here to view - Letter to Secretary (Expenditure), Ministry of Finance
Friday, September 23, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016

No. CONF/SECTT/2016-19 Dated - 23.08.2016
It is hereby notified that the National Secretariat meeting of the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers will be held on 30thSeptember, 2016 (Friday) at 10.30 AM at NFPE office, New Delhi (North Avenue Post Office building). All CHQ office bearers of Confederation and Women Sub Committee office bearers (not women sub-committee members) are requested to attend the meeting in time. The following shall be the agenda of the meeting.
1. Review of the 25th National Conference of Confederation held at Chennai from 16th to 18th August 2016.
2. Review of the National Women’s Convention held at Chennai on 17th August 2016.
3. Review of the 2nd September 2016 General Strike – Campaign conducted and percentage of participation of membership in the strike in each organization/State.
4. Review of the progress made in settlement of NJCA Charter of Demands including increase in minimum wage and fitment formula as per assurance of Group of Ministers.
5. Finalization of dates and charter of demands of Confederation for implementing the agitational programmes decided in the 25th National Conference.
6. Issues relating to the affiliated organisations.
7. Financial Review.
8. Any other items with permission of the chair.
Yours faithfully,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
1. All National Secretariat Members (Office Bearers)
2. Office Bearers of the Women’s Sub Committee
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Dear Comrade President, distinguished
guests and delegates,
On behalf of the Association I welcome you all in the 11th
conference of the Association. After the
last conference held at Nagpur on 21 & 22/02/2015 several developments,
affecting negatively to the working class and common man, were occurred due to continuous
expansion of market economic policies in the country. Aggressive disinvestment
of Profit making public sector units and contractorisation of work force in
Government offices with an intention to provide cheep labour to the corporate
is being done continuously. Decision for 100% FDI in Difence & the railways
has been taken. Working hours are being increased and trade Union rights
curtailed. And in order to divert the anger of crores of unemployed youth and
sufferings of common man, division of the society on communal and caste line is
being done. It is a proven fact that
market economy is benefited to only the rich that make less than 20% of the
Indian society and these section get support from the ruling classes for greater
exploitation of the working people and common man.
I put hereunder the brief accounts of these events together with the progress of the
matters put up by our Association to the Authorities concerned in the
intervening period.
This association pays respectful homage
to all the renowned dignitaries/leaders of working class, passed away during
the intervening period and dips our banner in their memory. Our profound
sympathy goes to those bereaved by the loss of their near and dear ones due to
terrorist attacks and natural calamities during the period.
Despite of the
continuous efforts by the capitalist countries, the global
economic crisis, commenced with the great recession in the year 2008, continues.
In order to come out of the crisis, the ruling class shifts the burden to the
shoulders of common people. As a result, live and livelihood and hard earned
rights of the people are under attack; working hours is being increased; the
act of wage cut and austerity measures intensified. This is aggravating the unemployment
situation and evoking widespread protests by workers, students and youth world
The World Economics and Prospects
released by the United Nations in December 2015 denotes the growth slow-down of
the world economy from 4% to 2%, warned that there is a risk of another round
of recession. The report says that developed economies of the US, Europe and
Japan taken together would grow only at less than 2%.
Capitalist model of development has
resulted in obscene levels of inequality and disparity with 62 richest people
owing wealth equal to that of half of world’s population. The wealth owned by
the poorest 50% of population dropped by 41% between 2010 and 2015. In India, richest
1% Indian’s own 53% of country’s wealth, while top 10% rich own 76.3%. Unemployment,
particularly among youth, especially among educated youth, has been on the rise
to an alarming proportion. The demand of the trade unions to reduce working
hours to 35 hours a week and working day to comprise four shifts, as a means
for employment generation and an immediate measure to address the serious
unemployment situation in the world, was not acceded by the capitalist
Governments. At the same time huge concessions and tax exemptions are being
extended to corporate and financial institutions that are responsible for the
On the other hand, imperialist countries
led by United States are using all means-economic, military and political
forces- to impose its supremacy on entire world. As a part of this strategy
they wanted to control the resources of rich countries, especially the oil rich
countries. The war in Afghanistan and Iraq and military interventions in Libya,
Syria and Yemen- all are the strategy of the US to control these oil rich
countries. Despite of all these efforts, economic crisis in US is deepening.
The root crisis persists in capitalist
countries is a direct outcome of the neo-liberal capitalist driven
international finance capital and the finance capital driven globalization. It
is to b e noted that compared to US led capitalist economies, major developing
countries have registered a relatively higher growth rate since the great
recession in the year 2008 because in developing countries major Industries,
banks and other important sectors are still under the control of Government. The
global economic crisis has exposed the inherent limitations of not only the
neo-liberal policies of globalization but also
the capitalist system itself, which can never be immune from such
crisis. It is a systemic crisis that is deeply rooted in the intrinsic laws of
capitalist system.
On the other hand, the increasing
discontentment and anger of the people against the widening disparities have
led to their growing participation in struggles to protect their working
conditions and livelihoods. Increasing sections of the people - workers,
peasants, youth, unemployed, and women - are getting gradually disillusioned
with the capitalist model of development. Working class across the world is
engaged in bitter struggles against such attacks. The entire capitalist countries
resound with militant strikes and mobilizations with the participation of
hundreds of thousands of workers across Europe, the USA, Asia and Africa. The
latest is the massive more than a million rally in Paris against the
anti-working people policies pursued by the French Govt. The exist of Britain
from European Union (Brexit) is embroiled in a huge debate spilling over into
the whole of Europe. The ongoing presidential election process in the USA is
also throwing up many vital issues affecting the ordinary people. More and more
people are raising their voice against the most obscene disparity and
inequality imposed on them. All these show the propaganda that “capitalism is
the end of history and there is no alternative” has lost its relevance and
charms and the slogan “socialism is the alternative” has become the present day
reality in many countries.
There has been a growth in virulent
forms of Fundamentalism and sectarian chauvinism around the world. The recent
period has seen the rise of ISIS and other extremist forces in West Asia, Boko
Haram in Nigeria, Islamic Fundamentalist in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and
North Africa, Buddhist Chauvinist Groups in Sri Lanka and Myanmar and extreme
right wing parties in Europe. These are both products of imperialist
intervention and a result of the retreat from universal progressive values.
It seems that the BJP led NDA Government
is pursuing the same globalization-liberalization policies of UPA with
increased zeal. It is to be noted that BJP was vehemently opposing these
policies, terming it as anti people when it was in opposition. The Finance
Minister of UPA II had confessed that the public sectors of India saved the
country from economic down fall when a severe economic melt faced the
capitalist world and yet the Government is adamant on its privatization on the
pressure of the Capitalist economic organisations.
The Union budget for 2016-17 reaffirmed
the pro-rich approach of the present Government. Reduction in corporate taxes
and giving more concessions for foreign capital accompanied with slashing of
public expenditure on welfare measures, health and educational outlays confirms
the same. Policy for massive cut in Non Plan Expenditure is being framed. On
the other hand, implementation of the neo-liberal policies worsened the
conditions of working people on the one hand and the vicious attempts to weaken
the struggles against these policies by dividing people on the basis of
religion, caste etc. thereby disrupt their unity, on the other.
Agricultural income has registered
negative growth during the last year. As a result unemployment, especially
rural unemployment, has grown significantly in 2015. The last quarter of 2015
has recorded virtually a negative growth of employment. There is no let up in
the rising prices of food articles with prices of all essential items which
brought the life more difficult for ordinary people. During the period under
report the country has witnessed severe agrarian crisis; 18 out of 29 states
were affected by drought; Farmers’ suicide rose sharply. In Maharashtra alone
between January and October 2015, 2580 farmers committed suicide, the highest
number since 2001. But NDA Government closed
its eye to the sufferings of the farmers. It did not raise minimum support
price of crops substantially. Moreover, the Government has not made any
increase in the allocations under the MGNREGA despite of the fact that such
increase would have been reduced the increased suicides.
In order to implement the
neo liberal policies in favour of Corporate NDA Government started amending and
diluting the labour laws. Some BJP state Governments like Rajasthan, Madhya
Pradesh and Maharashtra have already amended labour laws by which workers
rights have been curtailed and the employers given a free hand for closure,
lock-outs and “hire and fire” as a result under the neo-liberal regime permanent employment has come down sharply. And
the number of contract workers and casual labourers reached alarming proportion.
Pandit Jawaharlal
Nehru, the architect of the modern India, called the public sector is the temples of
modern India. But the present NDA Government is
bowed to hand over these temples to the corporate at throw away prices. And
Government is going ahead with disinvestment of shares of highly profit making
public sector undertakings forcefully, the target of sale for the current
financial year is fixed at Rs. 54000 crores. Navaratna and Maharatna PSUs like
SAIL, BHEL, and NALCO etc. have been shortlisted for disinvestment. Shares of
Oil India Ltd., NMDC, Power grid Corporation, Power Finance Corporation and
NTPC have been sold out despite stiff resistance from the Unions. Besides,
the NITI Ayog has been made to submit a list of PSUs to Prime Minister’s office
recommending fast-track sale of those companies on various pretext, which
includes Air India, FACT, Chennai Petroleum, Madras Fertilizers etc. The fast-track
selling out of the PSUs with its huge asset base to private hands has been
strongly protested by all Central Trade Unions and organized agitational
programmes in which the amendment of labour law and other issues affecting
people was also opposed.
The Rights and benefits
of Central Government employees are under attack. Major departments like
Railways, Defence and Posts are under the threat of Corporatisation and
Privatisation. NDA Govt. has allowed 100% FDI in Railways and Defence sector.
Downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation, New Pension Scheme etc. are the
neo-liberal policy offensives being implemented in Central services. 7th Pay
Commissions and the NDA Government have betrayed 35 lakhs Central Government
employees and 40 lakhs pensioners.
Prices of Petroleum
products including diesel have already been deregulated which had resulted in
price rise of almost all commodities. Prices of natural gas have also been
hiked to give undue benefit to national-multinational companies. Subsidies on
food, fertilizers and fuel through price-control are either removed or
minimized. And the public distribution
system has been dismantled together with. As a result, the prices
of essential commodities continuously rising that made the life of working
people and common man miserable
The Central Trade
Unions have come together and continuing their joint struggle against the
neo-liberal policies of the NDA Government such as price rise, job losses,
unemployment, labour law amendments, denial of minimum wage for unorganized
workers, attack on social security including pension, disinvestments etc. 15
crores workers participated in the country-wide general strike on 2nd September
2015, against the anti-people and anti-labour policies of the NDA Government
Whereas the number of people participated in the strike on 2nd
September 2016 swelled to 18 crores.
These have been the biggest protest action by the working class of India, in
recent times.
Even though the working
class is the creation of capitalist system, it has the inherent capacity to wipe
out the capitalist system itself. Due to increased exploitation by the capitalist
bosses, the conflict between these classes increases day by day. Instances of
the struggle of workers against the ruling class on EPFO issue is before us. It
is to be noted that Government of India has
not prepared to listen to the demands of representatives of Central Board of
Trustees to withdraw the notification, amending the rules for withdrawal from
EPFO. But the Government has to withdraw the same unconditional following the
spontaneous outburst of workers in different parts of the country including
Bengaluru and Vishakhapatanam.
Mean while it order to
divert the anti employee/anti people policies of the NDA Government which
include the price rise, alarming unemployment situation, cut of real wage in
favour of corporate, retreat of government from welfare programmes, frequent
suicide of farmers etc, the right wing organisations supporting the religious
fundamentalist organization involve aggressive activities to create terror in
the minds of dalits, minority and common people of this country. Giving more
importance to cow than a human being, they make cow issue much sensational and
target minorities, dalits and working people. The brutal killing of Mohd Akhlaq
after having spread of keeping beef, attack on Dalits in Una of Gujarat etc,
forcing the dalit research scholar Rahit Vemula in Hyderabad
University to suicide and the recent attack of right wing group on minority
street vendors in Haryana- all these are speaking examples of these right
wing’s atrocities. Moreover, Efforts are
being made to communalise education system and cultural policies. Hindutwa
outfits carried out their vicious campaign against intellectuals, writers and
artists who stood for secular and progressive values and opposed the communal
ideology of dividing the people. All those section that differ their views from that
of the Government are being branded as “anti-national”. However, we see,
working class, intellectuals, dalits and various sections joined together to
oppose these anti working class and anti democratic polices. The ongoing
struggles to protect their rights are the very examples of the resistance.
Moreover, writers and artists across the board, belonging to various languages,
voiced their protests and returned their awards which were given to them for
their intellectual contribution. Thus the struggle between the secular,
democratic forces and the communal forces is getting intensified
Confederation of Central Government
Employees & Workers has raised the issue of 5 year pay commissions for the Central
Government Employees and demanded 7th pay commission from 01/01/2011.
In this respect a memorandum with 15 points charter of demands was submitted to
Prime Minister in the month of January 2011. Thereafter, a series of
agitational programmes were organized which include massive Parliament March
and one-day strike on 12-12-2012. Due to the unprecedented success of the
programmes, on one hand confederation
has decided to continue the agitational programmes that compelled the Railway and
defense leaders to sit together to
discuss the issues confronting the Central Govt. employees including
appointment of 7th CPC on the other. Accordingly, representatives of AIRF,
AIDEF have and decided to forge a Joint Council of Action (NJCA) to purse the demands
of Central Government employees.
Since common agitational programmes
under NJCA were not taking momentum, confederation continued its programme in
support of 15 point charter of demand which include the proposal of the staff
side in the terms of reference of the proposed 7th CPC and organized 48 hours
nationwide strike on 12th & 13th February 2014. As a
result formal notification appointing 7th CPC was issued by the Government on
28th February 2014. Even after, government has not bothered to concede
the demands to include the terms of reference suggested by the staff side viz.
DA merger, Interim relief etc. Confederation has continued its agitational
programme which paved way for a National convention of NJCA at Delhi on 11-12-2014 and
submission of common memorandum demanding Rs. 26000 minimum pay, 5 promotion,
5% increment rate, Upgradation of the post of LDC & UDC and granting Rs.
2800 Grade Pay etc Confederation has succeeded in projecting its very positive
role in the matters of central government employees issues especially the issue
related to the 7th pay commission. And due to continuous efforts of
NJCA 7th pay commission was ready to submit its report within the stipulated
time i.e., 28th Aug 2015, Government forcefully granted four months extension to
the commission, thereby the finance ministry pressurized the commission not to
recommend wage rise on the basis of a sound and scientific formulation.
As a result, Minimum pay Rs. 26000,
demanded by the staff side on the basis of Dr. Aykroyd’s formula, is reduced to
Rs.18000 which is the lowest minimum pay ever any pay commission recommended.
Moreover, reduction in the percentage of HRA, abolition of 52 allowances;
discontinuance of all non-interest bearing advances; reduced pay for 2nd year
of child care leave and other anti employee
recommendations were made part and parcel of the Commission report. This
created widespread resentment among majority of central Government employees
especially group B & C employees.
No sooner than the submission of the report, NJCA met and gave a call for observing
27-11-2015 as “Black Day” by holding nationwide protest demonstrations and
rallies against the retrograde recommendations of the 7th CPC. NJCA submitted a
detailed memorandum to the Government on 10.12.2015 demanding modifications in
the 7th CPC recommendations wherein the demands of upgradation of all LDC to
the post of UDC, parity in pay scale of Administrative Staff of Central
Secretariat and subordinate offices etc were also raised.
But the implementation cell/empowered
committee constituted by the Government has not bothered for a negotiated
settlement and the issues raised by the staff side has been rejected and accordingly staff side has decided
to go with indefinite strike on 11th July 2016 and served indefinite
strike notice to Government on 09-06-2016.
In the midst, several campaign
programmes in support of 11th July strike was organized and in the
protest march organized at Jantar Mantar Delhi on 24/06/16 was participated
more than 20000 employees. On 30-06-2016 a Group of Ministers consisting the
Home Minister, Finance Minister, Railway Minister and Minister of States,
Railway held discussion with NJCA leaders and proposed to refer the issues
especially issue of Minimum Wage and
fitment formula to a committee for reconsideration.
NJCA met again on 6th July 2016. During
the discussions, the Convener received an invitation from Hon. Home Minister,
Sri. Rajnath Singh. NJCA met the Home Minister in a delegation. The issues in
the charter of demands were discussed with special reference to the 7th CPC
related demands. The NJCA brought to the notice of the Home Minister that it
has not received any communication from Government over the assurances held out
on 30th June 2016. The Home Minister assured the delegation that the Government
will honour its assurance held out to the NJCA leaders on 30th June 2016 and
accordingly Finance Minister has issued a press statement on 6th July 2016.
But a lapse of more than 2 months the
high power committee to reconsider the minimum pay and fitment formula is yet
to be constituted. On the other hand in the pre-text of considering the request
of the staff side to restore the existing percentage of HRA, Government
constituted a separate committee to consider the same and stopped the payment
of HRA in revised rates. Even though, there is no guarantee of restoring the
existing rates of HRA in the new pay scale and payment of arrear from 01/01/2016
as the government is not prepared to accept the genuine demands of the employees.
However, Confederation in its National
Conference held at Chennai has decided to go beyond with massive employees’
action and also persuade the NJCA to revive the decision of indefinite strike
if the decision of the committees does not come in favour of employees.
The defined benefit pension scheme was
replaced by the defined contributory pension scheme by the NDA Government in
2003 and made it applicable to all employees joining the Central services on or
after 01-01-2004. The major reason cited by the Government to introduce PFRDA
bill was the increase in the financial outflow in the defined benefit scheme. But
National JCM (Staff Side) and the Confederation have not accepted the scheme because
the vagaries of the stock market which will determine the quantum of pension as
such the NPS is going to make social security in old age uncertain and
dependent on market forces. It is to be noted that the committee, constituted
by the Sixth Pay Commission to go into the matter concerning financial out flow
of the Government has opined that the new scheme would not bring any decrease
in the out flow. The matter has again been put up to the 7th Pay
Commission by the Staff Side. As a result the Government has now agreed to
guarantee gratuity to the new pensioners but the central government employees under
the leader ship of NJCA & confederation will continue the struggle till the
scheme is scraped.
Confederation and NJCA have been demanding Bonus to
Central Government employees in the enhanced calculation ceiling. This has been
added as a demand in the 2nd September strike . Now the Government
has decided to give bonus in the enhanced calculation ceiling and also the arrear
for the year 2014-15 will also be paid.
7.1 Restructuring
of the Administrative Staff in NSSO Offices:
The restructuring case of Administrative Staff of NSSO
(FOD) & DPD/SDRD was initiated due to the continuous efforts of our
Association around 6 years ago. Restructuring
of DPD/SDRD has already finalized and the same is under implementation. But due
to the casual approach of the FOD Hqrs, restructuring of FOD administrative
staff could not be finalized as yet. It is to be noted that on recommendation
of 6th Pay Commission gazetted Office Superintendents with
pre-revised pay scale 5500-9000, entrusted with the duties of section officer
in FOD Regions, have been downgraded to the post of Assistant. As a result, in
several Region gazetted field staff are being engaged to discharge the duties of
section officer which affected the entire administrative as well as filed work
negatively. FOD had assured to create
post of Administrative officer in all FOD Region in place of office
superintendent through cadre restricting, but since the cadre restructuring is
not finalized so far the difficulties of the Administrative staff in FOD Region
In order to get the cadre restructuring finalized
earlier, General Secretary and President of the Association met the ADG FOD
recently who assured him of pursuing the matter for an early finalization. As per the latest position, the file of Cadre
restructuring of FOD is resubmitted to the Ministry in accordance with the
fresh guidelines issued. It is worth mentioning here that except cadre
restructuring, all basic issues of Administrative Staff of FOD, raised by our
Association has already been settled.
7.2 Merger
of the posts of LDC & UDC and upgradation of Grade Pay:
Our Association had demanded restructuring of the
Ministerial Staff including the LDC & UDC by renaming and upgradation of
grade pay during the 6th CPC.
But the Department has informed
that any change in designation and grade pay of LDC and UDC can only be made as
per a common decision to be taken by the DoPT. Later the matter was put up in
the National Anomaly Committee as an additional agenda wherein merger of LDC
& UDC posts and granting of 2800 grade pay to the merged posts was
demanded. Since no meeting of National Anomaly
Committee was conducted thereafter, the problem has not settled. In the mean
time Association has sent a letter to the Prime Minister of India stressing the
need of merger of the posts of LDC & UDC and upgradation of grade pay to
2800/. Prime Minister’s Office forwarded
the same to the Secretary DoPT for further action. Secretary DoPT has
identified it as an anomaly and forwarded the case to JCA. JCA returned the
case to DoPT with the advice to take up the matter at DoPT in consultation with
Ministry of Finance. But DoPT has returned the case to this Association with a
direction to take up the matter directly to Ministry of Finance (MoF). It is
understood that the LDC and UDC of Central Secretariat have not demanded the
upgradation of the pay scale and as such DoPT has not processed the case. Subsequently,
we sent the case to Ministry of Finance on the subject. Moreover, Secretary
General Confederation has written a
letter to the Ministry of Finance for merger and upgradation of the post of LDC
& UDC. As a result MoF has written a letter to the FA DoPT directing him to
forward the case of upgradation of Grade Pay of LDC & UDC submitted by any
Department, if any, with recommendation to Ministry of Finance. MoF has written
a separate letter to the Internal Finance of the MoS&PI for similar action.
Since the MoS&PI has not taken any positive action on the matter at their
level; we forced to file a case in the CAT Jabalpur. Government has filed
counter reply that the case is under consideration of anomaly committee and
prayed for dismissal of the case. CAT Jabalpur recently directed the Government
to submit the progress/outcome of the anomaly case of LDC to take a final
decision on the case. But the fact is that Government has not filed any anomaly
case on the matter and the case submitted to the anomaly committee was on the
initiation of this Association which was not heard so far.
Since the matter has become popular in internet, various
Associations raised the issue before the 7th Pay Commission and demanded
merger of LDC and UDC and granting Rs. 2800 Grade pay to the merged post.
Moreover, National JCM (Staff Side) at the initiation of Confederation has demanded
merger of the posts recommended Rs. 2800 Grade Pay to the merged posts of LDC
& UDC. Beside several Departments including C&AG of India has
recommended upgradation of Grade pay of LDC to Rs. 2400.
The 7th Pay Commission has turned down the
demand on the ground that the Government has stopped direct recruitment for the
clerical cadre and gradually phasing out the existing incumbents. It is
understood that the Government asked the Pay Commission to not recommended
upgraded pay scale to LDC on the ground that the Government is willing to stop
recruitment to the post of LDC. On this subject this Association has sent a
letter to the Secretary National JCM (Staff Side) as well the General Secretary
and President of Confederation. As a result, National JCM (Staff Side) in their
“suggestion and demands on the recommendations of 7th CPC” (Please
see Annexure I) has demanded upgradation of LDC to the post of UDC. Now the
Government has to take a decision on the matter. Our Association is
continuously pursuing the matter at our best and the Confederation is
continuously supporting the LDC issue.
Granting of MACP on hierarchy basis:
As per the 6th
Pay Commission recommendations Government granted 3 MACP to Group C & B
employees of Government of India. Unlike
in the ACP, which have the provision of pay scale on promotional hierarchy, the
scheme only give the next higher grade pay on granting of MACP. And the grade
pay on hierarchy will be granted on promotion to the post. For Administrative Staff, MACP scheme played
mischief with the cadres with entry grade pay Rs. 1800, 1900 & 2000. LDC is
the entry post of Ministerial cadres in the Government of India Offices with
enormous responsibility and no promotion chances till 15 to 18 years. In all
subordinate offices the work allotment to LDC & UDC has no difference. But,
on completion long 10 years service they get only Rs. 100 as MACP. Moreover, MACP is affected various group B
cadres in majority of the Departments also; Senior Statistical Officers of NSSO
(FOD) is also affected with MACP.
The matter
was put up by our Association in the Confederation’s National Executive Meeting
held at 18 January 2009. The meeting discussed the matter with its own
importance and decided to refer the matter to the Government. On subsequent efforts of the Confederation,
Government has constituted an anomaly Committee exclusively for MACP issues, in
which Com SK Vyas has been nominated as representative of Confederation. But
despite of very positive efforts no favorable decision has been arrived.
Close on
heal, Shri Rajpal of Chandigarh got MACP on promotional hierarchy consequent to
dismissal of the SLP filed by the Government on ground of late filing. However,
the DoPT has written a letter to the Registrar Principal CAT that Rajpal’s case
was not heard by the Supreme Court on merits and as such the benefit of the decision
need not be implemented to others. Subsequent to Shri Rajpal’s victory,
hundreds of cases have been filed in various courts of India. In Principle CAT
itself around one dozen cases are heard and delivered positive judgement.
Meanwhile, Government of India has filed 4 SLPs in Supreme Court against Shri
Babu Ram, Reeta Devi and Dhirendra Singh of Chandigarh and Shri Mohanan Nair of
Ernakulum in the initial stage. Since all of them are low paid employees, despite
of our repeated requests, they have decided to not contest the case because
they were not in a position to spent huge sum for the case. In this situation our Association posted a
letter in our web site, appealing to give financial help to these people to
conduct the case in Supreme Court. On 15th September 2014 a meeting
of various Associations including Gazetted Employees Associations held at New
Delhi in which a steering committee to monitor the case is constituted. In its
subsequent meetings, the steering committee has decided to collect around 10
lakhs rupees to meet the expenses of the case. In the mean time a similar
steering committee has been constituted by some central Government employees in
Ernakulum to give legal support to Shri Mohan Nair and appointed advocates to
present the case in Supreme Court. So far the legal expenses of the senior
advocate appointed for Mohanan Nair was spent by the Ernakulum people by taking
individual collection. And on the request of the Ernakulum Committee, the
steering committee has now decided to raise funds for future expenses in a
meeting held on 24/06/2016 and the collection of funds are in progress. The
next date of hearing of the case in Supreme Court is 07/11/2016. We expect a
positive decision on the matter.
7.4 Employees up to Rs. 4800
Grade Pay should be allowed to form Associations to function under JCM Scheme:
You are aware that through the DoPT
notification dated 9/3/2009, central Government Employees with Rs. 4200 and above grade pay have been
declared as group B. Taking this an advantage to keep the persons working
actively in the Association; MoS&PI had re-identified the already
identified/recognized distinct category Associations without taking these
Associations into confidence. Accordingly the Department has refused to give
recognition to the Association in its existing form because of the reason that
its General Secretary is an Assistant with 4200 Grade Pay. But all other
Departments of Government of India viz. Postal, Income Tax, AG, Ground Water
Board, Central Excise, Central Water Commission, Geological Survey of India,
Archeological Survey of India etc, employees up to Grade Pay Rs. 4800 was
allowed to function in the JCM scheme under new recognition rules and in
several of these offices administration has not disturbed the existing identified
structure of the Associations. In view of the same this Association has not
agreed to dismantle the already identified categories and accordingly the
Ministry has derecognized the Association. Thereafter, in Mumbai Meeting
Association has changed the name as All India Association of Administrative
Staff (NG) incorporating all Non Gazetted Staff including Stenographers &
MTS and a proposal for amendment of constitution was sent to the Ministry. This time also Ministry
has informed that they are ready to give recognition to the Association in its
present name but Assistant with 4200 Grade Pay would not be accepted. Now the General body meeting has to decide
the course of action to be taken for getting recognition to the Association.
7.5 Creation of Official Language staff in all
Offices with smooth promotional Channel:.
This Association has been demanding creation of the
post of official language staff (OLS) in all offices of NSSO since last several
years. Now the proposal sent by the FOD, NSSO for creation of Official Language
Staff in all Regional offices has been accepted. But the structure lakhs any promotional
channel and the same is to be taken up by the Association.
Filling up of all vacant posts of Ministerial staff:
A large number of posts of Assistant, LDC and MTS and Junior
Translators are lying vacant in various offices of NSSO especially in FOD
Regions. Against all these vacancies
outsourced staff on contract basis with nominal wage has been engaged. These
vacancies should be filled on regular basis. Necessary action need to be taken
to fill all vacancies on regular basis immediately.
7.7 Sanction of additional Ministerial posts
in the offices where DDG posted:
post of Deputy Director has been replaced with DDG as controlling officer
almost in all Regions of the FOD and DP Centres. DDG post is equal to the equal
to the rank of the Joint Secretary entitled with various additional facilities.
He often uses the services of one Ministerial Staff
in addition to the stenographer attached with him, to assist him in day to day
matters. This increases the burden of
the already burdened limited Ministerial Staff in the Regional
Offices. Thus additional posts of
Ministerial staff are required to be sanctioned to the Regions where DDGs are
7.8 Creation of Ministerial Staff in SROs of FOD:
Assistant Directors have been posted as in charge in several of the
Sub-Regional Offices of FOD. The post of Assistant Director shall be replaced
with the present in Charge SO in all SRO in the coming days. Naturally the administrative activities will
increase in the SROs consequent to the appointment of a Class I Officer there and
such posts of Ministerial Staff should be created in SROs to cop up the
increased administrative work.
7.9 Filling up of the vacant posts of LDC by promotion of
qualified MTS as a one
time measure:
The erstwhile group D Staff has
been renamed as group C by the Government of India following the recommendation
of 6th Pay Commission but the chances of promotion to educationally
qualified among them become bleak even though training on administrative
matters have been imparted to them. In
the office council meeting conducted in Bhopal, our Association had put up an
agenda item related to this section and demanded promotion of all group D
officials who have passed Departmental Examination as a one time measure. The
demand was considered and accordingly several of the MTS passed Departmental
Examination have been promoted to the post of LDC. But a reasonable number of
educationally qualified MTS are yet to be considered for promotion due to
limitation in promotional quota. In view of the above, the President and
General Secretary of the Association met ADG FOD recently and demanded filling
up of vacant posts of LDC by the trained MTS, who assured to consider the
demand and the Association will pursue the matter.
7.10 Conduct of JCM (DC) Meeting:
The Department had notified
the conduct of 100th meeting of the Departmental Council on 3rd
June 2009. Accordingly our Association had sent agenda items to discuss in the
meeting. But the meeting has been
postponed indefinitely. As per CCS (RSA) Rule 1993, Junior Statistical Officers
of SSS should be identified as a distinct category for formation of Association
under JCM scheme. But in order to keep them away from the JCM activities
Ministry has allowed them merge with the Association of Gazetted Senior
Statistical Officers. On the other hand, our Association has not granted
recognition on the pretext of inclusion of Assistant as members of the
Association. But this Association has
not accepted the decision in view of the fact that all the departments of
Government of India except Ministry of Statistics & Programme
Implementation have taken all Non Gazetted Staff as distinct category to
consider recognition under JCM Scheme. Now we have to decide what action is to
be taken to get the Association recognized.
7.11 Compassionate appointment:
Confederation demanded the Central
Government to give compassionate appointment to the family members of those who
died in harness by reviving the compassionate appointment scheme. Though the
Government has decided to give compassionate appointment on the 5% of the total
direct recruitment posts instead of the existing ceiling of 5% of the posts
filled, it is insufficient and as such Confederation has demanded the removal
of ceiling on compassionate appointment and the demand is under consideration
of the Government. Since vacancies of
Group C and D category employees are counted for granting appointment on
compassionate ground, in NSSO Offices the chances of getting compassionate
appointment become grim as 90% of the total strength in the NSSO offices are
categorized as group B.
7.12 Training of Ministerial Staff in ISTM/Zonal Training Centre
of FOD:
Consequent to the Government
of India instruction to not confirm the probation of a direct recruited
employee until he is trained in ISTM or other recognized training institutes,
all the Departments of Government of India Ministry of statistics are compelled
to conduct periodical training programme to Administrative Staff. All of us are
aware that this Association has been demanding for training of Administrative
Staff in ISTM.
The Zonal Training centre of
FOD are conducting training to Administrative Staff occasionally but the
quality of the same is very poor. Previously Deputy Director (Admn), Senior
Administrative Officers etc were called to give lecture on various subjects
which was discontinued later. Thus
inviting guest lecturers from out side or from Hqrs/Regional Offices should be
considered to bring quality of the training conducted in the Zonal Training
Educationally qualified MTS
staff, already been trained in administrative matters to upgrade the post from
the erstwhile Group D to Group C and doing the duties Administrative Staff
should also be nominated for administrative training in Zonal Office.
7.13 Other major issues:
In addition to the above,
Association has taken up all the issues which have been raised by the
Units/members from time to time. The issues not included in the report/Agenda
items should also be discussed and decided in the meeting for further
action. All delegates should put up
grievances which have not reflected in these documents directly in the General
Body Meeting for discussion.
Website of the Association:
The website of All India Association of
Administrative Staff is updated daily with the news of our Association issues as
well as the Central Government employees’ movement and also posted all
circulars and other important documents regularly. Our website as on date is
the most popular web site of any of the central government employees’
organisation and draws an average 2750 viewer ship per day at present as a result
more than 25 lakhs persons visited in our website so far. This is due to the reason
that administrative staff of all Ministries visit our web site following the
issues raised by us viz. LDC UDC, MACP etc become popular.
9. Amendment of constitution:
In order to give member ship to all Non
Gazetted Administrative Staff of NSSO Offices, amendments of the existing
constitution was made in the Mumbai General Body Meeting and submitted to the
Ministry. Ministry informed that the change of the name of the Association will
be accepted in case the provision for membership to Group B staff is removed
but we had not accepted to change proposed by the Ministry. Thus the
Association has not get recognition so far. Still we are in the view that
primary membership to group B non gazetted staff need not be discontinued
because they are the same interest group under which a distinct category is
framed under CCS (RSA) Rules 1993. However, in order to get recognition to the
Association, these group B employees need not be elected to any post of office
bearers in the central executive committee and accordingly the constitution can
be amended.
10. Organizational
During the period since last General
Body Meeting we failed to do any organizational activity at grass root level. Annual
subscription has not deducted from Pay roll. Most of the Units not carry
forward the call of the Association even when the Association was recognized on
the grounds that the majority Field Staff is not involved in such activities.
And for the call given after the de-recognition units did not conducted any
programme at their level on the reason that Association is not recognized. Thus
our people always keep them away from mainstream activates that affected the
Association activities severally.
Our primary aim should be to
strengthen the Association through creation of awareness among the members. Unit Associations are to be asked to join the activities of
the Co-ordination Committees in their place since the Central Government
Employees achieve their basic demands through the united activities of the
the other hand the Office bearers and Central
Executive Committee Members of the Association have to work among the
Ministerial staff to create consciousness among them. They are responsible for the successful
implementation of the Association Programmes.
But it is painfully noted that Central Executive Committee Members have
done nothing during the period since the last General Body Meeting. The efforts
of the Association to identify active members and bring them to the mainstream
activities of the Association should be done.
Nagpur General Body Meeting:
The previous General Body meeting was
held at Nagpur in the month of February 2015 which was attended by 33 delegates
from 15 units. .
Several of the important decisions have
been taken place in the meeting which include immediate restructuring of the administrative
cadres of NSSO Offices. Later election
of the CEC was held and the following members were elected as office bearers
shown against their names:
President: Shri Sajjan Kumar, FOD Hqrs., Delhi,
Working President: Smt. V.D.
Bhatkar FOD, Pune, Vice Presidents: 1)Shri
A.I. Khan FOD, Jabalpur 2)Shri Nirmalendu Basu, SDRD Kolkata, General
Secretary: Shri TKR Pillai FOD,
Bhopal, Asstt. General Secretary: Shri
Uttam Chaterjee, DPD Hqrs, Kolkata, Joint Secretary: 1)Shri Vinod Khanwalkar, FOD, Gwalior
2) Shri Chinmoy Mallick, SDRD, Kolkata, Treasurer: Shri Sanjeev Kumar Sinha, FOD, Bhopal,
Organising Secys: 1)Shri Rajesh
Kumar, FOD Lucknow 2) Shri Ram Prasad, FOD Nagpur, 3)Smt Vijay Lasxmi, FOD Hubli 4) Shri Satish
Kumar, DPC, Nagpur 5)Shri Nagendra
Doimary, FOD, Guwahati, 6) D V Parsekar,FOD, Mumbai 7) Shri Rajeswar Kumar, DPD
Kolkata 8)Shri AQnil Lokhande, FOD, Jabalpur.
12. Financial review:
During this period despite of our best efforts,
recognition of the Association could not be materialized and as such subscription
has not deducted from pay roll. The amount at bank during closing of the last
balance sheet could not be withdrawn for these years due to operation of
account could not be resumed due to some technical points and the Association
was running without much contribution from the units. It is seen that all
Administrative Staff of NSSO Offices are in agreement that the activities of
the Association is to be continued in the interest of the Administrative Staff,
but expected contribution from them to strengthen the activities is not
getting. Thus in order to undertake its day to day activity Association need
finance and all units should send the same by collecting from the members
irrespective of the Association is recognized or not. The income and
expenditure statement for the period of this report is given separately.
13. Conclusion:
While assessing
the activities of the Association so far, we can see that several of the basic
issues put up by the Association has got positive results, a repeated
presentation of the same is not needed.
Everybody, who closely knows the working
of the Association, is highly appreciative of our sincere and uncompromising
approach and continuous persuasion of the issues put up. We have a democratic and transparent working
method. Each and every issue taken up by
the Association sends to the Units through circulars through e mail and
otherwise and also majority of these letters is posted in the web site of the
Association so that the matter may be discussed/debated extensively.
At the same time, several of
the cases taken up by the Association could not get positive result for which
there are some reasons also. Despite of our all efforts the cadre restructuring of
the administrative staff of FOD could not be materialized. Similarly merger of
the LDC & UDC proposed by us, has been discussed widely and organized a massive
campaign through internet and otherwise; but a positive result on the issue is
yet to be come up. On the other hand the issue of MACP on promotional hierarchy
initiated by our Association is still pending in the Supreme Court for final
hearing. JCM forum in our Department is not functioning for the last several
years which severely affected tracing solutions to the burning issues of our
cadres. But
without a strong Association working at grass root level nothing can be
achieved. Association appeals all Units to gear up the activities at their
level thereby strengthen the Association as well.
In fine on behalf of the Association I
convey my heartfelt thanks to you all for your participation in the General
Body Meeting. I am confident that our
Association will emerge stronger from this meeting with an increased enthusiasm
to regain the lost glory of the Association.
(TKR Pillai)
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