07/11/SH NEWS

Upgradation of Grade Pay of LDC/UDC: Date of next hearing is 01/04/2020.

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Sunday, September 27, 2015

SLP 18227/2015- Union of India & Ors Vs Rajni Kanta Deka & Ors

The 4th SLP 18227/2015 i.e. Union of India & Ors Vs Rajni Kanta Deka & Ors,  connected with SLP 21803/2014(Union of India & Ors Vs M V Mohanan Nair & Ors) was placed before the Court No. 4 of hon’ble Supreme Court on 14/9/2015 for condonation of  delay in filing the spare copies and office report. Accordingly the hon’ble Court condoned the delay and ordered to issue notice to unserved respondents, returnable after 4 weeks. Now according to case details, the case of Union of India & Ors Vs Rajni Kanta Deka & Ors is likely to be listed on 26/10/2015. Office report and case details of the case is given below:


  1. Thank you for this information But the date is erroneously displayed as 28-10-2015 in your message. Date of listing is 26-10-2015.

  2. Sir Thanks for the updation but please try to speak to the Advocates to finalise it on 26.10.2015 itself in favour of us. Thanks.

  3. Thanks Pillai Ji. I am requesting you good self that kindly discuss with the advocates of above New SLP and give them actual points which are favoring for early disposal of these SLP's. Kindly try to get the justice on 26-10-2015 it self please and dont prolong the case further.

  4. Shri Pillai Ji, also inform the advocates that points as favourable to Staff which is mentioned in paper cutting of ACP/MACP issue posted on Friday, August 21, 2015. This points if highlighted to the Supreme Court, it is very useful for us.

    1. This has already been brought to the notice of the lawyer.

    2. What is the next date of hearing in this case.

  5. thank pilla sir, pl, finalised before 7th pay commissioon

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. What is the next date of hearing in this case.

    1. Next date of hearing is 26.10.2015

  9. officer those who getting 5400 grade pay after 4 years completing 4600 GP (non functional) as per acp scheme, now they getting 6600 GP, then why we r non gazzeted employee suffering this issue. sir pillai pl. take this issue to our advocate

  10. what is the next date of hearing is it 14th October or 26th October

  11. On verification of the Supreme Court of India website the said case has not been listed on 216.10.2015 (final list) Please Pillai Sir pl.do something for us. We are eagerly waiting for a positive judgement before implementation of 7th CPC. Thanks
