07/11/SH NEWS

Upgradation of Grade Pay of LDC/UDC: Date of next hearing is 01/04/2020.

Flash message

Thursday, September 29, 2011

De-registration of DND registered mobile-regarding

Kind attention of Member/Well-wishers

According to the new TRAI Rule from September 27, message sent via group SMS does not deliver SMS to DND registered mobile numbers. All members/well-wishers, registered their mobile ‘DND’ are again requested to please de-register by texting ‘stop DND’ to 1909 or supply another mobile number which is not registered with DND, so that the SMS sent by the Association could be reached them timely.

(TKR Pillai)
General Secretary

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

De-registration of DND for delivering SMS to DND Registered mobiles-regarding.


Bhopal , dated 27/09/2011

Dear members,

Around 50% of the SMS, sent today have not been delivered because of the new rule of the TRAI. According to the new TRAI Rule from September 27, message sent via group SMS does not deliver SMS to DND registered mobile number. Thus all members, registered their mobile ‘DND’ may please de-register by texting ‘stop DND’ to 1909 so that the SMS sent by the Association could be reached you timely.

Yours sincerely

(TKR Pillai)
General Secretary

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Web Site: www.aiamshq.blogspot.com

e-mail: aiams06@yahoo.co.in

Hall No. 201 & 205, Vijay Stamb,
Zone I, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal

No. 2/Assn/GS/11,                                                                                    Bhopal,          dated 26.09.2011


The Secretary,
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,
Government of India,
New Delhi

(Through: ADG, NSSO (FOD), New Delhi)

Sub: Forwarding of the Minutes of the General Body Meeting held on 15 & 16, Sept 2011 at Mumbai and submission of the Constitution of the Association for approval.

I am enclosing herewith a copy of the minutes of the General Body Meeting of the All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted) (formerly All India Association of Ministerial Staff (Group C)), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, held on 15.09.11 & 16.09.11 at Navi Mumbai along with a copy of the audited accounts statement, duly approved by the General Body Meeting, for information and further necessary action please. The list of Office bearers and a copy of the General Body notice dated are also enclosed. A copy of the constitution duly approved by the General Body Meeting is also enclosed herewith.

It is requested to please convey the grant of special casual leave to the representatives at the earliest please.

Encl: As above

Yours faithfully

(T.K.R. Pillai)
General Secretary
Copy to:

1. The Deputy Director General, NSSO (DPD), Kolkata.
2. The Deputy Director General, NSSO (SDRD), Kolkata.

3. An advance copy of the Minutes is sent to the Secretary, MoS & PI for information please.

(T.K.R. Pillai)
General Secretary


The 9th Biennial Conference of the All India Association of Ministerial Staff (Group C) (now All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted)) was held at Belapur Mumbai from 15th to 16th September, 2011.

The meeting was held in two sessions viz. Open Session and delegate session.
(a) Open Session.

The Open Session was inaugurated by Com. R.P. Singh, Secretary, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers Maharastra State Committee. The Chief Guest on this occasion was Shri S.K. Jana, Deputy Director General, NSSO (FOD) Mumbai. Com. Jairaj KV, Secretary General, National Federation of Atomic Energy Employees (NFAEE) and Chairman, Reception Committee welcomed the Guests. The Conference was addressed by Shri R.N. Chaudhary, Head of Office, NSSO (FOD) Mumbai; Shri R.N. Yadav, Superintending Officer on behalf of the Association of Superintending Officers in Subordinate Statistical Service(SSS); Shri H.V. Rabhadia, Superintending Officer, NSSO (FOD), Mumbai; Shri Gopal Singh Palyal, President All India Association of Statistical Investigators; Com. T.R. Janardhanan, President, National Federation of Civil Accounts Association; Com. Laxman Salve, President, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers, Mumbai; Com. P.M. Warlikar & A. Sridharan, respectively President & General Secretary, Atomic Energey Workers & Staff (BARC) Union, Mumbai; Com. Sunil Kumar & Damodharan, Central Government Pensioners Association; Shri Umed Singh, President AIAMS and others.

The disastrous consequences of the liberalization, privatization and Contractorisation policies pursued by the Government and also the resistance of the working class, opposing these policies were in focus of the speeches delivered. Closure and privatization of the Government Departments, outsourcing of services, abolition of posts, New Pension Scheme etc are adversely affecting the very existence of the Government Employees. The market forces, which rule the society today, have decided to take away the facilities enjoyed by the Government Employees so far, the speakers said. Education, health care, electricity and all other essential services are becoming highly expensive due to the bad affects of the present policies. In this surcharged situation the Central Government Employees are left with no option other than resisting all these anti employee and anti people policies tooth and nail, the speakers said. They called up on all NSSO Employees to join all the action programmes of the Confederation because united action organizing all employees only can save us from the clutches of the anti people exploiters. Also, called to make the proposed 2 crores signature campaign programme called by the Confederation a grant success. The speakers called up to join the March to Parliament programme on 25th November to oppose the introduction of New Pension Scheme Bill in the Parliament.

Shri TKR Pillai General Secretary of the Association, spoke on this occasion briefed the working of the Association since its formation in the year 1993. He re-iterated the role played and the necessity of the Confederation in safeguarding the rights of the Central Government Employees in view of the increased attack on them by the Government. Shri K.V.Kandalgaonkar, convener Reception Committee proposed a vote of thanks. Smt V. D. Bhatkar, Vice President conducted the proceedings.

(b) Delegate Session (16.09.11)

Delegate Session at B.T.Randive Smarak Trust Building commenced with the welcoming of the delegates & observers to the delegate meeting of the 9th General Body Meeting by the General Secretary. The delegates/observers representing various units of the Association as mentioned below have attended in this session
1. Shri M.L. Singh Delegate NSSO(FOD), Shillong

2. Shri Vinod Khanwalkar Delegate NSSO (FOD), Gwalior

3. Shri A.H. Lokhande Delegate NSSO (FOD), Jabalpur
4. Shri A.I. Khan Delegate NSSO(FOD), Jabalpur
5. Shri Rajesh Kumar Delegate NSSO(FOD), Ranchi
6. Shri S.K. Das Delegate NSSO(FOD), Ranchi
7. Shri B.M. Gupta Delegate NSSO(FOD), Agra
8. Shri A.D. chakladhar Delegate NSSO (FOD), Kolkata
9. Shri B. Singha Delegate NSSO(FOD), Kolkata
10. Mrs. V.D. Bhatkar Delegate NSSO(FOD), Pune
11. Shri K.V. Mali Delegate NSSO (FOD), Pune
12. Shri Somendra Kumar Delegate NSSO(FOD), Patna
13. Shri S.B.K. Singh Delegate NSSO(FOD), Patna
14. Shri Amit Pandey Delegate NSSO (FOD) Lucknow
15. Shri Rajesh Kumar Delegate NSSO(FOD), Lucknow
16. Shri E.G. Devghare Delegate NSSO (FOD), Baroda
17. Shri S.C. Dhakate Delegate NSSO (FOD), Aurangaba
18. Shri J.I. Naik Delegate NSSO (FOD), Aurangabad
19. Shri TKR Pillai Delegate NSSO (FOD), Bhopal
20. Smt. Shanty Devi Mishra Delegate NSSO (FOD), Bhopal
21 Shri S.C.L. Shakya Observer NSSO (FOD), Bhopal
22. Shri Umed Singh Delegate FOD Hqrs, New Delhi
23. Shri Chandrama Ram Delegate FOD Hqrs., New Delhi
24. Shri J. Ram Delegate FOD Hqrs., New Delhi
25. Shri Ranbir singh Delegate FOD Hqrs., New Delhi
26. Shri B.D. Joshi Delegate FOD Hqrs., New Delhi
27. Shri Vikram Singh Observer FOD Hqrs., New Delhi
28. Shri P.K. Munjal Delegate NSSO (FOD), Ludhiana
29. Shri Ajay Kumar Delegate NSSO (FOD) Ludhiana
30. Shri D.V. Parsekar Observer NSSO (FOD), Navi Mumbai
31. Shri K.V. Kandalgaonkar Delegate NSSO (FOD), Navi Mumbai
32. Smt. D.D. Sawant Delegate NSSO (FOD), Navi Mumbai
33. Shri Nirmalendu Basu Delegate NSSO (DPD), Kolkata
34. Shri Uttam Chatterjee Delegate NSSO (DPD), Kolkota
35. Shri Pinaki Acharya Delegate NSSO (SDRD), Kolkata
36. Shri Dilip Kumar Naskar Delegate NSSO (SDRD) Kolkata
37. Shri Pintu Haldhar Delegate NSSO (SDRD) Kolkata
38. Shri Shekhar Debnath Delegate NSSO (SDRD) Kolkata
39. Shri Samir Kumar Dutta Delegate NSSO (SDRD) Kolkata
40. Shri Shambhu Jha Delegate NSSO (FOD), Muzaffarpur
41. Shri A.S. Dhawane Delegate NSSO (FOD) Nagpur
The following items were discussed and decided during the delegate session.

1. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous General Body Meeting.
Minutes of the last General Body Meeting held in Kolkata on 13.07.09 and 14.07.09 was presented in the meeting for its approval and the General Body Meeting unanimously approved the minutes.
2. Biennial report of the General SecretaryThereafter, General Secretary presented the biennial report on behalf of the Central Executive Committee. The report touched each and every aspect of the common problems of the Ministerial Staff of FOD, SDRD and DPD of NSSO. The report also touched major National and International events affecting the working class in the intervening period. The report was discussed in detail and adopted unanimously.

3. Presentation of Accounts
The Treasurer presented the audited accounts before the General body meeting. After a brief discussion the accounts for the period 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2011 was passed unanimously.

4. Discussion and adoption of demands/grievances of the Ministerial Staff.
4.1 Maintenance of hierarchy in MACP: LDC & UDCs are the most victims of the MACP which provide only Rs. 100/ to an LDC after completion of 10 years. LDC & UDC will send representation to the Secretary, MoS & PI, individually. If the problems are not solved they will file a case challenging the MACP Scheme. A sub-committee with the approval of the General Body Meeting has been constituted to monitor the court cases, if any, filed.

4.2 Merger of the posts of LDC & UDC & Upgradation of grade pay to Rs. 2800: The matter was discussed and decided in view of the fact that the Association was sent a letter to the Prime Minister of India which got widespread support from Ministerial Staff from various Departments including Railways of Government of India and also from various State Government Organizations. DoPT had not given satisfactory reply to the issue so far. Thus the meeting decided to send another letter to the Prime Minister along with the copies of letters received from the DoPT etc. for consideration.
4.3 Re-designation of the LDC & UDC: It was demanded the re-designation of the merged post as Junior Executive Assistant or Executive Assistant Grade II.

4.4 Vacant posts of LDC should be filled up educationally qualified MTS as a one time measure: Quite a lot of posts of LDC are lying vacant in the NSSO Offices especially in the Regional Offices of FOD. Surplus Cell and SSC are failed to deploy candidate to fill up the vacancy so far. It has seen that Surplus cell also deploys educationally qualified MTS, against the regular vacancy of LDC. Thus educationally qualified MTS should be promoted against all vacant posts of LDC as one time measure.

4.5 Promotion to the posts of Assistant on the 18 years combined Seniority of LDC & UDC: The LDC & UDC have been rotated between major sections viz. Establishment, Accounts, Store, TA/Medical and also allocate work viz. Budget, MPER, Reconciliation, NPS Pension maintenance, Pension cases, Pay Fixation etc which are supposed to be allocated to higher posts. Since the LDCs have been allocating work worth to do by UDC & higher posts from the date of their joining as LDC, consideration of combined seniority for promotion to the post of Assistant is justified. And decision has been taken in the meeting accordingly.

4.6 Immediate implementation of the restructuring of the Ministerial Staff: The proposal for the restructuring of Ministerial posts is pending for approval and implementation. Quick measures should be taken for early implementation of the same.

4.7 Early Implementation of the restructuring of the Official Language Posts: The contents of the cadre restructuring proposal in respect of Official Language Posts, put up to the Ministry by the FOD, have been discussed in the meeting. The meeting while expressing satisfaction on the proposal has unanimously decided to demand its immediate implementation also.

4.8 Granting of Rs. 4200 grade pay to 30% UDCs on completion of 6 years service on the grade: The matter was discussed as per DoPT vide O.M. No.20/49/2009-CA.II (B) dated 22nd June 2011 wherein the upgradation of 30% posts of UDC & Steno grade III in Central Secretariat Offices, after completion of 5 years on the posts, was ordered. The meeting unanimously decided to demand implementation of the order in subordinate offices also immediately.

4.9 Additional Ministerial Staff should be posted in the offices where DDGs posted: The matter was discussed in the meeting and decided that the DDG is equal to the rank of the Joint Secretary entitled with various additional facilities. But no additional staff is posted in the offices where DDGs are posted. Thus the DDG uses the service of Ministerial Staff in addition to the stenographer attached with him to assist him in day to day matters. This increases the burden of already burdened limited Ministerial Staff in the FOD Offices. Thus additional staff should be posted in these offices.

4.10 Sanction of Additional posts of UDCs to Regional Offices: In Regional offices of FOD sufficient posts of UDCs are not sanctioned. Two UDCs for 4 or 5 LDCs are not according to the norms. The matter was discussed in the General Body Meeting and decided to demand creation of more UDCs in the Regional Offices.
4.11 Administrative high handedness should be stopped to create congenial working atmosphere: A warm working environment gives extra energy to the employees at work. But often administrative high-handedness especially due to ego problem & voracity of the officers posted disturbs the congenial administrative atmosphere in the offices. The egoistic activities of such officers often create disturbance in the mind of Administrative staff who are already burdened with work load. Thus it should be ensured that congenial working atmosphere in the office should not be disturbed by the activities of such officers.

4.12 Transfer of UDCs in violation of the existing transfer rules/recruitment rules: As per the standing rules LDCs & UDCs in FOD are state level cadres only. But the cases of transfer of the UDC in other states have been reported in the General Body Meeting. The Meeting strongly felt that such transfers hamper the promotion chances of the LDCs of the state where the incumbent transferred and as such the same should be stopped forthwith.

4.13 Granting of equal honorarium to Ministerial Staff: Instances of Neglecting the Ministerial Staff in the grant of honorarium was raised in the GB and delegates said that the Ministerial Staff are being neglected while granting honorarium for equal work in comparison with the amount of honorarium granted to the Field Staff. The meeting discussed the matter and unanimously resolved to take up the same with the concerned office to rectify the irregularity in future.

4.14 Filling up of all vacant posts of Administrative Staff & Official Language Posts: A large number of posts of Assistant, UDC, LDC, MTS, Stenographers, Junior Translators etc. are lying vacant in various offices of NSSO especially in FOD Regions. As a result work in the administrative section of FOD Regions suffers badly and the available Administrative staff has to do over time to complete the work there. The matter was discussed in the General Body Meeting and unanimously decided to demand immediate filling up of these posts. It has also decided to demand the DPD/SDRD Divisions to fill up all vacant posts of Administrative Staff there immediately.

4.15 Creation of Ministerial Staff in SROs: Assistant Directors have been posted as in charge in several of the Sub-Regional Offices of FOD. The post of Assistant Director shall be replaced with the present in Charge SO in the remaining SROs also in future. At present the MTS posted in the SRO are doing the related work of administration. Consequent to the appointment of a class I officer as in charge, the volume of administrative work will further increase in the SROs. Further, proposal for sanction of Junior Translators in 20 selected SROs have been approved by the FOD. Thus posting of Ministerial Staff in SRO is necessarily required and the General Body Meeting unanimously decided to put up a demand on the matter from the Association’s side.

4.16 Conduct of JCM DC & OCM Meetings immediately: The meeting was informed that The Department had notified the conduct of 100th meeting of the Departmental Council on 3rd June 2009. But the 100th meeting has not conducted as yet. Similarly, the Office Council Meetings are not being conducted for the last 2 years. The matter was discussed in the meeting and decided to demand immediate revival of the JCM /OCM forms in the Department.

4.17 Training of Ministerial Staff in ISTM/Zone Training Centre: The meeting was informed that training of Ministerial Staff of NSSO Offices has not been organized in ISTM for the last several years in the plea that ISTM has stopped conducting short term Administrative Training. The matter was discussed in length and decided to ensure the conducting of periodical training in ISTM for Ministerial Staff by the NSSO Offices.
In FOD Zonal training centre also the necessity of inviting expert guest lecturers from out side or from Hqrs/Regional Offices stressed and decided to put up the demand to FOD.

4.18 Educationally qualified MTS should be trained in Zonal Training Centre: The demand has been put up in view of the fact that MTS have been engaged to do the routine administrative work in all Regional Offices /SROs of the FOD.

4.19 Maintenance of time schedule for DPC: The matter was come up in view of the fact that the FOD Hqrs and various Regional Offices are not conducting DPC as per the time schedule prescribed.

4.20 Promotion should be affected from back date: If any financial loss caused due to delay in DPC then promotion should be given from the back date as in the case of ISS, considered recently.

4.21 Compassionate appointment to all: The meeting noted that the existing ceiling of 5% of the total Group C posts for compassionate appointment is not sufficient. Ministry of Railway gives compassionate appointments in all cases. On the other hand Group C posts on which compassionate appointments are given is frequently abolishing in the NSSO Offices. The meeting was consented to demand compassionate appointments in all cases like Railways.

4.22 Change of the name of the Association & Adoption of new Constitution: In order to bring all Non Gazetted Administrative Staff of the NSSO Offices in the Association, a proposal to change of the Association’s name was taken up for discussion under any other item of the agenda items. The meeting noted that coming of all Non Gazetted Ministerial Cadres under one umbrella will benefit all cadres especially the MTS cadre, the posts are regularly sinking. The meeting, after discussing the merits of the said proposal thread bare, unanimously decided to change the name of the Association as All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted). Thereafter the draft constitution for the new Association was placed before the General Body Meeting and after a detailed discussion unanimously adopted the same.

The Meeting elected the following as the office bearers for the ensuing term of two years.1 President: Shri Umed Singh FOD Hqrs., Delhi
2 Working President: Smt. V.D. Bhatkar FOD, Pune
3 Vice Presidents: 1)Shri A.I. Khan FOD, Jabalpur 2)Shri Uttam Chatterjee, DPD Hqrs, Kolkata.
4 General Secretary: Shri TKR Pillai FOD, Bhopal
5 Asstt. General Secretary: Shri N. Basu DPD Hqrs, Kolkata
6 Joint Secretary: 1)Shri Rajesh Kumar FOD, Ranchi 2) Shri Pintu Haldhar, SDRD, Kolkata
7 Treasurer: Shri Vinod Khanwalkar FOD, Gwalior
8 Organising Secys: 1)Shri M.L. Singh FOD, Shillong 2) Shri A.D. Chakladhar, Kolkata
3)Smt Dhansree Sawant, FOD, Mumbai 4) Shri Rajesh Kumar, FOD Lucknow
5)Shri P.K. Munjal, FOD, Ludhiana 6) Vacant for soutern Zone
9 Executive Members: 1) Shri Dilip Naskar SDRD, Kolkata 2) Shri J Ram, FOD Hqrs Delhi
3)Shri Soumendra Kumar, FOD Patna 4) Shri Amit Pandey, FOD, Lucknow
5)Shri B.M. Gupta, FOD Agra 6) Smt Shanti Devi Mishra, FOD, Bhopal
7)Shri Shambhu Jha, FOD Muzaffarpur 8)A.D. Dhawane, FOD Nagpur

Meeting concluded its deliberations on 16th at 6.30 P.M. with a vote of thanks to the chair.

(TKR Pillai)
General Secretary

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The Constitution of the All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted) which was discussed and unanimously accepted/passed by the General Body Meeting held on 15-16 September at Mumbai is given below: Members of Central Executive Committee, Branch Secretaries all are requested to get the annexure A filled by all Non Gazetted Administrative Staff including MTS, Stenographers, Hindi Translators , Assistants etc. of the NSSO Offices, who are willing to become members of the Association immediately and send a copy of the same to the Association Hqrs. Similarly, individual consents in annexure B also be get filled by them and submitted to the HO, a copy of the same may also compulsorly be sent to the Association Hqrs.These works should be done on most priority basis.



Article I (a) Name:
The name of the Association shall be “All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted), Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Government of India”.

(b) Head Quarters:

The Head quarters of the Association shall be the place of posting of the General Secretary.

Article II Aims and objectives:

(a) To render efficient service to the Department and through it to the nation.
(b) To safeguard and promote the interests, rights and privileges of the members, through constitutional means.
(c) To promote unity and foster fraternity amongst the members.
(d) To promote social educational and economic upliftment of the members and related categories of employees.
(e) To consider and suggest improvement in their working conditions and conditions of services, pay and allowances etc.
(f) To collaborate with all Service Associations on all matters effecting the interest of the Government employees.
(g) To do all such other things as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of the above subject.

Article III Constituent Units:

(i) The Association shall consist all Non Gazetted Administrative staff of FOD, DPD, SDRD and IS Wings of NSSO, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation.
(ii) Head-quarters Offices of DPD, SDRD, FOD and IS Wing and Zonal/Regional Offices of FOD and D.P. Centers of DPD.

Article IV Membership:

All Non Gazetted Administrative Staff of FOD, DPD, SDRD and IS Wings of NSSO, Government of India shall be eligible for membership.

Article V Admission:
(a) Membership shall be granted on application in the manner provided for
in Annexure ‘A’.
(b) Any official of the aforesaid category desiring to become the member of the Association shall make an application to the General Secretary in the prescribed form (Annexure ‘A’) with a non refundable admission fee of Rs.25/ (Rupees twenty only) which will be collected directly by the Association.
(c) Each member shall pay a yearly subscription of Rs. 240/ (Rupees Two hundred forty only) which would be deducted from the pay roll of the employee on yearly basis after an undertaking is given to that effect in annexure ‘B’.
(d) The power to admit a member to the Association shall be vested with the Branch Secretary shall be ratified by the General Secretary.
(e) Any member, in case of non-submission of his yearly individual consent in annexure ‘B’ will cease to be a member of the Association.
(f) The member who loses his membership for non-submission of yearly individual consent or by resignation of his own accord can be restored membership by the General Secretary on payment of the arrears (except monthly subscriptions which will be deducted from the pay roll of the employees) and re-admission fee Rs. 25/ on the recommendation of the Branch Secretary, which will be collected directly by the Association.

Article VI Funds:

(a) The funds of the Association consist exclusively of subscription from members and grants, if any, made by the Government and are applied only for the furtherance of the objects of the Service Associations.
(b) Special contribution from members which will be collected directly and kept by the Association in a separate fund.
(c) The Central Treasurer will collect membership subscription from the Government.

Article VII Management:

The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the following bodies:
(i) Branch Secretary at Branch level only.
(ii) Organising Secretary for each Zone to discuss and solve the problems at
Zonal level of FOD Offices with the intimation to the Joint Secretary/
General Secretary.
(iii) Joint Secretary for Divisional level (one Joint Secretary for FOD & One
Joint Secretary for SDRD/DPD & IS Wing) to discuss and solve the problems at Divisional level with the intimation to General Secretary.
(ii) (a) General Secretary at National Level;
(b) To supervise the working of Branch, Zonal & Divisional level and representing them at different levels as and when required.

Article VIII (a) Branch Committee:

(a) Each Branch committee shall be represented by the following office bearers:
(i) President
(i) Secretary
(ii) Treasurer
(iii) Executive Members: 2 Nos.
(b) The members of the Branch shall elect the Branch Committee for a period of two years in the Branch meeting which will be held once in two years.
(c) Each Branch shall sponsor one delegate if the staff strength of the Branch is five or less than five for the purpose of participation in the Biennial Conference of the Association. The Branch having a sanctioned strength of more than 5 shall sponsor two delegates only. The Head quarters unit of FOD, DPD, SDRD & I.S. Wing each, shall however sponsor 5 delegates. The office bearers i.e. President, Working President, Vice Presidents, General Secretary, Assistant General Secretary, Joint Secretaries and Treasurer will attend the Central Committee Meeting in their capacity as delegates.

Article IX Central Committee:

The Central Committee shall consist of the members sent by the Unit Committee and the office bearers of the Central Executive Committee and shall be known as Central Committee. The Central Committee meeting known as Biennial Conference shall elect the following office bearers which will be known as Central Executive Committee (CEC).
1. President (One)
2. Working President (One)
3. Vice President (Two)
4. General Secretary (One)
5. Assistant General Secretary(One)
6. Joint Secretary (Two)
7. Treasurer (One)
8. Organising Secretary(Six)
9. Executive Members (Eight)
10. The Departmental/Office Council members shall be nominated by the Central Executive Committee.
11. The Vacancies caused by death, resignation, transfer or promotion to group B (Gazetted) etc. in the CEC shall be filled up by co-option by the Central Executive Committee and the members so co-opted shall function till the unexpired term of the concerned elected office bearers. General Secretary & Treasurer continued to be functioned on the posts till handing over of their respective charges to the co-opted person.

Article X Duties and powers of Central Committee known as Biennial Conference:

It shall be the Supreme Legislative body of the Association and shall have absolute control over the office and properties of the Association. It shall have the following powers and functions to perform.
(a) To elect office bearers.
(b) To consider and adopt the Report and account.
(c) To adopt the budget estimates of the Association.
(d) To effect amendment in the Constitution of the Association (This would require ¾ the majority votes of the members present and voting). The amendments of the constitution/byelaw of the Association however shall be approved by the Government as per the term of Rule 6 (g) of the recognition rules.
(e) To discuss and decide all question of common interest of the members of the Association and policy of the Government/Department affecting them.
(f) To appoint ad-hoc committee for a specific purpose.

Article XI Election:

(a) Election to the Central Executive Committee (President (one), Working President (one),Vice President (two), General Secretary (one), Assistant General Secretary (one) Joint Secretary (two), Treasurer (one), Organising Secretary (six) Executive Members (eight) shall be by majority voting by the members present.
(b) The election will be conducted by a sub-committee appointed by the General Secretary by secret ballot in case majority members willing to do so.
(c) Elections for various posts of office bearer of Branch Committee as given in Article VIII (a) shall be held in the Branch Committee meeting once in two years by a majority voting by the members present.

Article XII Notices of the meeting:

Notices of the meeting of the Biennial Conference shall be served at least 30 days before the actual date of meeting. In case of emergency a meeting can be convened at a short notice.

Article XIII Quorum:

The quorum for the Central Committee Meeting (Biennial Conference) shall be 25% of the total members of the Central Committee.

Article XIV Meeting:

The Central Committee shall meet at least once in two years. The meeting shall be convened by the General Secretary, in consultation with the president. The President shall have the power either to convene the Central Committee Meeting himself or to authorize a responsible member from the Central Executive Committee in writing, to convene the Central Committee Meeting (Biennial Conference), if the General Secretary fails to call the meeting before the expiry of the term of the committee as provided in Article XVIII (i).

Article XV Expenses of the Central Executive Committee:

Fifty percent of the realization (subscription etc.) of the Branch and the grant of the Government will be the fund at the disposal of the Central Executive Committee. The Central Executive Committee will bear:
(i) All expense of the Central Committee Meeting.
(ii) The boarding and lodging expenses of the delegates during Central Committee meeting/Central Executive Committee Meeting if the funds at that particular time permits.

Article XVI Venue of the Meeting:

The Venue of the meeting shall be selected by the General Secretary. In case the President convenes the meeting as per provision in the Article XIV he will decide the venue.

Article XVII Reception Committee:

General Secretary/President (person whom calls the meeting) shall nominate a person as convener to conduct the meeting, who will be responsible to form a broader Reception Committee which shall make all arrangements for the meeting.

Article XVIII Duration of Office:

(i) The CEC and office bearers of the Branch Committee shall ordinarily held office for two years. However, if the elections are not held within three months after the expiry of two years term, the office bearers would cease to be duly elected representatives of the Association.
(ii) Vacancies caused during the term of the office bearers of the Central Executive Committee shall be filled up for the unexpired term of the office bearers as provide in Article IX (8).
(iii) No resolution of the confidence/censure against any or all members of the Central Executive Committee shall be taken up at any meeting unless 30 days prior written notice signed by at least 12 delegates of the last General Body Meeting has been given to the General Secretary.

Article XIX Function of office bearers:


The President shall preside over all the meeting of the Central Executive Committee Meeting and Central Committee meetings. He will have a casting vote in case of a tie.

Working President:

Working president shall coordinate the affairs of the Association with the President & General Secretary in case any dispute or compliant received on the working of the Association. Members can write to him incase the General Secretary/Assistant General Secretary as the case may be fails to comply any issue raised by them.

Vice President:

The Vice- Presidents shall assist the President in his work. In the absence of the President, one of the Vice Presidents shall preside over the meeting.

General Secretary:

(a) The General Secretary shall be the Chief Executive of the Association and administer the day to day affairs of the Association.
(b) He shall be responsible for all the correspondence of the association.
(c) He shall keep all the records of the Association in his custody except the records relating to accounts.
(d) He shall convene all meetings of the Central Executive Committee and Central Committee, subject to the provision given in article XIV.
(e) He shall place a report of the working of the Central Executive Committee before the Central Committee meeting.
(f) He shall be responsible for furnishing an up-to-date copy of the rules and audited statement of accounts of the service Association and list of members and the list containing names of office bearers of CEC to the Government as when requires.
(g) He shall represent on the court of law, all legal matters.
(h) He, as Chief Executive of the Association will have powers to meet any emergency that may arise during the tenure.

Assistant General Secretary

(a) The Assistant General Secretary will perform all the functioning of the General Secretary in his absence except power at (h) above.
(b) He shall also assist the General Secretary in his work and shall carry out
the functions assigned to them by the General Secretary from time to time.

Joint Secretary:

Joint Secretaries (One for FOD & one for DPD, SDRD & IS Wing) will coordinate at Divisional level and discuss and solve problems with intimation to General Secretary and do the functions assigned to them by the General Secretary from time to time.


(a) The treasurer shall maintain funds and accounts of the Association.
(b) He shall be personally responsible for the safe custody of the funds and records pertaining to accounts matters of the Association.
(c) He shall prepare the statement of Income and Expenditure of the Central Executive Committee and place it before the Central Committee.
(d) He shall have an imprest of Rs. 1000/ for day to day expenditure.

Organising Secretaries:

The Zonal Secretaries shall co-ordinate the activities of Branches within their Zone of FOD and shall report to the Joint Secretary/General Secretary and assist them in the discharge of his duties.

Article XX Sanction of expenditure:

General Secretary shall be authorized for expenditure up to Rs. 10000/ at a time, to be ratified by the Central Executive Committee. For the expenditure of an amount in excess of Rs. 10000/ at a time prior approval of the Central Executive Committee shall be necessary.

Article XXI Financial Year:

The financial year of the Association shall be 1st April to 31st March.

Article XXII Audit of Account:

(a) The Accounts of the Association shall be audited biannually by an auditor appointed by the Central Executive Committee before its submission to the Central Committee.
(b) The Auditor shall be from General members of the Association other than the members of the Central Executive Committee.

Article XXIII General Supervision:

The Central Executive Committee through the General Secretary shall be authorized to look after the General and Financial Administration of the Association and that of the Units. General Secretary shall conduct meeting by circulating letters amongst the members of Central Executive Committee to take decision on important matters on emergency basis to be ratified in the next CEC Meeting, in the intervening period of two CEC meetings.

Part II

Article XXIV Branch Committee:

(a) The name of the Branch Committee will be ….. Regional/Zonal/D.P. Centre/Hqrs of FOD/DPD/SDRD/IS Wing Branch of all India Association of Administrative Staff(Non Gazetted), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India.
(b) The Head quarters of the Branch shall be the Head quarters of the Regional/Zonal/DP Centre/Hqrs of FOD/DPD/SDRD & IS Wing.
(c) The affairs of the branch shall be managed by the Committee as per Article VIII.
(d) The jurisdiction of the branch shall be as limited to the office which the represent.
(e) The other power and functions of the committee shall be similar to those of Central Executive Committee which shall be limited to the branch committee only.




1. Full Name (in Block letters) :

2. Date of birth :

3. Date of entry in the Department,
post held :

4. Present post held :

5. Office in which posted :

6. Address:

(a) Present :

(b) Permanent :

I certify that the particulars furnished above are correct. I also hereby declare that I shall abide by the laws of the Constitution of the Association and request that I may be enrolled as member of the Association.

(Signature of the applicant)
Date :


Branch Committee

General Secretary




The Head of Office/DDO,



I, _____________________________________________________________ (Name and Designation) being a member of All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted) hereby Authorize deduction of yearly subscription of Rs. ________________________ for the year _____________________from my salary and authorize its payment to All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted) , Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation.

Signature :


It is certified that __________________________________________________________

is a member of All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted), Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation.

Branch Secretary

Copy to: General Secretary, AIAAS (NG) 

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Web Site: www.aiamshq.blogspot.com
e-mail: aiams06@yahoo.co.in

Hall No. 201 & 205, Vijay Stambh,
Zone I, Maharana Pratap Nagar,
Bhopal, dated 18/09/2011

9th Biennial Conference and decisions.
The 9th Biennial Conference of the All India Association of Ministerial Staff (Group C) (now All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted)) was held at Belapur Mumbai from 15th to 16th September, 2011. The meeting was inaugurated by Com. R.P. Singh, Secretary, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers Maharastra State Committee, Mumbai. The Chief Guest on this occasion was Shri S.K. Jana, Deputy Director General, NSSO (FOD) Mumbai. Com. Jairaj KV, Secretary General, National Federation of Atomic Energy Employees (NFAEE) and Chairman, Reception Committee welcomed the Guests. The Conference was addressed by Shri R.N. Chaudhary, Head of Office, NSSO (FOD) Mumbai; Shri R.N. Yadav, Superintending Officer on behalf of the Association of Superintending Officers in Subordinate Statistical Service(SSS); Shri H.V. Rabhadia, Superintending Officer, NSSO (FOD), Mumbai; Shri Gopal Singh Palyal, President All India Association of Statistical Investigators; Com. T.R. Janardhanan, President, National Federation of Civil Accounts Association; Com. Laxman Salve, President, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers, Mumbai; Com. P.M. Warlikar & A. Sridharan, respectively President & General Secretary, Atomic Energey Workers & Staff (BARC) Union, Mumbai; Com. Sunil Kumar & Damodharan, Central Government Pensioners Association; Shri Umed Singh, President AIAMS and others.

The disastrous consequences of the liberalization, privatization and Contractorisation policies pursued by the Government and also the resistance of the working class, opposing these policies were in focus of the speeches delivered. Closure and privatization of the Government Departments, outsourcing of services, abolition of posts, New Pension Scheme etc are adversely affecting the very existence of the Government Employees. The market forces, which rule the society today, have decided to take away the facilities enjoyed by the Government Employees so far, the speakers said. Education, health care, electricity and all other essential services are becoming highly expensive due to the bad affects of the present policies. In this surcharged situation the Central Government Employees are left with no option other than resisting all these anti employee and anti people policies tooth and nail, the speakers said. They called up on all NSSO Employees to join all the action programmes of the Confederation because united action organizing all employees only can save us from the clutches of the anti people exploiters.

Shri TKR Pillai who spoke on this occasion briefed the working of the Association since its formation in the year 1993. He re-iterated the role played and the necessity of the Confederation in safeguarding the rights of the Central Government Employees in view of the increased attack on them by the Government. Shri K.V.Kandalgaonkar, convener Reception Committee proposed a vote of thanks. Smt V. D. Bhatkar conducted the proceedings.

The delegate session of the meeting were held at B.T. Randive Smarak Trust Building. 40 delegates from 21 Branches were present at the delegate session. The meeting adopted the report and accounts submitted on behalf of the CEC. Majority of the delegates participated in the discussion on the report, accounts & other agenda items. General Secretary on behalf of the CEC provided all the clarification sought by the members before adopting the report/accounts and other items discussed. The amendments to the Constitution proposed by the CEC were adopted. As a result now the name of the Association is changed as “All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted)” in place of the existing All India Association of Ministerial Staff (Group C). The gist of the major decision taken is given below:

Maintenance of hierarchy in MACP: LDC & UDCs are the most victims of the MACP which provide only Rs. 100/ to an LDC after completion of 10 years. LDC & UDC will send representation to the Secretary, DoPT, individually through proper channel. If the problems are not solved they will file a case challenging the MACP Scheme. A sub-committee with the approval of the General Body Meeting has been constituted to monitor the court cases, if any, filed.

Merger of the posts of LDC &UDC &Upgradation of grade pay to Rs. 2800: The matter was discussed and decided in view of the fact that the Association was sent a letter to the Prime Minister of India which got widespread support from Ministerial Staff from various Departments including Railways of Government of India and also from various State Government Organizations. DoPT had not given satisfactory reply to the issue so far. Thus the meeting decided to send another letter to the Prime Minister along with the copies of letters received from the DoPT etc. for consideration.

Re-designation of the LDC &UDC: It was demanded the re-designation of the merged post as Junior Executive Assistant or Executive Assistant Grade II.

Vacant posts of LDC should be filled up educationally qualified MTS as a one time measure: Quite a lot of posts of LDC are lying vacant in the NSSO Offices especially in the Regional Offices of FOD. Surplus Cell and SSC are failed to deploy candidate to fill up the vacancy so far. It has seen that Surplus cell deploys educationally qualified MTS, become surplus in the Government India Departments, against the regular vacancy of LDC. Thus educationally qualified MTS should be promoted against all vacant posts of LDC as one time measure.

Educationally qualified MTS should be trained in Zonal Training Centre: The demand has been put up in view of the fact that MTS have been engaged to do the routine administrative work in all Regional Offices of the FOD.

Maintenance of time schedule for DPC: The matter was come up in view of the fact that the FOD Hqrs and various Regional Offices are not conducting DPC as per the time schedule prescribed.

Promotion should be affected from back date: If any financial loss caused due to delay in DPC then promotion should be given from the back date as in the case of ISS, considered recently.

Promotion to the posts of Assistant on the 18 years combined Seniority of LDC& UDC: The LDC & UDC have been rotated between major sections viz. Establishment, Accounts, Store, TA/Medical and also allocate work viz. Budget, MPER, Reconciliation, NPS Pension maintenance, Pension cases, Pay Fixation etc which are supposed to be allocated to higher posts. Since the LDCs have been allocating work worth to do by UDC & higher posts from the date of their joining as LDC, consideration of combined seniority for promotion to the post of Assistant is justified.

Immediate implementation of the restructuring of the Ministerial Staff: The proposal for the restructuring of Ministerial posts is pending for approval and implementation. Quick measures should be taken for early finalization of the same.

Early finalization of the restructuring of the Official Language Posts: It has come to know that the cadre restructuring proposal for the Official Language Posts is under consideration of the Ministry. It is requested to take necessary action for early impllementation of the same.

Administrative high handedness should be stopped to create congenial working atmosphere: A warm working environment gives extra energy to the employees at work. But often administrative high-handedness especially due to ego problem of the officers posted disturbs the congenial administrative atmosphere in the offices. The egoistic activities of such officers often create disturbance in the mind of Administrative staff who are already burdened with work load. Thus it should be ensured that congenial working atmosphere in the office should not be disturbed by the activities of such officers.

Additional Ministerial Staff should be posted in the offices where DDGs posted: DDG is equal to the rank of the Joint Secretary entitled with various additional facilities. But no additional staff is posted in the offices where DDGs are posted. Thus the DDG uses the service of Ministerial Staff in addition to the stenographer attached with him to assist him in day to day matters. This increases the burden of already burdened limited Ministerial Staff in the FOD Offices. Thus additional staff should be posted in these offices.

Transfer of UDCs in violation of the existing transfer rules/recruitment rules: As per the standing rules LDCs & UDCs in FOD are state level cadres only. But the cases of transfer of the UDC in other states have been reported in the General Body Meeting. Such transfer hampers the promotion chances of the LDCs of the state where the incumbent transferred and as such the same should be stopped forthwith.

Granting of equal honorarium to Ministerial Staff: Instances of Neglecting the Ministerial Staff in the grant of honorarium was raised in the GB and delegates said that the Ministerial Staff are being neglected while granting honorarium for equal work in comparison with the amount of honorarium granted to the Field Staff. The matter should be considered while granting honorarium in future.

These are only the major demands. Detailed Minutes are being sent to the Branches separately. The Meeting elected the following as the office bearers for the ensuing term of two years. The Meeting concluded its deliberations on 16th at 6.30 PM.

(Elected in the 9th Biennial Conference held on 15-16 September 2011)1 President : Umed Singh FOD Hqrs., Delhi
2 Working President: Smt. V.D. Bhatkar FOD, Pune
3 Vice Presidents: 1) A.I. Khan FOD, Jabalpur 2) Uttam Chatterjee DPD Hqrs., Kolkata
4 General Secretary: TKR Pillai FOD, Bhopal
5 Asstt. General Secretary: N. Basu DPD Hqrs, Kolkata
6 Joint Secretary: 1)Rajesh Kumar FOD, Ranchi 2)Pintu Haldhar SDRD, Kolkata
7 Treasurer: Vinod Khanwalkar FOD, Gwalior
8 Organising Secys: M.L. Singh FOD, Shillong, A.D. Chakladhar FOD, Kolkata
Smt. Dhansree Sawant FOD, Mumbai , Rajesh Kumar FOD, Lucknow P.K. Munjal FOD, Ludhiana ,Vacant for South Zone
9 Executive Members Dilip Naskar SDRD, Kolkata, Soumendra Kumar FOD, Patna , J Ram FOD Hqrs., Delhi , Amit Pandey FOD, Lucknow, B.M. Gupta FOD, Agra, Smt Shanti Devi Mishra FOD, Bhopal , A D Dhawane FOD, Nagpur, Shambhu Jha FOD, Muzaffarpur

Yours fraternally,

TKR Pillai
General Secretary