The Constitution of the All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted) which was discussed and unanimously accepted/passed by the General Body Meeting held on 15-16 September at Mumbai is given below: Members of Central Executive Committee, Branch Secretaries all are requested to get the annexure A filled by all Non Gazetted Administrative Staff including MTS, Stenographers, Hindi Translators , Assistants etc. of the NSSO Offices, who are willing to become members of the Association immediately and send a copy of the same to the Association Hqrs. Similarly, individual consents in annexure B also be get filled by them and submitted to the HO, a copy of the same may also compulsorly be sent to the Association Hqrs.These works should be done on most priority basis.ALL INDIA ASSOCIATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF (NON GAZETTED)
Article I (a) Name:
The name of the Association shall be “All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted), Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Government of India”.
(b) Head Quarters:
The Head quarters of the Association shall be the place of posting of the General Secretary.
Article II Aims and objectives:
(a) To render efficient service to the Department and through it to the nation.
(b) To safeguard and promote the interests, rights and privileges of the members, through constitutional means.
(c) To promote unity and foster fraternity amongst the members.
(d) To promote social educational and economic upliftment of the members and related categories of employees.
(e) To consider and suggest improvement in their working conditions and conditions of services, pay and allowances etc.
(f) To collaborate with all Service Associations on all matters effecting the interest of the Government employees.
(g) To do all such other things as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of the above subject.
Article III Constituent Units:
(i) The Association shall consist all Non Gazetted Administrative staff of FOD, DPD, SDRD and IS Wings of NSSO, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation.
(ii) Head-quarters Offices of DPD, SDRD, FOD and IS Wing and Zonal/Regional Offices of FOD and D.P. Centers of DPD.
Article IV Membership:
All Non Gazetted Administrative Staff of FOD, DPD, SDRD and IS Wings of NSSO, Government of India shall be eligible for membership.
Article V Admission:
(a) Membership shall be granted on application in the manner provided for
in Annexure ‘A’.
(b) Any official of the aforesaid category desiring to become the member of the Association shall make an application to the General Secretary in the prescribed form (Annexure ‘A’) with a non refundable admission fee of Rs.25/ (Rupees twenty only) which will be collected directly by the Association.
(c) Each member shall pay a yearly subscription of Rs. 240/ (Rupees Two hundred forty only) which would be deducted from the pay roll of the employee on yearly basis after an undertaking is given to that effect in annexure ‘B’.
(d) The power to admit a member to the Association shall be vested with the Branch Secretary shall be ratified by the General Secretary.
(e) Any member, in case of non-submission of his yearly individual consent in annexure ‘B’ will cease to be a member of the Association.
(f) The member who loses his membership for non-submission of yearly individual consent or by resignation of his own accord can be restored membership by the General Secretary on payment of the arrears (except monthly subscriptions which will be deducted from the pay roll of the employees) and re-admission fee Rs. 25/ on the recommendation of the Branch Secretary, which will be collected directly by the Association.
Article VI Funds:
(a) The funds of the Association consist exclusively of subscription from members and grants, if any, made by the Government and are applied only for the furtherance of the objects of the Service Associations.
(b) Special contribution from members which will be collected directly and kept by the Association in a separate fund.
(c) The Central Treasurer will collect membership subscription from the Government.
Article VII Management:The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the following bodies:
(i) Branch Secretary at Branch level only.
(ii) Organising Secretary for each Zone to discuss and solve the problems at
Zonal level of FOD Offices with the intimation to the Joint Secretary/
General Secretary.
(iii) Joint Secretary for Divisional level (one Joint Secretary for FOD & One
Joint Secretary for SDRD/DPD & IS Wing) to discuss and solve the problems at Divisional level with the intimation to General Secretary.
(ii) (a) General Secretary at National Level;
(b) To supervise the working of Branch, Zonal & Divisional level and representing them at different levels as and when required.
Article VIII (a) Branch Committee:
(a) Each Branch committee shall be represented by the following office bearers:
(i) President
(i) Secretary
(ii) Treasurer
(iii) Executive Members: 2 Nos.
(b) The members of the Branch shall elect the Branch Committee for a period of two years in the Branch meeting which will be held once in two years.
(c) Each Branch shall sponsor one delegate if the staff strength of the Branch is five or less than five for the purpose of participation in the Biennial Conference of the Association. The Branch having a sanctioned strength of more than 5 shall sponsor two delegates only. The Head quarters unit of FOD, DPD, SDRD & I.S. Wing each, shall however sponsor 5 delegates. The office bearers i.e. President, Working President, Vice Presidents, General Secretary, Assistant General Secretary, Joint Secretaries and Treasurer will attend the Central Committee Meeting in their capacity as delegates.
Article IX Central Committee:
The Central Committee shall consist of the members sent by the Unit Committee and the office bearers of the Central Executive Committee and shall be known as Central Committee. The Central Committee meeting known as Biennial Conference shall elect the following office bearers which will be known as Central Executive Committee (CEC).
1. President (One)
2. Working President (One)
3. Vice President (Two)
4. General Secretary (One)
5. Assistant General Secretary(One)
6. Joint Secretary (Two)
7. Treasurer (One)
8. Organising Secretary(Six)
9. Executive Members (Eight)
10. The Departmental/Office Council members shall be nominated by the Central Executive Committee.
11. The Vacancies caused by death, resignation, transfer or promotion to group B (Gazetted) etc. in the CEC shall be filled up by co-option by the Central Executive Committee and the members so co-opted shall function till the unexpired term of the concerned elected office bearers. General Secretary & Treasurer continued to be functioned on the posts till handing over of their respective charges to the co-opted person.
Article X Duties and powers of Central Committee known as Biennial Conference:
It shall be the Supreme Legislative body of the Association and shall have absolute control over the office and properties of the Association. It shall have the following powers and functions to perform.
(a) To elect office bearers.
(b) To consider and adopt the Report and account.
(c) To adopt the budget estimates of the Association.
(d) To effect amendment in the Constitution of the Association (This would require ¾ the majority votes of the members present and voting). The amendments of the constitution/byelaw of the Association however shall be approved by the Government as per the term of Rule 6 (g) of the recognition rules.
(e) To discuss and decide all question of common interest of the members of the Association and policy of the Government/Department affecting them.
(f) To appoint ad-hoc committee for a specific purpose.
Article XI Election:(a) Election to the Central Executive Committee (President (one), Working President (one),Vice President (two), General Secretary (one), Assistant General Secretary (one) Joint Secretary (two), Treasurer (one), Organising Secretary (six) Executive Members (eight) shall be by majority voting by the members present.
(b) The election will be conducted by a sub-committee appointed by the General Secretary by secret ballot in case majority members willing to do so.
(c) Elections for various posts of office bearer of Branch Committee as given in Article VIII (a) shall be held in the Branch Committee meeting once in two years by a majority voting by the members present.
Article XII Notices of the meeting:
Notices of the meeting of the Biennial Conference shall be served at least 30 days before the actual date of meeting. In case of emergency a meeting can be convened at a short notice.
Article XIII Quorum:
The quorum for the Central Committee Meeting (Biennial Conference) shall be 25% of the total members of the Central Committee.
Article XIV Meeting:
The Central Committee shall meet at least once in two years. The meeting shall be convened by the General Secretary, in consultation with the president. The President shall have the power either to convene the Central Committee Meeting himself or to authorize a responsible member from the Central Executive Committee in writing, to convene the Central Committee Meeting (Biennial Conference), if the General Secretary fails to call the meeting before the expiry of the term of the committee as provided in Article XVIII (i).
Article XV Expenses of the Central Executive Committee:Fifty percent of the realization (subscription etc.) of the Branch and the grant of the Government will be the fund at the disposal of the Central Executive Committee. The Central Executive Committee will bear:
(i) All expense of the Central Committee Meeting.
(ii) The boarding and lodging expenses of the delegates during Central Committee meeting/Central Executive Committee Meeting if the funds at that particular time permits.
Article XVI Venue of the Meeting:
The Venue of the meeting shall be selected by the General Secretary. In case the President convenes the meeting as per provision in the Article XIV he will decide the venue.
Article XVII Reception Committee:
General Secretary/President (person whom calls the meeting) shall nominate a person as convener to conduct the meeting, who will be responsible to form a broader Reception Committee which shall make all arrangements for the meeting.
Article XVIII Duration of Office:
(i) The CEC and office bearers of the Branch Committee shall ordinarily held office for two years. However, if the elections are not held within three months after the expiry of two years term, the office bearers would cease to be duly elected representatives of the Association.
(ii) Vacancies caused during the term of the office bearers of the Central Executive Committee shall be filled up for the unexpired term of the office bearers as provide in Article IX (8).
(iii) No resolution of the confidence/censure against any or all members of the Central Executive Committee shall be taken up at any meeting unless 30 days prior written notice signed by at least 12 delegates of the last General Body Meeting has been given to the General Secretary.
Article XIX Function of office bearers:
The President shall preside over all the meeting of the Central Executive Committee Meeting and Central Committee meetings. He will have a casting vote in case of a tie.
Working President:
Working president shall coordinate the affairs of the Association with the President & General Secretary in case any dispute or compliant received on the working of the Association. Members can write to him incase the General Secretary/Assistant General Secretary as the case may be fails to comply any issue raised by them.
Vice President:
The Vice- Presidents shall assist the President in his work. In the absence of the President, one of the Vice Presidents shall preside over the meeting.
General Secretary:
(a) The General Secretary shall be the Chief Executive of the Association and administer the day to day affairs of the Association.
(b) He shall be responsible for all the correspondence of the association.
(c) He shall keep all the records of the Association in his custody except the records relating to accounts.
(d) He shall convene all meetings of the Central Executive Committee and Central Committee, subject to the provision given in article XIV.
(e) He shall place a report of the working of the Central Executive Committee before the Central Committee meeting.
(f) He shall be responsible for furnishing an up-to-date copy of the rules and audited statement of accounts of the service Association and list of members and the list containing names of office bearers of CEC to the Government as when requires.
(g) He shall represent on the court of law, all legal matters.
(h) He, as Chief Executive of the Association will have powers to meet any emergency that may arise during the tenure.
Assistant General Secretary(a) The Assistant General Secretary will perform all the functioning of the General Secretary in his absence except power at (h) above.
(b) He shall also assist the General Secretary in his work and shall carry out
the functions assigned to them by the General Secretary from time to time.
Joint Secretary:
Joint Secretaries (One for FOD & one for DPD, SDRD & IS Wing) will coordinate at Divisional level and discuss and solve problems with intimation to General Secretary and do the functions assigned to them by the General Secretary from time to time.
(a) The treasurer shall maintain funds and accounts of the Association.
(b) He shall be personally responsible for the safe custody of the funds and records pertaining to accounts matters of the Association.
(c) He shall prepare the statement of Income and Expenditure of the Central Executive Committee and place it before the Central Committee.
(d) He shall have an imprest of Rs. 1000/ for day to day expenditure.
Organising Secretaries:
The Zonal Secretaries shall co-ordinate the activities of Branches within their Zone of FOD and shall report to the Joint Secretary/General Secretary and assist them in the discharge of his duties.
Article XX Sanction of expenditure:
General Secretary shall be authorized for expenditure up to Rs. 10000/ at a time, to be ratified by the Central Executive Committee. For the expenditure of an amount in excess of Rs. 10000/ at a time prior approval of the Central Executive Committee shall be necessary.
Article XXI Financial Year:
The financial year of the Association shall be 1st April to 31st March.
Article XXII Audit of Account:
(a) The Accounts of the Association shall be audited biannually by an auditor appointed by the Central Executive Committee before its submission to the Central Committee.
(b) The Auditor shall be from General members of the Association other than the members of the Central Executive Committee.
Article XXIII General Supervision:
The Central Executive Committee through the General Secretary shall be authorized to look after the General and Financial Administration of the Association and that of the Units. General Secretary shall conduct meeting by circulating letters amongst the members of Central Executive Committee to take decision on important matters on emergency basis to be ratified in the next CEC Meeting, in the intervening period of two CEC meetings.
Part II
Article XXIV Branch Committee:
(a) The name of the Branch Committee will be ….. Regional/Zonal/D.P. Centre/Hqrs of FOD/DPD/SDRD/IS Wing Branch of all India Association of Administrative Staff(Non Gazetted), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India.
(b) The Head quarters of the Branch shall be the Head quarters of the Regional/Zonal/DP Centre/Hqrs of FOD/DPD/SDRD & IS Wing.
(c) The affairs of the branch shall be managed by the Committee as per Article VIII.
(d) The jurisdiction of the branch shall be as limited to the office which the represent.
(e) The other power and functions of the committee shall be similar to those of Central Executive Committee which shall be limited to the branch committee only.
2. Date of birth :
3. Date of entry in the Department,
post held :
4. Present post held :
5. Office in which posted :
6. Address:
(a) Present :
(b) Permanent :
I certify that the particulars furnished above are correct. I also hereby declare that I shall abide by the laws of the Constitution of the Association and request that I may be enrolled as member of the Association.
(Signature of the applicant)
Date :
Branch Committee
General Secretary
The Head of Office/DDO,
I, _____________________________________________________________ (Name and Designation) being a member of All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted) hereby Authorize deduction of yearly subscription of Rs. ________________________ for the year _____________________from my salary and authorize its payment to All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted) , Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation.
Signature :
It is certified that __________________________________________________________
is a member of All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted), Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation.
Branch Secretary
Copy to: General Secretary, AIAAS (NG)