The letter received from Shri Pradip
Bandyopadhyay, MSME-DI, Kolkata is published hereunder wherein he has raised the issues of
Administrative Staff, especially the LDC & UDC, effectively. We are aware
that this is the story of the administrative staff of the entire Subordinate
Offices. The successive Pay Commission as well as the Governments has not resolved
the issues of the LDC & UDC working the subordinate offices. All our
friends are therefore requested to please take up the issue before the 7th
CPC in its own importance. Materials/references to be used during the oral evidence
are published in this web site.
TKR Pillai
General Secretary
1) Article 39(d) of the constitution proclaims as a Directive
Principle, the constitutional goal of ‘equal pay for equal work for both men
and women’. Article 14 & 19 guarantee respectively the fundamental rights
to equality before the law and equality of opportunity in the matter of public
employment and Article 32 provides the remedy for the enforcement of the
fundamental rights.
2 Likewise
under Ref. of O.M vide DP&AR no.CD-14017/10/85-Estt(RR) dated 20.03.1985
regarding the procedure to serve mainly two purposes, viz uniformity of provisions for similar posts located under different
ministries and an element of objectivity in framing of the rules. A
Ministry/Department will normally have some attached offices and subordinate offices . Each ministry may please devise suitable internal arrangements to
ensure that there is broad uniformity of approach in regard to inter alia, the
level of qualification and the extent of experience etc.(for which there
are no specific guideline issued by that Department) for posts carrying the same pay scale at least within that Ministry.
3) Reference of DOPT.ND vide O.M No. 35034/9/2010-EStt.(D) dated
10/2/2011 circulated to all Ministries/Deptt and copies to all the concerned
offices including all subordinate/attached
offices of M/o PPG&P wherein it is reiterated that MACPs(as was the
case with the ACPs) is a fall back option in the event of promotions not taking
place. Hence, in order to mitigate problem of stagnation, all concerned are
advised to review the cadre structure in a time bound manner to harmonize the
functional needs of the organization and career progression of employees.
4) DOPT,ND vide their O.M Nos. 2/8/2001-PIC dated
16/5/2001,18/6/2002 & 9/11/2002 regarding optimization of direct
recruitment to civilian posts and its procedure stated that Direct recruitment should be limited to 1/3rd
of the Direct Recruitment vacancies in a year through screening committee duly surrendered 2/3 in each year
subject to a further ceiling that
does’nt exceed 1% of the total sanctioned
strength in the Department inclusive of attached & subordinate office in
order to achieve a reduction of 10% manpower(@2% p.a) in 5 years .
Accordingly, “Annexure-III-the Annual Direct Recruitment Plan containing the
detailed position of post/category/cadre
wise for the attached /subordinate office has also been askedto Ministry/Department to finalize the Recruitment Plan duly
brought about the uniformity in collection and compilation of data.
5) Based on
the repost of the committee on cadre restructuring of CSS in February2002
chaired by Sri V.K. Agnihotri, Addl. Secretary that to cater the future needs
and address emerging requirements more efficiently and responsive
administration , it has now become the need of the hour that instead of direct recruitment of LDCs of
85% through SSC whose essential educational
qualification is proficiently in typing and matriculation and are
entrusted with some works of routine & conventional nature like registration of dak, maintenance of
section diary, file register, file
movement, indexing and recording, typing etc, recommendation for direct
recruitment of better qualified and skilled personnel is , made solely at the
level of Assistant. So, it is recommended in their executive summary report
that Direct Recruitment of LDCs may be stopped with immediate effect and
all posts of LDCs presently filled by DR are abolished as and when these fall
vacant . Further, 90% of the posts in the grade of UDC would also wither away
in future as and when these fall vacant, retaining the remaining 10% for
promotion of the residual LDC cadre. It
has also been recommended that as a onetime exception vacancies in all the
additional posts of Assistant arising as a result of cadre restructuring in CSS
would be filled only by promotion of
eligible UDCs(CSCS). The vacancies in Assistant grade arising due to normal
in wastage on account of retirement, promotion, etc would ,in future be filled
to the extent of 75% through direct recruitment of graduates possessing
computer proffciency. 15% by
promotion of UDCs amd 10% through LDCE for UDCs.
However, in spite of surrendering the posts 2/3rd
in each year from the subordinate/attached
offices in regard to sl. No.4, neither such
promotional avenue nor any
financial benefit to the grade pay @
Rs.4200/p.m of eligible UDCs(more than 5yrs and within 14yrs to this respective
post) who graduated from universities
possessing computer proficiency and entrusted with the jobs mentioning hereunder for a responsive administration,
have been considered. In CSCS cadre UDCs
may have chance to get higher post entry level from Assistant
grade under CSS cadre through the earmarked percentage of LDCE and by
promotion also. But, in subordinate office, to get the immediate higher post of
OS, UDCs are considered on seniority cum fitness basis and it takes a prolong
years for a minimum of 14-15yeasr even sometime more also, though the
eligibility of next promotion due after 10years.
6)Even, 30% of the sanctioned
strength of UDCs in CSCS on completion 5yrs of approved service have been
placed in the Non Functional Selection Grade to enjoy the Grade Pay
@Rs.4200/p.m vide DOPT,O.M no. 20/49/2009-CS.II(B) dated 22.06.2011.It has been
felt that the NFSG as implemented and adopted for the employees cover under
CSCS cadre of Ministry/Department as per DopT orders needs to be extended
immediately to the eligible UDC.
7) But, no such consideration for
UDCs in subordinate office who rendered services resembling with the nature of service of Assistants for
a period over 5yrs and within 14 years to their respective UDC posts and
are left to satisfy only with the granting of MACP benefit with the next
hierarchy Grade pay of Rs2800/ p.m from 1.9.2008 onwards. Besides, the LDCs who
are qualified above the essential qualification in RRs, at this subordinate
office rendering the service at here more than 10years are apt with work of
computer, noting and drafting as assigned to them by the authority simply
satisfied with the Grade of Rs.1900/-p.m (just Rs.100/- more than an MTS grade
pay).And their next MACP benefit is also granted to the immediate hierarchy.
8) It is not the exhaustive figures
of this MSME-DI,Kolkata one of the subordinate offices that two UDCs who had been nominated by the Department to
undergo the Cash & Accounts training at the most prestigious Institute viz,
ISTM, New Delhi successively for the
year of 2009( 150th batch )and in 2011(158th batch) along
with the other nominated UDCs &
Assistants working under CSCS/CSS cadre
from different Ministries /Departments in Delhi and both of them proved their efficiency
carrying good percentage of marks from
that Instt. by 91% and 88% respectively
and held their position at the top(i.e 7th & 4th ) among the thirty and
odd candidates of each batch.
9) One of them has been offered for appointment to the post
of Senior Accountant (ex-cadre) on deputation basis in Accounts Section of
MSME-DI, Kolkata by the Department for maximum of 5years from 1.7.2009 to
30.06.2014 and he is conversant and updates himself with the govt. rules and its application
properly. His knowledge of works related
to the Income Tax, Budget & Accounts, audit etc. have already been
reflected in his ACR/APAR. Besides, 6(six) other UDCs & 3 MTS under his supervision
were engaged to develop the areas of office management and office automation
with their proficiency, writing skill for drafting & notings and promptness
of work continuously. Their nature of
exercising official works have been depicted
to their respective ACRs/APARs also. The other UDCs who are also posted
in other divisions like Administration, Library, stores and in other Branch offices are enough skilled to cater
their assigned jobs proficiently, conversant and application of govt. rules also, having the ability for
writing Skill like preparation of Drafting noting smoothly.
10) It is regressive that in spite of
having their efficiency, 2nd MACP in terms of DOPT,ND O.M
no.35034/3/2008-Estt(D) dated 19.09.2009 is being granted to them w.e.f
1.9.2008 to the immediate captive hierarchy Grade Pay @Rs.2800/-P.M instead of
their next promotional hierarchy Grade Pay @Rs.4200/-p.m for which the senior
most UDCs in this subordinate offices who render service to their respective
post more than the UDC(NSFG) and UDC(CSCS) but unfortunately draw less grade
pay viz @Rs.2800/- in PB-1 than those categories.
11) It is
regressive and painful also that some of the UDCs in MSME-DO who had been
recruited to their feeder post(LDC) either through SSC or employment exchange,
and rendered the regular service continuously 24 years i.e within the threshold
date of 31/08/2008, had been considered to opt for 2nd ACP financial
upgradation benefit in respect to their next promotional hierarchy of Grade pay
@Rs4200/- P.M. And thereafter, as soon as they complete another 6(six) years,
as per the MACP norms, in order to complete 30 years continuous service, they
will be considered for granting another
3rd MACP with the grade pay @Rs.4600/-P.M to meet both sides
end well. However, these despondent UDCs who are mostly graduates from
recognized university and had been recruited to their feeder post(LDC) through All India Open Competitive
Examination conducted by SSC holding good ranks and other qualified and skilled
UDCs who had been appointed either on compassionate ground or qualified
from Group-D post to their initial
post(LDC) ,are being deprived to get Grade Pay to the next promotional
hierarchy rather put them in captive grade pay@Rs2800/p.m . Had the MACP been not implemented
then the LDCs and UDCs could have enjoyed their 1st & 2nd
ACP benefit to their next promotional hierarchy as and when they come up to
their earmarked service years.
13) It is noticed that
the most of the UDCs in this subordinate office had earlier been selected to their feeder grade(LDC) by
SSC in 1983,1985….1990 however their offer of appointment from their ministries
under CSCS cadre were issued almost 18months later i.e in April’85 &
May’85/March’87……1993.Hence, in order to eliminate the delays in issuing offers
of appointment, M/o Home Affairs, Govt. of India, New Delhi and later on DOPT,
M/o PPG&P, New Delhi circulated O.M respectively nos.F.30/12/66-Ests(B)
dated 15.09.1966,23/9768-Estt(B) dt.26.02.1969 and 39011/2/2002-Estt.(B)
dt.25.09.2006 to all Ministries/Departments. Hence, this may be one of the
reasons to deprive the financial/modified financial benefit in time.
That the following table shows how the benefits under MACP Scheme is less advantageous because of the fact that the MACP is
granted in the hierarchy of the successive grade pay than the erstwhile ACP
Scheme to the Ministerial Staff which was granted in the
promotional hierarchy. An extract of the same is furnished hereunder:-
No |
Entry Grade / .
Pay scale |
1st Promotion /
1ST ACP / Pay scale (12 Years) |
2nd Promotion /
2nd ACP / Pay Scale (24 years) |
(Entry Grade) Rs.3050-4590 Revised PB-1 (Rs.5200-20200)+ Grade Pay Rs.1900 |
Rs.4000-6000 Revised PB-1 (Rs.5200-20200)+ Grade Pay Rs.2400 |
Rs.5000-8000 (Revised PB-2(Rs.9300-34800)+ Grade Pay Rs.4200 |
(Entry Grade) Rs.3050-4590 Revised PB-1 (Rs.5200-20200)+ Grade Pay Rs.1900 |
1st MACP
(10 Years) Revised PB-1 (Rs.5200-20200)+ Grade Pay Rs.2000 |
2nd MACP
(20 Years) Revised PB-1 (Rs.5200-20200)+ Grade Pay Rs.2400 |
3rd MACP
(30 Years) Revised PB-1 (Rs.5200-20200)+ Grade Pay Rs.2800 |
Advantageous |
12)That it is found that the LDCs/UDCs who
have completed 24 years service as on 31-8- 2008 (before the cut-off date of
1-9-2008), were have been granted the
benefits of 2nd ACP in the pay
scale of Rs.5000-8000. As such, these UDCs have been placed in the revised pay structure of PB-2 (Rs.9300-34800)
+ Grade Pay Rs.4200, the UDCs who have not got the 2 ACP prior to 31-8-2008
have been placed in PB-1(Rs.5200-20200)+Grade Pay Rs.2800 towards 2 MACP and
thus deprived of the said benefits without any justified reason. A tables
showing the discrimination meted out to the incumbents in UDCs is furnished
No. |
Entry Grade /Pay scale
Fifth CPC |
1st Promotion
/1ST ACP / Pay scale (12 Years) (Fifth CPC) |
Pay structure by the Sixth CPC |
2nd Promotion /
2nd ACP / Pay Scale (24 years) (Fifth CPC) |
Pay structure by the Sixth CPC |
Rs.3050-4590 |
Rs.4000-6000 |
PB-1 (Rs.5200-20200) +Grade Pay Rs.2400 |
Rs.5000-8000 |
PB-2(Rs.9300-34800) +
Grade Pay Rs.4200
14) It appears from the Judgments of the following Hon’ble CAT and Supreme
court to alleviate the issue of granting
MACP to next promotional hierarchy:-
Name of Hon’ble
O.A Nos.& date
Between the
Judgment offered
Chandigarh Bench
Rajpal son of Shri
Tilak Ram Vs Union of India and others
At 13) It has also
been settled that the ACP would be granted on completion of the required
years of service in the hierarchy of posts for the posts of LDC/Hindi
Typists, and not in the next higher scale in the recommended scales. The same principle would have to be
applicable in regard to grant of MACP to the applicant.
The only difference is that while in case of ACP two
financial upgradations were granted on completion of 12 and 24 years of
service, in case of MACP ,three up gradation on intervals of 10,20 and 30
years of service.
At 15) Be that as
it may , the principle enunciated and settled by the Tribunal/High Court for
grant of ACP cannot be changed and the
same principle would apply for grant of MACP to him. The only difference is
of number of years required to be completed. We find no justification to take
a different view in the matter.
Punjab &
CWP No. 19387/2011
Union of India represented by DoP&T and
others Vs. Raj Pal and another.
There was no infirmity in the aforesaid order passed
by the Chandigarh Bench of the Tribunal.
Principal Bench,
New Delhi
O.A No.904/2012
Sanjoy Kr,UDC
& other 18 UDCs and LDC Vs UOI & Ors.
The respondents
are directed to grant scale of pay of Rs9300-34800/- with grade pay of
Rs.4200/- attached to the said promotional post of Assistant/OS from the due date to the
applicants and that directions shall be complied with within the period of
two months from the date of receipt of a copy of this order, subject to the
other conditions mentioned in the MACP scheme.
SLP No. 7467/2013,
Union of India
represented by DoP&T and others Vs. Raj Pal and another.
The Government
thereafter approached the Hon’ble Supreme Court , the court dismissed the
said SLP
Principal Bench,
New Delhi
O.A No.864/2014
Omprakash and Another Vs..
Union of India represented by DoP&T and
Once an order has
been passed by this tribunal and it has also been upheld at the level of the Supreme Court, there is no question of
waiting for an approval from any Govt. Department for implementation of the
14) Our head
of Department viz, DC(MSME), New Delhi is well aware that the field offices for
responsive accounts and administrative works mentioned below are handled by the
Ministerial servant means a Government servant of
a subordinate service whose duties are
entirely clerical
under FR 9(17) who are proficiently skilled with the
functioning of MS-Word,MS-Excel and Internet through computer , good writing skill for noting and drafting in
connection with the correspondence with HOD and others as similar with
Assistants/UDCs in CSS/CSCS.
Hence , the matter may be reviewed and convey the approval of
the Ministry in granting either MACP to
the next promotional hierarchy.
15) The duties
assigned to the UDCs/LDCs in MSME-DIs in Kolkata and its Br-DIs/ MSME-TCs
Accounts section
a) Computerized preparation of Budget of RE
& BE under Non- Plan Head to send to DC(MSME),New Delhi.
computerized preparation of Monthly /Qrtly/Annual Expenditure report
under Plan & Non Plan heads duly reconciled with PAO
Assessment of Income tax for employees of this office and other than employees of this whose income
tax is covered u/s 194C/194J/194I/206C etc. Preparation of 24Q1 to
24Q4 and 26Q1 to 26Q4 and thereafter uploading
through TIN-FC periodically, Issue TDS-16 and 16A duly generated part-A by
TRACES and part-B by this office.
collection of service tax and deposit to the specified head through ST
challan and furnish the return online thorough office or TIN
Prepare audit replies to settle paras as raised by audit team(Internal/statutory).
computerized preparation of salary bills of GOs and Non-GOs and its
schedules, arrear bills and submit to PAO duly reconciled with PBR and other
records for arranging payment through
100% e-payment.
g) Preparation of GPF advance/withdrawal/final
payment bills for payment through
h) Preparation of TA on
tour/transfer/retirement , LTC-Advance/final adjustment/EL encashment for max
of 10days bills for payment
i) preparation of draft on behalf of
DDO for correspondences with competent authority for obtaining fund under
non-plan heads and redistribution of fund thereafter to Br-DIs including this
Instt. proper.
k) preparation of draft on behalf of
DDO/GAD for correspondences with competent authority for obtaining ex-post facto
sanction for medical reimbursement claim as spl. Cases.
l) Maintained the MTS GPF ledger,
abstract, Calculation of GPF interest each financial year, processing of GPF
final payment sanction and DLI benefit from the competent authority.
m)All retirement benefit claim bills
like CVP, RG, CEL, Final Payment of CGEGIS(SF),GPF (final Payment) and death
benefit to the deceased employee’s family member like DCRG,
CGEGIS(SF/IF), CEL,DLI benefit etc.
n)preparation of long term advance
bills and calculation of Interest after repayment in full. Maintenance of long
term registers.
o) checking of medical reimbursement
bills as per CS(MA)/CGHS rules and prepare the bill also.
p) Prepare the bills also under the
different heads of OE/RRT/IT/OT/Deptt.
Of Canteen etc duly obtained the sanctioned from competent authority as per
GFR,R&P and DFR norms.
q) Scrutinizing the plan programmes
bills under EDP
scheme/CDP/VDP/seminar/IPR /Library as per financial guidelines before
obtaining sanction from the competent authority through files and prepare the
bills, computerized sanction order and e-payment details before submitting to PAO
r) Prepare the bills of barcode/ISO
reimbursement under plan head and upload through CPSMS on behalf of DDO part
between the levels of PD and PAO .
s) scrutinize the claim of OTA of
Drivers/watch & ward staff before obtaining sanction from competent
authority through file and preparation of bill thereafter.
t) Operate the PD a/c as per the
instruction of GOI
u) Deal with case of Physical
Verification of Stores of each year as per GFR norms like preparation of draft
on behalf of DDO to nominate the officers for verification of stores in different
divisions/ workshop/ stores/Br-DIs on receipt approval from competent authority
and further on receipt the report from them those are forwarded to above for
v) disbursement of pety cash,
maintain cash book, valuation register,GAR-6,deposit govt. revenue to bank
through prescribed challans, deposit service tax in proper challan, 3rd
party register etc. Correspondences with
bank and PAO.
w) Furnish the suitable replies
according the govt. administrative and financial rules against the objections
raised by PAO on returning claims.
x) Different registers like PBR,
Bill, Abstract, Control, Long/Short term advance, faculties honorarium
,medical,LTC,TA etc. are maintained.
y) prepare LPC of transferred
officials/Prepare LPC for retired and deceased employees to release their
balance DCRG claim.
z) Check the GPF
Advance/withdrawal/Final payment application with the official records and
applicable rules before according sanction from the competent authority from
Estt. Section.
a1) Calculate the claim
of Savings fund under CGEGIS scheme of retired/deceased employees
b1) Calculate the DLI
benefit linked with GPF to deceased employees
Conclusion: We fervently request to GOI to grant MACP
to those destitute employees in subordinate offices to the next promotional
hierarchy considering the facts stated above please.
I am joined Ministry of Textiles, as LDC on 04.11.1996. My organisation has grant me 1st MACP w.e.f. 01.09.2008 after completion of 11 years and 10 months i.e. date of implementation of MACP grade pay raised from Rs. 199/- to Rs. 2000/- (only Rs. 100/- benefits after completion of 11 years and 10 months). 1st ACP due on 03.11.2008. I have financial loss/arrears 1 year and 10 months, two months of short of service as on date 31.08.2008 for implement old ACP scheme. I submitted representation to department on 16.09.2013 for grant of 1st MACP with grade pay Rs. 2400/- otherwise short of service for two months may be considered and grant of Rs. 2400/- under ACP. I forwarded all the above court orders for supporting of my case. The department referred my case of DOPT Estt-D division, reply is awaited. Hence all the friend hereby requested to give your valuable comments in this regard please.
ReplyDeleteDear Friend
ReplyDeleteIt's just waste of time. Directly approach CAT/ High Court or Supreme Court for granting MACP in Promotional Hierarchy. The DoPT will not reply your letter my friend. It's time now to wake up and raise our voice against the unjust policy of Government. We had already filed a case and next hearing is on 13th Aug'14. Would like to request all the friends whose eye ball are just reading this comment to come out from dream and face the real world. There's a quote in Hindi. BACHCHA NAHI RONE PAR MAA BHI DUDH NAHI PILATI. So friends please wake up and file case from every corner of this country.
Best of Luck friends.
Our hearing has been postponed to 30th October 2014
Deletecall for strike hum sub andhe desh me rahte hai so govt ko kiya ---------
ReplyDeleteI am waiting of dopt reply after file case in CAT. Wait up to SLP filed by Dopt Is hearing on 22 Aug 14.