07/11/SH NEWS

Upgradation of Grade Pay of LDC/UDC: Date of next hearing is 01/04/2020.

Flash message

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Web Site: www.aiamshq.blogspot.com
e-mail: aiams06@yahoo.co.in
Hall No. 201 & 205, Vijay Stambh,
Zone I, Maharana Pratap Nagar,
Bhopal, dated 21/11/12

All Units/members are requested to visit the web site regularly to know the latest position of the issues related to the Administrative Staff.

Dear friends,

As you are aware that the issues related to the Administrative Staff of the NSSO have been bringing to the authorities from time to time by this Association but the details of the same could not be communicated to you. However, we are maintaining a popular web site with around 1.5 lakh visitors so far in which common issues of the Administrative Staff have been posted.

12-12-12 strike of Central Government Employee:      
Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers first time since 1968 has called Central Government Employees’ own strike on 12-12-12.  For quite some time Staff side was trying to persuade the Government on the issues of 7th CPC w.e.f. 1.1.2011; Merger of 50% DA; Extension of 5 promotion to Group B & C Staff; National & MACP Anomaly issues; Withdrawal of new pension Bill etc. (See the 18 point charter of demands in annexure I). But the Government has not been bothered to heed. The JCM machineries become defunct. Meanwhile, Confederation was organized a massive rally of Central Government Employees’ at Delhi on 26th July on the issues. And now, one day nationwide strike on 12/12/12. It is a ‘do or die’ fight. If performed in its right spirit we will be benefitted; otherwise we will be losers forever. Friends, this is the strike, called by the Confederation and we join it as an affiliate of the Confederation. And as such no action except deduction of one day’s pay will be there. The recognition case of our Association is pending with the Ministry and as such none can be claim that our Association is not recognized. Please come forward!  

Recognition of the Association.
As already said in our previous circular CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 provide same interest group of staff irrespective of their group viz. group B, C or D to identify as a distinct category for recognition of Staff Associations. According to which the Ministerial Staff including Assistants had been identified as same interest group and granted recognition in the year 1998. But on the basis of DoPT letter dated 9/4/2009, classifying the post holding Rs. 4200 Grade pay as group B, the MoS & PI has re-identified a distinct category of group C vide letter dated 29/10/2009 and asked this Association to remove the Assistants from the member ship. Since the Ministry has already identified the Assistant as same interest group in the year 1998 and granted recognition, the re-identification done by them was not in accordance with the CCS (RSA) Rules. Thus we stood firm for the recognition of the entire Administrative staff as a same interest category and passed constitution/resolution at Mumbai GB Meeting in the month of Sept. 2011. But, even though one senior officer in the Ministry had orally agreed to set aside the distinct group re-identified’ and the case was put up in favour, but it has not culminated in its desired result at least for the time being. In this respect the latest letter received from the Ministry has been replied (See annexure II). Simultaneously, the information sought under RTI act from DOPT is awaited (See Annexure III).

Since this Association enjoys the support of more than 80% Administrative Staff in NSSO and more than 95% in FOD the Ministry cannot close its eyes and ears on our grievances. Thus all issues put up by us are processed timely. All Units are requested to please keep the units activity as usual.

Restructuring of Administrative Staff:      
The proposal for the restructuring in respect of FOD is under consideration of Deputy Secretary in the Ministry of Finance. We are getting full co-operation from the FOD Administration on the issue. Meanwhile, it is learnt, the case of DPD & SDRD is in its final stage of implementation. If things are going smoothly the proposals for the restructuring of the Ministerial Staff shall be in the stage of implementation within few months.

Combined Seniority of LDC & UDC for promotion to the post of Assistant.
Association has been taking up the issue for the last two years and finally it was put up one of the demand on which the 28th February strike was observed. Accordingly recruitment rules have been framed and sent for approval (A copy of the letter received in this respect is enclosed in annexure IV)

Filling up of the post of Assistant in FOD Offices.
Copy of the latest letter on the issue sent to the FOD is enclosed in annexure V.

Merger of the posts of LDC & UDC and Upgrtadation of Grade Pay.
The minutes of the anomaly committee meeting held on 17th July is posted on the Association web site. According to the assurance given by the Government to the Staff Side a separate meeting would be conducted to discuss the additional anomaly items, the issue of LDC & UDC are placed under additional items. Shri S.K. Vyas, who represent, Confederation has informed me that the issue of merger of LDC & UDC will be discussed in the final meeting of the Anomaly Committee. We are awaiting the meeting and its decision.

Filling up of the post of UDC/LDC in FOD Offices:
The posts of UDC are to be filled up by promoting the LDCs from the state seniority list and the vacancies of the LDC are to be filled through SSC directly for which no special approval from FOD is needed. If there is inordinate delay in filling the vacancy through SSC these posts can be filled up on contract basis till the SSC provide candidate, as per the guide lines issued by the FOD for the same. Besides, our request to consider the promotion of educationally qualified MTS to the vacant post of LDC as a onetime measure is also under consideration of DOPT (copy of the latest letter is enclosed in annexure VI).

Restructuring of Hindi Staff:
As you are aware that simultaneously to the sending of restructuring proposal of Administrative staff, the demand of restructuring of Hindi Staff was raised. Accordingly, a proposal for sanction of Hindi Staff in all FOD Regions and creation of the post of Assistant Director at Zonal level was sent for acceptance. DPD unit was also asked to raise the issue on the line. Now the case is in its final stage and we expect its immediate acceptance.

As regards parity in the grade pay of the Hindi Staff of Central Secretariat & subordinate staff, while replying the items put up in the National Anomaly Committee, the official side has said that orders for the parity and grade pay for official language personal with the Central Secretariat have already been issued. Wherever, the same is not implemented or different decision taken, the same may be brought to the notice of the Department of Expenditure for appropriate decision.

Implementation of the order granting of Rs. 4200 grade pay to 30% UDC in Central Secretariat
The case has been taken up by the Confederation in the National Anomaly Committee as additional item and also put up in the National JCM.

With warm regards,
Sincerely Yours,

(TKR Pillai)
General Secretary


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