
Thursday, June 14, 2018

Scrap Contributory Pension Scheme
Settle 10 points Charter of demands
National Convention of Central Government Employees organised by Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers at Hyderabad declared one day strike on 15th November 2018. All India State Govt Employees Federation (AISGEF) also declared one day strike on the same day ie ; 15.11.2018. Main demands are Scrap Contrbutory Pension  System and implement Old Pension System for all , Honour assurance given by Group of Ministers regarding increase in Minimum Pay & Fitment Formula , Stop Outsourcing of Govt functions and contractorisation , Grant Equal Pay for Equal Work , Settle 10 points Charter of demands etc. 
The Convention was inaugurated by Dr.Sajjeeva Reddy , National President , INTUC. Com Amarjeet Kaur , Nationl General Secretary , AITUC , Com Venkitesh , State General Secretary , CITU , Telangana , Com Gopal Rao , All India Defence Employees Federation addressed the convention. Com A.Sreekumar , General Secretary , AISGEF addressed the convention and declared that State Government Employees will also go on nationwide strike on 15.11.2018 along with Cental Govt Employees demanding scrapping of Contributory Pension Scheme. Com M.Krishnan , Secretary General , Confederation presented the Draft Resolution and Declaration for discussion and adoption. About 28 delegates representing different organisations and state level Coordination Committees participated in the discussion on draft resolution and declaration. Com Giriraj Singh , President , NFPE , Com Venkatesan (ITEF) Com M.S.Raja , Secretary General , All India Audit & Accounts Association , Com C.U.Jayakumar , Secretary General , National Federation of Atomic Energy Employees , Com Nilesh D Nazare , General Secretary , Indian Bureau of Mines Employees Association , Com P.S.Prasad (All India Ground Water Board Employees Association) Com R.Seethalaksmi , Convenor , All India Women's Committee of Confederation also addressed the delegate session. Convention adopted the Resolution and Declaration and decided to go for one day strike on 15th November 2018 demanding settlement of 10 points Charter of demands (Resolution , Declaration and Charter of Demands will be published in the website shortly). The Convention also decided to organise intensive campaign programmes to ensure largest participation of employees in the strike (Details of campaign programmes will be published shortly)
About 1000 delegates from all states and affiliated organisations participated in the National Convention. Com K.K.N.Kutty , National President , Confederation hoisted the Confederation flag and also presided over the National Convention. Com A . Azeez, General Secretary , COC , AP & Telangana delivered welcome address and Com Y.Nageswara Rao , Chairman , COC offered vote of thanks. 
The Reception Committee under the dynamic leadership of Com Nageswara Rao and Azeez along with leaders and cadres of all affiliated organisations of COC made excellent arrangements for the successful conducting of the National Convention. Cultural programmes presented by Praia Natya Mandali was really inspiring. Overall the National Convention was a grand success and and an inspiring experience for those who participated in it.

1 comment:

  1. respected well wisher of central govt. employees don't you know what is behind all these 1 day strike and other activity, every 1 knows the truth. please stop misguided. if possible solve the matter quickly. otherwise enjoy your play.
