
Monday, November 21, 2016


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Hall No. 201 & 205, Vijay Stambh,
Zone I, Maharana Pratap Nagar,
No. 2/Assn/GS/16                                                                       Bhopal,   dated 15/11/2016
            The Secretary,
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,
Government of India,
New Delhi
            (Through:      ADG, NSSO (FOD), New Delhi)
         I am enclosing herewith a copy of the minutes of the General Body Meeting of the All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, held on 17.09.16 & 18.09.16 at Bhopal along with a copy of the audited accounts statement, duly approved by the General Body Meeting, for information and further necessary action please.  The list of Office bearers and a copy of the General Body notice dated   are also enclosed.  A copy of the constitution, duly amended by the General Body Meeting is also enclosed herewith.
           It is requested to please convey the grant of special casual leave to the representatives at the earliest please.

Encl:   As above        
Yours faithfully

(Sanjeev Kumar Sinha)
General Secretary
Copy to:
1.                   The Deputy Director General, NSSO (DPD), Kolkata.
2.                   The Deputy Director General, NSSO (SDRD), Kolkata.
3.                   Advance copy of the Minutes is sent to the Secretary,  MoS & PI for information please.

(Sanjeev Kumar Sinha)
General Secretary


minutes of the general body meeting of the all india association of administrative staff (non gazetted), ministry of statistics and programme implementation, government of india, held on 17 & 18 september 2016 at bhopal
The 11th General Body meeting of the All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non Gazetted) was held at Bhopal from 17 & 18, September 2016.
The meeting was held in two sessions viz. Open Session and Delegate session.
 (a) Open Session (17/09/2016):
The inaugural session started at 4.30 PM at Hindi Bhawan.  Shri K K N Kutty, President Confederation of Central Government Employees & workers New Delhi was the Chief Guest.   In his  address Shri Kutty has underlined the historic struggle and strikes conducted by Central Govt. employees since the formation of Confederation in the year 1956 viz. 1960 five days strike, 1968 September 19th strike, 1974 Bonus strike, 12/12/12 strike of Confederation which become instrumental in the constitution of 7th Pay Commission and also in the strikes called by the Central Trade Unions for the interest of the whole working class and common people of the country in which Confederation participated. He said the Government has decided to bring FDI in Railways, Defence and strategic sale of public sector undertakings. Shri Kutty explained the developments which resulted in the deferment of the 11th July indefinite strike call of NJCA in detail.  He pointed out that it is only because of the total unity and preparedness of the entire Central Govt. Employees including Railways, Defence and Confederation, the Govt. finally came down and the Prime Minister intervened and directed the Senior Cabinet Minister’s Committee to negotiate with the NJCA. Govt. initially was under the impression that once the pay commission recommended pay scales and benefits are announced by the Cabinet, the NJCA’s strike threat will automatically fizzle out.  But Govt’s calculations went wrong and NJCA took a firm stand. On 30th June Group of Ministers assured increase in the minimum pay and fitment factor and appointment of a High Level Committee to make recommendations for fulfilling their assurance.  He assured that Confederation with NJCA will make maximum efforts to get positive results from the committees proposed by the Govt. viz. Allowance Committee, Anomaly Committee, Committee for streamlining the implementation of the New Pension System (NPS), High Level Committee as per the assurance of Group of Ministers. Shri Kutty made it clear that in case the Government go back from its assurance, the deferred indefinite strike will be revived by the NJCA. 
Earlier Shri B K Goyal, Chairman Reception Committee welcomed the guests. The conference was addressed by Shri Yashwant Purohit, Secretary Central Government Employees Coordination Committee (CoC) Madhya Pradesh, Shri S C Jain, President, CoC Madhya Pradesh, Shri G S Asiwal, Senior Central Government Employees’ leader Bhopal and others.
Shri TKR Pillai, General Secretary of the Association conducted the Programme. Shri Sajjan Kumar, President of the Association presided and Shri Abhishek Chaturvedi, Secretary, Reception Committee offered vote of thanks.
  (b) Delegate Session (18/09/2016):
 The delegate session commenced with welcome speech of General Secretary. He informed the meeting that communications from around 8 units have been received informing their inability to attend the meeting due to conduct of Annual Training Conference in the respective Region/Preparation of Budget or ill health of the person selected as delegate. He said the Association was formed in the year 1993 and as General Secretary he tried his best to highlight the issues of the Administrative Staff during the last 22 years and as a result the position of the Administrative Staff in FOD & DPD/SDRD improved. However the work will be completed only after the implementation of the cadre restructuring of Administrative Staff of FOD which is under consideration of the Government. The cadre restructuring of DPD Admn Staff has already completed. Above all, he said, our Association become a platform for dealing the common issues of the pay upgradation of LDC/UDC, MACP on promotional hierarchy etc., in which our efforts  have been applauded by the Entirety of Central Government Employees. The instance of the popularity of the Association can be visible in the number of persons visited our web site, the most popular web site of any of the Central Government Employees Association as on date, he  said. The delegates representing various units of the Association as mentioned below have attended in this session.

S No.
Place of posting
Sajjain Kumar
Hqrs Office Delhi
Govind Tank
SRO Ratlam
AD Chakladhar
RO Kolkata
Debashish Bose
RO Klkata
Shashi Bhushan Singh
R O Muzaffarpur
Rajesh Kumar
R O Ranchi
Mrs DD Sawant
RO Mumbai
Mrs V D Bhatkar
RO Mumbai
Smt Shanti Devi Mishra
RO Gwalior
Vinod Kumar Khanwalkar
RO Gwalior
Harish Chandra
Hqs Delhi
Somendra Kumar
RO Patna
Rajesh Kumar
ZO Lucknow
Abhishek Chaturvedi
Steno II
R O Bhopal
TKR Pillai
RO Bhopal
GSS Bisen
RO Bhopal
Sanjeev Kumar Sinha
RO Bhopal
 Approval of Minutes of the Previous General Body Meeting.
Minutes of the last General Body Meeting held in Nagpur on 20 & 21 February 2015 was presented in  the meeting for its approval and the General Body Meeting unanimously approved the minutes.
Report of the General Secretary
Thereafter, General Secretary presented the biennial report on behalf of the Central Executive Committee.  The report touched each and every aspect of the common problems of the Ministerial Staff of FOD, SDRD and DPD of NSSO.  The report also touched major National and International events affecting the working class in the intervening period.  The report was discussed in detail and adopted unanimously.
Presentation of Accounts
The Treasurer presented the audited accounts before the General body meeting.  After a brief discussion the accounts for the period 1.4.2014 to 31.3.2016 was passed unanimously.
Discussion and adoption of agenda items/grievances related Administrative Staff.
1.         Restructuring of Administrative Posts in NSSO Offices.
General Secretary said that restructuring case of Administrative Staff of NSSO (FOD) & DPD/SDRD was initiated by the Ministry around 8 years ago due to the continuous efforts of our Association.  Restructuring of DPD/SDRD has already been finalized and the same is under implementation. But due to the casual approach of the FOD Hqrs, restructuring of FOD administrative staff could not be finalized as yet. On the other hand due to merger of pay scales of 5000-8000 & 5500-9000 gazetted office superintendents in FOD Offices has been downgraded and at present, Non Gazetted Assistant/UDC are entrusted the duties without any additional remuneration. FOD had assured to create post of Administrative officer in all FOD Regions in place of office superintendent through cadre restricting, but, since the cadre restructuring is not finalized so far the difficulties of the Administrative staff in FOD Region continue, he said. New committee should take up this issue on top priority so that an early restructuring is materialized, he said. General Body meeting discussed the issue in details and unanimously decided that the FOD administration should be appraised the seriousness of the issue and all efforts should be taken for early restructuring of the administrative posts.
2.         Upgradation of the post of LDC to the post of UDC
While presenting the case in the meeting General Secretary said that our Association had demanded upgradation of the post of LDC on a justified ground but the Department has refused to take up this genuine issue. Accordingly, the case was referred to Ministry of Finance by our Association. Moreover, Secretary General Confederation has written a letter to the Ministry of Finance for merger and upgradation of the post of LDC & UDC. As a result MoF has written a letter to the Internal Finance of the MoS&PI for upgradation of the post of LDC through restructuring. Since the MoS&PI has not taken any positive action on the matter at their level; we forced to file a case in the CAT Jabalpur. Government has filed counter reply that the case is under consideration of anomaly committee and prayed for dismissal of the case. CAT Jabalpur recently directed the Government to submit the progress/outcome of the anomaly case of LDC to take a final decision on the case.
Since the matter has become popular in internet, various Associations raised the issue before the 7th Pay Commission and demanded merger of LDC and UDC and granting Rs. 2800 Grade pay to the merged post. Moreover, National JCM (Staff Side) at the initiation of Confederation has demanded merger of the posts and recommended Rs. 2800 Grade Pay to the merged posts of LDC & UDC. Beside several Departments including C&AG of India has recommended upgradation of Grade pay of LDC to Rs. 2400.But it is unfortunate that the Ministry of Statistics & PI from  where the demand originated has not put up anything in this context before the 7th Pay Commission.
 But the 7th Pay Commission has not recommended upgraded pay scale to LDC on the ground that the Government stopped direct recruitment for the clerical cadre and gradually phasing out the existing incumbents. Obviously this has been done after taking opinion from the Government. On this subject this Association has sent a letter to the Secretary National JCM (Staff Side) as well the General Secretary and President of Confederation. As a result, National JCM (Staff Side) in their “suggestion and demands on the recommendations of 7th CPC” has demanded upgradation of LDC to the post of UDC. Moreover, for the first time this issue has been taken as a demand in the Charter of demand of Confederation. Now the Government has to take a decision on the matter. Our Associations worked hard to bring the issue at this level.  General Secretary further said it is proved from the modification of recruitment rules of Data Entry Operators by the government after filing the case in CAT that there is anomaly in the case and as such we are going to win the case.

General body meeting applauded the General Secretary for bringing the issue in its today’s height. Assured all support in raising funds to fight the case in CAT and said that the spirit should be continued till a positive result on the matter is come out.
3.         Granting MACP on promotional hierarchy basis
While presenting the issue, General Secretary has said that in our Association LDC, UDC, Stenographer, MTS all are affected with MACP which provided only 100 to an MTS/LDC on grant of 1st MACP. On the issue Government has filed a number of SLPs in the Supreme Court and in order to coordinate  the case in favour of the employees and also raise funds contest the case, a steering committee of more than 40 Gazetted and Non Gazetted Associations has been formed. This is happened due to our Association’s untiring efforts. General Secretary of our Association is the convener of the said committee. The next date of hear of the case is 7th November 2016, the GS said. He further said that, due to our continuous efforts, National JCM has taken up this item as an agenda in the forthcoming National JCM Meeting. General Body Meeting while discussing the issue appreciated the General Secretary for appropriate action in the appropriate time and stressed the need of keeping the tempo by the new committee.
4.         Creation of Official Language posts in FOD Regions.
On the issues faced by the official language staff General Secretary said this Association has continuously pursuing the issue for the last 5 years. Accordingly, sanction of posts of official language in all offices of FOD has been ordered. But it is seen that sufficient promotional cannel is not created in the new structure. Now the Association will focus on creating promotional channel to them. GB discussed the matter and endorsed the proposal.
5.         Training of Ministerial Staff in ISTM/Zone training Centre:
The meeting was informed that the recruitment rule for the post of Assistant made compulsory to the UDC to undergo training in ISTM to qualify for promotion to the post of Assistant. But the quality of work in administration section can only be improved when all LDC/Steno are trained in ISTM immediately after their recruitment on the post. . The matter was discussed in length and decided to raise the issue.
In FOD Zonal training centre also the present spell of training should be increased and also subject experts should be invited from outside.  The meeting discussed the matter and accepted.
6.         Educationally qualified MTS should be trained at Zonal Training centre
The demand has been put up in view of the fact that MTS have been engaged to do the routine administrative work in all Regional Offices /SROs of the FOD and the General Body Meeting unanimously passed.
7.         Filling up of all vacant posts of Administrative Staff and Official Language Staff
By presenting the matter, general Secretary said that a large number of   posts of Assistant, LDC, MTS, Junior Translators etc. are lying vacant in various offices of NSSO especially in FOD Regions.  As a result work in the administrative section of FOD Regions suffers badly and the available Administrative staff has to do over time to complete the work there. The alternative arrangement made by appointing retired government employees on contract basis is not effectively working. Thus all the posts of LDC, MTS, Hindi Translators etc lying vacant in the FOD Office should be filled immediately, he said. The matter was discussed in the General Body Meeting and unanimously decided to demand  immediate filling up of these posts.
8.         Filling of Vacancies of LDC by educationally qualified MTS.
According to a decision taken in the Office Council Meeting of the FOD one time relaxation in  promotional quota to Ground D (now MTS) staff was accepted by the Ministry and accordingly some Group D staff in various  Regions got promotion to the post of LDC. But even though this promotion has been given by relaxation of existing rules i.e. promotinal benefit in addition to the existing 15% quota, the FOD has issued orders for adjusting the promotions in future vacacies in the roster register, maintained by state capital regions. As a result promotion from MTS to LDC has not been occured during the last 10 years. It is therefore requested that all educationally qualified MTS may be promoted to the post of LDC against the vacant posts in various Regional Offices as a onetime measure.
 9.         Creation of Administrative Staff in SROs of FOD.
 Assistant Directors have been posted as in charge in several of the Sub-Regional Offices of FOD. The post of Assistant Director shall be replaced with the present in Charge SO in the remaining SROs also in future.  At present the MTS posted in the SRO are doing the related work of administration.  Consequent to the appointment of a class I officer as in charge, the volume of administrative work will further increase in the SROs. Thus posting of Ministerial Staff in SRO is necessarily required and the General Body Meeting unanimously decided to put up a demand on the matter from the Association’s side.
 10.       Additional Ministerial Staff should be posted in the Regional offices where DDGs posted
The matter was discussed in the meeting and decided that the DDG is equal to the rank of the Joint Secretary entitled with various additional facilities.  But no additional staff is posted in the offices where DDGs are posted. Thus the DDG uses the service of Ministerial Staff in addition to the stenographer attached with him to assist him in day to day matters. This increases the burden of already burdened limited Ministerial Staff in the FOD Offices.  Thus additional staff should be posted in these offices. General body meeting discussed the matter in details and unanimously passed that the new committee should take up this genuine issue for disposal.
 11.       Conduct of JCM DC and OCM Meetings immediately.
The meeting was informed that The Department had notified the conduct of 100th meeting of the Departmental Council on 3rd June 2009. But the 100th meeting has not conducted as yet. Similarly, the Office Council Meetings are not being conducted for the last several years. The matter was discussed in the meeting and decided to demand immediate revival of the JCM /OCM forms in the Department.
12.       Compassionate appointment to all
 The meeting noted that the existing ceiling of 5% of the total Group C posts for compassionate appointment is not sufficient. Ministry of Railway gives compassionate appointments in all cases because of the fact that more than 85% posts in Railway are categorized as group C. In Income Tax Office Inspectors with 4800 Grade Pay is categorized as Group C posts despite of the fact that Government of India after implementation of 6th Pay Commission categorized the posts with 4200 Grade Pay as group B.  Moreover, Group C posts on which compassionate appointments are given is frequently abolishing in the NSSO Offices. The meeting was consented to demand to count the vacancies of Junior Statistical Officer also for granting compassionate appointments.
  13.      Amendment of the Constitution.
 General Secretary put up the following proposals to the General Body Meeting for amendment of constitution.
 1.         Article IX : proposed to decide the maximum strength of Central Executive Committee  as 11 (President (One), Vice President (One), General Secretary (One), Joint Secretary (One),Treasurer (One),Organising Secretary(Six)
 2.            Amendment in the membership conditions under Article IV to not elect Assistants with Rs. 4200 Grade Pay in Branch Committees (Article VIII (a)) and Central Executive Committee (Article IX).
The General Body Meeting discussed the aforesaid amendment and threadbare and unanimously approved. Accordingly election to the Central Executive Committee has been conducted and Assistant with Grade Pay 4200 is not elected to any post in Central Executive Committee.
14.       Election of Central Executive Committee

The Meeting elected the following as the office bearers for the ensuing term of two years. 

Name of Post
Name person
Sajjan Kumar
Hqrs New Delhi
Vice Presidents
Mrs DD Sawant
RO Mumbai
General Secretary
Sanjeev Kumar Sinha
R O Bhopal
Joint Secretary
AD Chakladhar
R O Kolkata
Smt Shanti Devi Mishra
R O Gwalior
Organising Secretary
Rajesh Kumar
ZO Lucknow

Harish Chandra
Hq New Delhi

Somendra Kumar
RO Patna

Shasi Bhushan Singh
RO Patna

Rajesh Kumar

Govind Tank
SRO Ratlam

Meeting concluded its deliberations on 18th   Sept. 2016 at 6.30 P.M. with a vote of thanks to the chair.
(Sanjeev Kumar Sinha)
General Secretary


  1. We the LDCs/UDCs of subordinate offices are waiting for a favourable judgement from CAT, Jabalpur and Supreme Court of India. Your early initiation could accelerate the case.

  2. sir whatis the next date of hearing for the case of ldc udc by the CAT jabalpur

  3. MINISTER OF STATE FOR STATISTICS Ordered that a copy of this Resolution be sent to all State Governments, Union Territories
    India news Today

  4. Compassionate apportionment nsso dpd Kab tak apportionment milaga
