
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Latest official News from 7th Pay Commission


            The following is the message which is published in official website of 7th pay commission….

Further to the memoranda received from a variety of Organisations, Federations, Groups representing civil employees in the Government of India as also from the Defence Services, the Commission has had fruitful and wide ranging discussions on relevant issues with all stakeholders. Such interactions have now been concluded. Valuable inputs have been received and the work of compilation and finalization of the report is underway, so that the Commission completes its task in the time frame given to it. Accordingly, any future requests for meeting with the Commission will not be entertained.

1 comment:

  1. The relevancy and necessity of this website has been drowned into the Bay of Bengal. No daily updates of employee centric news and information. Old shabby rotten potato like news and information are being posted when the same have already been foul smelled rotten in other websites. It is due to the boasting of and proudy Mr TKR Pillai. The person considered himself god of the central govt employees since a lot of oiled him by calling "Pillai Sir, Pillai Sir". No positive approach and developments. Because he knows well that The 7 CPC will do whatever they decide to do so. There is no way to boast of personal calibre of Mr. TKR Pillai.
