
Monday, June 8, 2015

1 comment:

  1. Tomorrow, 9th June 2015, two shows are going to be screened.

    First, morning show, 7th CPC's final meeting with JCM staff side national council at 11 AM at new Delhi.

    Second, evening show, The J.S.(E) meeting on the pending items, as already agreed by them.Further, it is agreed to supply status papers.

    What will be the effective benefit expected from these organized show?. We can consciously predict a big negative result as usual.

    But, snacks are here distributed by spreading "raising of bonus sealing from Rs.3500 To Rs.4500" . The JS(E) already said, some items will be considered.What will be the fate of other burning issues.

    T K R Pillai jee, please, utilize this golden opportunity to give the real picture of the anomalies suffered by LDC, UDCs and MACP anomalies to DOPT babus. We put our hope on you.
