
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Dear Sir
Can you please put some light for update position/information regarding your letter to DoPT in the Month of May'14 for MACP in Promotional Hierarchy.
We are unable to know the latest position.
Sir, 4 SLP is again going on in Supreme Court. The case of Baburam Vs GOI is one of them.

Kindly see the matter and if possible, please help that man by providing him a good counsel Sir. The latest information about Babu Rams case can be obtained from Sri Tkr Pillai
Thanks in advance.


  1. Dear Pillai Sir
    Please remove this post. As the person (Somu) in question is not a leader of any affiliated union, he is just a Lay man like us and trying to get justice for all the Employees who are suffering from the Bad law in MACP in Promotional Hierarchy, but don't have Guts to approach CAT. But your this post may bring bad name for him and he may come to light of Union People. Hence as a well wisher of person like him, I would request you to remove this post and not to put him in any trouble.
    Yes and I wish him Best of luck for taking pain for all of us.

    1. We welcome the letter written by Mr.Somu. He wrote this letter directly to Mr.Shiva Gopal Misra. He thought extraordinarily in a correct way. JCM staff side must take some more bold steps to followup the letter dt.15.5.2014. Mr Somu like person must come forward and take the initiative. This will benefit all. He writes letter in his name and not in anonymous name. Let he may be selected as leader of your affiliated union. Person who is taking initiative for the benefit of other is the original leader.

    2. Your asking about gut for going to court. My dear friend you donot know how the court are working. As per personal experience, I am telling that the members of the CAT are appointed by Govt who has favourable to the government. Do you that Shri M.K. Bhardwarj, Advocate in asking for Rs.75000/- per case of MACP inrrespective of limitation of applicants when we approched him for filing a case in Delhi. Do you think, I can afford these expenses. If associations or confederation fight the case on behalf the employees, it will help lakhs of government employees. It you win in the CAT, the same will be appealed in High Court. Again, you have to engage an advocate. It costs much more. Now-a-days, advocates demanding on the basis of the benifit you are going to get, if you win. Mr Somu is absolutely right in asking. Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra is representative of all association, confederations and a Secretary, NC JCM(Staff side). He should follow up the matter with DOP&T. Simply, by writing a letter, he cannot wash his hands that he had written a letter to DOP&T. Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra is holding a honorary post for dealing issues of the employees. He should be responsible and accountable to the government employees. He is supposed to inform through their website, what he has done till today on this issue.

  2. Mr.Mohanan Nair versus UOI SLP (CIVIL) No.21803 is listed before the Supreme Court on 8th Oct.2014. The progress of other 3 SLP, 22181, 23333, 23335, which are tagged among with each other is not known.

    1. As per orders of Supreme Court dated 8.8.2014 and 22.8.2014 in other SLPs, all the cases are to be tagged with the case of Mohanan Nair and as such all the cases are required to be listed on 8.10.2014 as bunch matters.

  3. Mr Somu a Champ with extra ordinary mind. Actually we need this type of person as a leader. Hat's off to you boss from all the people who are suffering from this virus of MACP in Grade Pay Hierarchy. Hope to see more in future. Expecting good news for all of us in near future.

  4. Absolutely right. Mr. Somu deserve the appreciation and support. But do not forget to Mr. Pillai Sir. He is doing his level best to remove this anomaly.

    1. How dare are you thinking this word forgetting Mr.Pillai, which is not at all possible even in dream.Mr Somu is a budding enthusiast. Writing one letter to JCM secretary cannot make a person as a leader. But what Mr.Pillaiji so far done and achieved is uncountable. If I say, Mr.Pillaiji is the messiah of all aggrieved CG it certainly not a big word. He should not compared with any other person.

    2. Shri Pillai ji is a respected person. Mr Somu has raised a good issue. It is the duty of National Council JCM(Staff side) should clarity on this issue. When NC JCM had failed to address the issue of the Central Government employees, then it is wasteful organization. Think of agony and pain of lakhs of Government employees who are waiting for some relief. Associations and confederations have miserably failed in bring the issues to the level of PM, who happens to be Minister of Personnel.

  5. How dare are you thinking this word forgetting Mr.Pillai, which is not at all possible even in dream.Mr Somu is a budding enthusiast. Writing one letter to JCM secretary cannot make a person as a leader. But what Mr.Pillaiji so far done and achieved is uncountable. If I say, Mr.Pillaiji is the messiah of all aggrieved CG employees it is certainly not a big word. He should not compared with any other person.

  6. Dear Friends
    Here we are not to count who is hero. Obviously they both are hero. Not only Mr Pillai or Mr Somu, we should count everyone i.e. From Mr Rajpal, Mr Sanjay Kumar, Mr Babu Ram and other's.
    But I want to remind you all that still the results are awaiting. Let the result come. Than we will decide to whom we should give the credit. But friends in my opinion, may be we are giving our comments as anonymous, but we are morally supporting these so called Hero's. Hence I feel we all are Champ and yes we will learn from these people and one day we will also come in our own name without fear of anyone.

  7. I would request all of you, to stop this shit and try to concentrate in our future. I believe I have not done anything that you all are finding who is hero. I AM NOT INTERESTED FOR BEING A HERO. So please stop all this.

    I would like to request you all, to think once that if we see the High level leaders of the federations, we can find no one is from Ministerial Cadre. This is the reason our problems are yet to be understood by Govt.
    Friends how it would be if we create our own federation i.e. MINISTERIAL STAFF FEDERATION OF INDIA without standing under any other federation. If we succeed in doing so, from next Pay Commission we will be having our own representative. Just think once.

    1. I agree with your vision. One platform for all staff what so ever the departments one belongs will cause no bar. Every member should contribute at least his/her mobile numbers so that they all be controlled by one controlling unit and communicate to each and every member through mobile messaging. This will enhance our moment ever more effective.

    2. Thanks for this wonderful idea, for giving one platform to all Ministerial Staff what so ever is the department one belongs. Pillai Sir, please look into the matter. This must be done. We all are with you.

  8. You are right Mr.Somu. You dont take these shit in your hand. Be practical and achieve something beneficial to CG employees. The CPWD office staff association has filed a case and they have won for Grant of MACP in promotional hierarchy in CAT principal bench New Delhi, Case No.OA 2553 of 2013. The case was filed by association and not by any individual. That is practical. Let us try for that from our association.

  9. I support Mr Somu G.
    And would like to request CPWD office staff association to take the SLP filled by GOI against BabuRam and others, as the person is unable to take the pressure.
    Hope we all understand the gravity of Baburam s SLP.

    It is the turning point for all of us. And I bet this time order will be passed in favour of us as common to all.

  10. At this moment it's not to right way to discusses who is hero.And i am full support to Somu.We are all deprived so we need fight unitedly.I am requesting to all If possible we all should support to baburam case, I personally talk to mr baburam and he has to need some help for runnig the SLP .Pillai sir is the most ideal person for that and we are all under his umbrella. Somu wrote a letter to a leader for highlights the actual problem of us.but some one criticism, why ? I don't understood.

  11. What happened to Somu's letter to JCM secretary. Is there any reply. Please inform the latest development if any. Thanking you.

    1. It seems that NC JCM had written a letter to DOP&T and their duty is over. This is tragedy of the country. No follow up action and no request for Anomaly Commettee meeting on MACP. It shows the callous attitude of the associations, confederations and National Council JCM(Staff side). We have lost faith in these anomaly committees meetings and NC JCM meetings. NC JCM is hopeless body and it should be dismantled. New approach to consultation mechanism should be evolved at the earliest.

    2. I don't think Mr Somu s letter will be answered by Sri S G Mishra. It will be unseen. As there is a qoute in hindi.
      Hati k dikhane k dant our khane k dant alag hain.
      The same way they all are packed with Government. Otherwise it would have been easily solved. As this particular issue will not affect to Union top officials, they are least bothered. Just to wash our eyes for collection of yearly fund, they just show some trailers. Waste of time. We are debarred from Article 14of constitution. Equal work equal pay.

  12. I think Mr Somu G has suggested a nice opinion. We should get a platform for us. We can fight unitedly. Though it's a difficult task, these union people's will raise objection, but I support you Mr Somu. Let's come forward and create a history in the country by opening a Ministerial Staff Federation of India.
    Jai hind Jai Bharat
