
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

National Federation of Civil Accounts Association proposes renaming of LDC as Accounts Assistant and granting of Rs. 2400 Grade pay to the post (Agenda item 3). Copy of the brief resume and decisions of extended Federation Executive Meeting held on 17th & 18th July 2014 is given below:

(All India Civil Accounts Employees Association
All India Civil Accounts Employees Association Category –II)
17/2–C, P & T Quarters, Kali Bari Marg, New Delhi-110001)

No. NFCAA/HQ/A-1/2014/Cir-9                             Dated: 18th August, 2014

            All Federal Executive Members,
            All Women Committee Members,
All Branch Secretaries of AICAEA & AICAEA Cat- II

Dear Comrades,


            The Extended Federal Executive meeting of the National Federation of Civil Accounts Associations was held in Delhi on 17th and 18th July 2014. Altogether 43 (forty three) Federal Executive members, Women Committee Members (from Delhi, Chennai and Nagpur) Branch Secretaries/Presidents of AICAEA and AICAEA Cat-II Branches from Delhi, Mumbai, Nagpur, Kerala, Pune and Andhra Pradesh attended the meeting. Com. T.R. Janardanan, President, presided over.

            Before entering into the agenda items, the meeting paid homage to following departed leaders and members of the Organization:-

1.      Com. (Smti) Anju Roy (Kolkata)
2.      Com. Priya Brata Ghosh (Kolkata)
3.      Com. Murali (Hyderabad)

            Com. P. Acharjee, Asstt. Secretary General and Com. A. Huparikar, Addl. Secretary General, AICAEA placed brief life history of Com. (Smti.) Anju Roy, Com. Priya Brata Ghosh and Com. Murali respectively. After their presentation, the meeting observed a minutes silence to offer respect to the departed leaders.

            In order to prepare for the scheduled meeting between the Controller General of Accounts and National Executive of AICAEA and AICAEA Cat-II on 17th July 2014, the meeting of the Federal Executive took up the agenda item No:- 2 for discussion and decided to discuss the agenda item No:- 1 later on. However, the item wise decisions of the meeting are as below.

AGENDA ITEM NO:- 2 meeting between CGA and National Executive of AICAEA and AICAEA Category – II on 17th July 2014 participation and review regarding.
            Initiating the discussion, Secretary General congratulated the leaders of AICAEA Cat-II for being successful in having a formal meeting with the Controller General of Accounts. Secretary General termed it as a major achievement of the National Executives of both AICAEA and AICAEA Cat-II.

            The issues to be discussed with CGA by the National Executives of both AICAEA and AICAEA Category-II were discussed point wise and also with reference to the minutes of the last meeting held with Controller General of Accounts on 30th May 2013. Different members present in the meeting offered their suggestions on various items. Four new items referred to Controller General of Accounts for discussion were also deliberated by the meeting. Thereafter, the meeting was adjourned for the day so that the National Executive of both Associations could attend the meeting with Controller General of Accounts at 4.30 P.M.

            The meeting resumed on 18th July 2014 at 10.00 AM and it reviewed the outcome of the meeting held with the CGA authorities on 17th July 2014. Initiating the discussion Secretary General thanked all the office bearers for their effective participation and projecting unity before the authorities. He also congratulated all for making the meeting a historic one. It was reported in the meeting that CGA has recommended to Ministry of Finance for Grade Pay of Rs:- 5400/- to AAO on completion of 4 years and Grade Pay of Rs:- 4600/- to Sr. Accountants w.e.f. 1.1.2006. Secretary General stated is was appreciable but authorities did not give recommendations in r/o rest of the cadres. However, so far as the outcome of the meeting is concerned, Secretary General expressed his dis-satisfaction and stated that  some of middle level officers had played mischievous role in the meeting and tried to remove the assurances given by the CGA in the earlier meeting. Taking part in the discussion Com. A.K. Mehta, President, AICAEA Cat-II expressed that, CGA should have been in the meeting although instead of leaving the meeting after his introductory speech and handing it over to Addl. CGA. All the members present in the meeting endorsed the views expressed by above persons. Com. P. Acharjee, Com. K. Venkatasubramanian, Com. Balaji and Com. A. Huparikar took part in the discussion and expressed their dis-satisfaction on the outcome of the meeting and pleaded for organizational action.

            After detailed discussion, the meeting decided to convey its dis-satisfaction to CGA through a resolution and entrusted the responsibility of finalization of the Resolution to Com. T.R. Janardanan, President, Com. V.Bhattacharjee, Secretary General, Com. K. Venkatasubramanian, President, AICAEA, Com. A.K. Mehta, President, AICAEA Cat-II and Com. A. Huparikar, Addl. Secretary General, AICAEA.

            The meeting of the Federal Executive also decided that, the ensuing 6th Federal Council meeting to be held at Cochin shall review the situation and decide the next course of action.

AGENDA ITEM NO:- 3 Participation in apex JAC Convention on 19th July 2014 and finalization of joint memorandum to be submitted to 7th CPC.

            Initiating the discussion, Secretary General reported about the pay scales devised and recommended by the staff side National Council (JCM) to the 7th CPC. Further,  he stated that as per the demand adopted by the apex JAC necessary documents had been placed before CGA.

The demands are:-

1.      Upgradation LDC as Accounts Assistant with grant of Grade Pay of Rs:- 2400/-.
2.      Merger of Accountant/Sr. Accountant and grant of Grade Pay of Rs:-4600/-.
3.      Grant of Grade Pay of Rs:- 5400/- to AAOs.

            Accordingly CGA vide letter dated 14.07.2014 recommended to Ministry of Finance to Grade Pay of Rs:- 4600/- to Sr. Accountant and Rs:- 5400/- to AAO with effect from 1.1.2006.

            The apex JAC meeting held on 28th May 2014 reversed its earlier stand and decided to demand following Pay Scales to different categories before the 7th CPC.
LDC(Redesignated  as Audit/Accounts Assistant)
GP 1900, PB1
GP 2400  PB1
Auditor/Accountant -20%
GP 2800, PB 1
GP  4200 PB2
Sr. Auditor/Accountant - 80% & Stenographer Gr. I/Steno Gr. II (P. S.)
GP 4200, PB 2
GP 4600 PB2
Sr. Auditor/Sr Accountant- on completion of 4 years
GP 4800 PB 2
Asstt. Audit/Accounts Officer/
Supervisor/ Sr. Private Secretary & Divisional Accountant (35% existing & reduce to 20% for DA Cadre)
GP 4800, PB 2
GP 5400 PB2
AAO Grade II on completion of 4 years /Divisional Accounts Officer Gr II (25%)
GP 5400, PB3
Audit/Accounts Officer (20%)/DAO Gr I (25%)
GP 5400, PB2
GP 6600P B3
Sr. Audit/Accounts Officer (80%)/DAO (15% existing & enhance to 30% for DA Cadre)
GP 5400,   PB 3
GP  7600  PB 3

            It was also reported by the Secretary General to the house that the representatives of NFCAA held repeated dialogue over this matter with the leaders of other constituent of apex JAC, but there could not be any common understanding.

            On this agenda item, 26 (twenty six) Federal Executive members took part in the discussion. 25 members were of the opinion that the earlier stand of merger of Accountant and Senior Accountant was most justified and reasonable. Merger would be more beneficial and carrer boosting for all cadres of Civil Accounts Organization as a whole.

            However, after hours long discussion, following decisions were taken by the meeting

1.      A resolution shall be forwarded to CGA conveying the resentment against forwarding the half hearted proposal of cadre restructuring to Ministry of Finance and that too without taking the Associations into confidence. In the same resolution it shall also be demanded to make suitable recommendations for rest of the cadres.
2.      In the National Convention of Accounts and Audit Employees on 19th July 2014, the representatives of AICAEA and AICAEA Cat-II would unitedly place their views with regard to merger of Accountant and Senior Accountant and also plead for taking this approach before 7th CPC by the apex level JAC. However, in case the proposal is not accepted in the convention, the AICAEA and AICAEA Cat-II shall obey the majority decision of the National convention so that total unity among the officers and employees and officers of Accounts and Audit departments is maintained.

AGENDA ITEM NO:- 4, Finalization of memorandum to be submitted to 7th CPC.

            Secretary General informed that, so far as departmental memorandum for submission to 7CPC in concerned, draft of the same was circulated to all seeking suggestions and proposals from Federal Executive members, Branches and even individuals. Further, Presidents and Secretary General of both Associations and President NFCAA are Co-ordinating among each other on this matter.

            The meeting observed that the discussion on this item of agenda had already taken place while discussing the previous agenda. It was therefore decided that, the memorandum shall be finalized after finalization of the approach taken by the National Convention of Accounts and Audit Employees and Officers Organization on 19th July 2014. The meeting also directed Presidents and Secretary Generals of both AICAEA and AICEA Cat-II to finalize the memorandum.

(a). Membership verification – position of signature campaign regarding.

            It was observed by the meeting that the programme was not taken seriously by many Branches/Units/Members. Cent percent signatures was sent by A.P. Branch, Nagpur Branch and Kerala Branch only. The Branches of North East, West Bengal, Tamilnadu and Pondicherry, Mumbai, Gujrat, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi have forwarded incomplete signatures and many members/units have been left out. Rest of the Branches and Units have not responded at all. The meeting had expressed its total dis-satisfaction on this development and it was not at all appreciable. Federal Executive members and representatives from  all the stations participated in the discussion on this item. Finally, they assured that, the signatures shall be collected and forwarded to Federation headquarters within a month’s time.

            After detailed discussion, it was decided that all defaulting Units/Branches/Members shall collect the signatures from the members and ensure that the signature sheets reach federation headquarters before 31st August 2014.

            The meeting also directed all Branches and Units to undertake membership drive and increase the strength of paid membership of both Association and it shall be reviewed in the Central Working Committee meetings of AICAEA and AICAEA Cat-II slated to be held at Cochin in September 2014.

(b). Functions of Branches/Units/Central Headquarters and Federation headquarters.

            The meeting noted that, in most of the stations, majority of the Units are not functioning due to (a) reduction in size of the units, (b) over all reluctance of the members towards organization activities and (c) terrorization and anti-association activities of local administration. So far as Branches are concerned, these are not functioning properly due to reduction in strength of membership, financial constraint and also due to inertness of the leadership. The obvious impact of all these facts are reflecting in the functioning of  Central Headquarters and Federation Headquarters also and the efficiently of the functioning of Organization altogether has diminished.

            Keeping in view the above situations, the meeting took following decisions-

1.      All the existing functioning Branches shall take necessary effort to re-activate their respective Branches and ensure functioning of the units even if those are tiny in size.
2.      Necessary steps to revive/activate the Branches in the states/stations where Branches and units are not functioning. Delhi Branch should improve its activity and membership position. In respect of Uttar Pradesh, Com. Abhay Kumar, Asstt. Secretary General as well as Branch Secretary, AICAEA, U.P. East Branch shall take necessary action for improvement of the situation in entire Uttar Pradesh. The Federal Executive members from West Bengal Branches shall take effort to organize Bihar and Jharkhand. The Branches of Karnataka should also be reviewed and Federal Executive members from Kerala & Tamilnadu shall do the needful in this regard.
3.      The women sub-committee had been brought to existence in 2004 and after protracted effort, the sub-committee could be given appropriate status through amendments in the constitution of Association. However, it almost a decade, the committee could not have its independent growth and functioning. The women sub-committee shall therefore, hold its meeting well before the 6th Federal Council meeting. Chairperson and Convenor of the sub-committee shall organize the sub-committee meeting immediately.

AGENDA ITEM NO:- 6 Holding of 6th Federal Council Meeting in Kerala.
            It has been decided by the meeting that the Central Working Committee meetings of AICAEA and AICAEA Cat-II Federal Council meeting of NFCAA shall be held at Cochin on 18th and 19thSeptember 2014 respectively. As per the provisions of constitution, the office bearers of NFCAA, AICAEA, AICAEA Cat-II, Women sub-committee members and the Branch Secretaries or any other accredited members of  the Branches being the federal councilors, the Branches have been directed to intimate the member of Delegates for CWC and Federal councilors for 6th Federal councilors from their respective Branch to Reception Committee, Kerala well in advance. The numerical  strength of membership of Kerala Branches being very small, the Federal Council meeting directed all Branches to respond to the request of Kerala Branches and extend Financial su[pport to Kerala Branches. The delegates fee shall be Rs:- 300/- (Rupees three hundred only).

AGENDA ITEM NO:- 7 Formation of Civil Accounts Pensioners Association – review regarding.
            A conveners Committee for formation of National level Civil Accounts Pensioners Association was formed in the Federal Executive meeting held at Nagpur on 5th April 2014. This meeting had directed to form state level pensioners Associations immediately so that the National level pensioners Associations could be formed at Cochin during 6th Federal Council meeting. Initiating the discussion, Secretary General informed that, except in Chennai, pensioners Association has not so far been formed at any station so far.

            Ten Federal Executive (achieving retired) members took part in the discussion. All of them expressed the difficulty in forming the pensioners Association on the ground that, all pensioners are the members of state level pensioners Association and they would not be able to withdraw their membership from those Associations. They have also expressed that in the event of a direction for formation of department wise pensioners Association is issued by National Co-ordination Committee of Pensioners, necessary steps for formation of Civil Accounts Pensioners Association would be possible to be taken. However, Kerala Branches expressed that, they would take effort for formation of Pensioners Association in Kerala. Tthe decision of referring the matter to NCCP for further action from their end was taken by the meeting.

AGENDA ITEM NO:- 8 Formation of Non-departmental Employees Union, review regarding.
            It was reported in the meeting that, due to non-receipt of the information on the number of non-regular employees working in different stations/Branch except West Bengal, no decision in this regard could be taken by the Federation headquarters.

            Taking part in the discussion Federal Executive members from Hyderabad and North East reported that there is not outsourced employee working in their Stations/Branches. Kerala reported about 5 outsourced/non-departmental Employees. Federal Executive members from Delhi informed that there are good number of outsourced employees in the City of Delhi but their actual number could not be collected. The same shall therefore be done quickly.

            Since it is the conscious opinion of the National Federal of Civil Accounts Associations that formation of Civil Accounts Non-Departmental Employees Union/Association and Civil Accounts Pensioners Association shall strengthen the Civil Accounts Employees movement, the Federal Executive meeting directed all Branches to collect the informations from their respective Station/States before coming to attend the 6th Federal Council meeting at Cochin in September 2014.

            Due to the pre-scheduled meeting between the Federal Executive of NFCAA and National Executive of AIAPAO(C) the meeting of the extended Federal Executive was adjourned for one hour.

AGENDA ITEM NO:- 9 Misc if any
            After resuming, the, meeting deliberated on the following –

I.        Protest against the adamancy of CBEC, authorities:-
The Civil Accounts authorities of CBEC had convened a meeting with the representatives of Association accompanied by some of the unit leadership on 15th May 2014. Apart from the issues relating to Foreign Service to Secretary General, several cases relating transfer of Women Employees, Handicapped persons, TA claims of persons attended election duty and various other benefits to employees are pending  for settlement. But the authorities have not settled any of the issues so far and the officials responsible for settling the items have been showing total adamant attitude. In view of this, the meeting of the Federal Executives passed a resolution urging upon the Pr.CCA, CBEC to convene a meeting with the available national executive members of the Association. The meeting also decided that, if no response is received within a fortnight of the receipt of Resolution by the authorities, all Branches shall hold demonstration in front of CBEC Units throughout the Country.

II.      Financial problems in AICAEA Cat-II:-
Finance Secretary of AICAEA Cat-II pointed out that the details regarding subscription sent through e-payment by the DDOs do not follow with the details like name of office, name of deducted and other details. Moreover, many DDOs are sending Cheques to Mumbai instead of Chennai and all these are causing serious problems in financial management of the Association. The meeting directed the Secretary General of AICAEA Cat-II to suitably drafted Circular regarding this and issue to all concerned under intimation to Federation headquarters.

III.    CAT Case regarding minimum pay on promotion.
It was reported by the President of AICAEA Cat-II that the case on the subject matter has been filed in the Pr. CAT, New Delhi through Com. S.K. Vyas, Advocate. Next date of hearing is 12th August 2014. For mobilization of fund, all AAOs have appealed to pay Rs:- 500/- (Rupees five hundred only).
IV.   Grant of benefit of promotion from 18th January
Addl. Secretary General, AICAEA invited the attention of the house to the fact that the Group-C employees of Civil Accounts organisation are being ordered for promotion to the next grade in March, April or May every year. As such, their date of next increment gets deferred for 13 months and above while the effect of promotion at the level of AO/Sr.AO is given on 1st January every year.

The matter being discrimination with the Group-C Employees, the Federal Executive meeting passed a resolution and forwarded if to CGA demanding removal of discrimination.

      Before conclusion of the meeting the Tamilnadu and Pondicherry Branch  had handed over Rs:- 10,000/- to Federation headquarters as Foreign Service fund. The Pune Branch had remitted Rs:- 14,450/- (Rupees fourteen thousand four hundred and fifty only) to Federation headquarters as its share  from the savings of 5th  Federal Council meeting fund.

      The meeting was declared over after offering of vote of thanks to the chair.    

With warm greetings,
(V. Bhattacharjee)
Secretary General

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