
Tuesday, August 5, 2014


This Association has received a letter from an anonymous person wherein the disparity of pay between UDC & Primary Teacher in Kendriya Vidhyalaya (KV) is given. According to the contents of the letter, in KV, the educational qualification required for direct recruitment of UDC is graduation and the educational qualification required for a primary teacher is Plus2 & JBT. But the grade pay of UDC is Rs. 2400 and the Grade Pay of Primary teacher is 4200.

          Since the writer of the letter has not revealed his name and the issue raised is related to Administrative Staff of KV- the section this Association represents- I contacted some of my KV friends and confirmed the information given in the letter as authentic.  One of my KV friends has informed that during the 4th Pay Commission the pay scale of UDC in KV was more than that of the Primary teacher and the 5th CPC has equalized the pay scale of Primary teacher with UDC.

This Association has sent a Memorandum to 7th CPC wherein we demanded Rs. 4200 Grade Pay for UDCs and as such we feel the publishing of this letter would strengthen our demand further.

          This Association is not in support of the comments made by the writer regarding working hours and vacation holidays of the teaching community.

TKR Pillai

General Secretary


  1. Dear Pillai Sir,

    It is a known fact that the Chairman & members/participants of the 6th Central Pay Commission has done all the possible damages to the lower level Ministerial wing of the Central Govt. departments (LDC/UDC) by deliberately downgrading them in comparison with other staff. Even the erstwhile Group D are getting much more benefits than LDCs/UDCs. In an example, a Tea Maker/Peon/Chowkidar in a department who has not passed the Matric/10th examination is drawing a Grade Pay of Rs.2400/-, whereas a LDC (EQ 12th Pass) who has completed 15 years of Service is drawing a Grade Pay of Rs.2000/-.

    I am quoting the words of Shri Pillai Sir "I contacted some of my KV friends and confirmed the information given in the letter as authentic. One of my KV friends has informed that during the 4th Pay Commission the pay scale of UDC in KV was more than that of the Primary teacher and the 5th CPC has equalized the pay scale of Primary teacher with UDC." It is a known fact that the 6th CPC has downgraded the status of UDC and placed them below the rank of Primary Teacher.

    I am giving another example in the case of Central Police Organisations (CPOs). During the 4th Pay Commission the pay scale of LDC was more than that of Constable and the 5th CPC has equalized the pay scale of Constable with LDC. The 6th CPC has given more grade pay to Constables (Rs.2,000/-) than LDCs (Rs.1,900/-). Similarly, during the 4th Pay Commission the pay scale of UDC was more than that of ASIs and the 5th CPC has equalized the pay scale of ASIs with UDC. The 6th CPC has given more grade pay to ASIs (Rs.2,800/-) than UDCs (Rs.2,400/-).

    Hence, there is direct & deliberate downgrading of the status of lower level Ministerial staff by the 6th Pay Commission. They simply want to downgrade with or without knowing the fact that 70-80% of the works done in Administration/Establishment/Accounts Sections of the Central Govt. departments are done by the LDCs/UDCs and the Supervisory Officers are simply sitting as mannequin or dummies and enjoying huge amount of Pay/Grade pay and other benefits.

  2. Dear Pillai Sir, we are 100% agreed with comment dated August 5 & full support such comments with health and wealth from all LDCs/UDCs from Punjab.


  3. All the association should fite for the grade pay of Ldc & Udc. All other state govements Ldc & Udc get more grade pay like Rajesthan, Himachal Pradesh, Panjab, HR, Kerla etc then central govt Ldc Udc

  4. Dear Friends,
    I with eight others have lodged a case regarding MACP in Promotional Hierarchy at CAT/KOL. Our next date is on 13th Aug'14. I would like to request you all to file a case in respective CAT so that we can create pressure to DOPT. As I see there are few people who just comment here in this forum. I would like to request those friends to wake up and give a call to themselves for Justice. Stop commenting here and show your anger by filing a case against this unjust policy of Government. For any further querry regarding my case can contact me in my mail id:

  5. Dear Sir,

    After drawing the grade of 4200 PRT in KVS, Teaching Association has filed a case to upgrade the grade pay of PRT from 4200 to 4600 vide no. (AIKVTA CASE ON PRT GRADE PAY MATTER (O.A./2630/2014 & M.A./2232/2014) BEFORE CAT (PB) DELHI ADMITTED AND LISTED FOR FURTHER HEARING ON 16/9/2014).

  6. LDC -
    Education Qualification - 12th
    Professional Qua.1 yr. Computer Diploma
    Working Hours - 7:10 Hrs.
    Salary - BP 5200+GP 1900

    UDC -
    Education Qualification - Graduation
    Professional Qua.1 yr. Computer Diploma
    Working Hours - 7:10 Hrs.
    Salary - BP 5200+GP 2400

    Primary Teacher -
    Education Qualification - 12th
    Professional Qua.2 yrs. Teaching Diploma
    Working Hours - 6:10 Hrs.
    Salary - BP 9300+GP 4200

    कृपया काम और योग्यता को देखते हुए कनिष्ठ लिपिक का वेतनमान प्राथमिक शिक्षक और वरिष्ठ लिपिक का वेतनमान स्नातक शिक्षक के बराबर करने की मांग रखें !

  7. Steno Grade D gets promotion after completion of five year regular service in the Income Tax Offices but in the other offices of Central Govt this rule has not been extended. All are recruited through SSC but promotion rule are different. What s system is going on.

  8. Steno Grade D gets promotion after completion of five year regular service in the Income Tax Offices but in the other offices of Central Govt this rule has not been extended. All are recruited through SSC but promotion rule are different. What s system is going on.

  9. Dear Pillai Sir,

    The erstwhile Group D employees were given initial Grade Pay of Rs.1300/- and then after a "training", they were finally placed in the Grade Pay of Rs.1800/-. Some of them got 3 financial up-gradations under MACP with the benefits of pay fixation on each MACP (1/2/3) and were placed in the Grade Pays of Rs.1900-2000-2400/-. So many Group D staff has surpassed the Basic pay/Grade Pay drawn by the LDCs and even UDCs by this method. This was granted without considering the fact that whether they were earlier granted benefits under ACP or not. This benefit was only enjoyed by the Group D staff.

    The ranks with earlier pay scales of Rs.4500 to Rs.5500, who would have been placed in Grade Pay of Rs.2800/- were merged by the 6th CPC and were given the Grade Pay of Rs.4200/-.

    I am asking a question to all the LDCs and UDCs and the office bearers of AIAMS "why the LDC & UDC were ill-treated by the 6th CPC and still not being given any benefits of higher Grade pay of Rs.2400/4200?. This is an injustice shown to LDCs & UDCs and even the DOPT is not trying to understand the genuine demands of these two cadres of Ministerial staff.

  10. DOPT & Higher level officers of Govt. think that LDC/UDC present Grade Pay is justifiable in terms of the works being allotted to them. If this is taken into consideration, a Section Officer should be given less Grade Pay than LDC because he is simply sitting in his chair, chatting with his friends over phone and did not work in comparison with the work of a LDC/UDC. Not even rendering any help to the LDC/UDCs.

  11. The grade pay of UDC & LDC should be increased as per duties as below -

    Post from to

    UDC G.P. 2400/- G.P. 4600/-
    LDC G.P. 1900/- G.P. 4200/-

  12. The LDCs & UDCs are really doing the ground level work or the paper work of any Central Govt. department and they are being denied the justice and justifiable Grade Pay by the Senior Level officers using their teeth and nail. What a democracy? The British people have not gone from India. They live in India in the form of Senior Level officers and they treat the LDCs & UDCs are their slaves or third class people.
