
Friday, July 25, 2014

Introduction of incentive scheme titled ‘Employee of the Month‘ with effect from October, 2013

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
24-July-2014 12:25 IST
Award to Industrious Government Staffers 
The Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) has instated a non-monetary incentive scheme titled ‘Employee of the Month‘ with effect from October, 2013 to recognize meritorious performance of employees of the rank of Under Secretary and equivalent and below in the Department.

DoPT had organized a retreat for its officials at the level of Deputy Secretary and above in October, 2013 at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie. This Department has informed other Departments of Government of India about this retreat as one of the best practices introduced in DoP&T.

In accordance with Innovation Action Plan, DoPT has installed ‘Idea Boxes’ in the Department to solicit ‘out of the box’ solution to various issues. This Department has informed other Department of Government of India about the installation of ‘Idea Boxes’ as one of the best practices introduced in DoPT.

Dr Jitendra Singh, MoS (PPG&P) gave this information in Rajya Sabha today in a written reply to a question by Shrimati Wansuk Syiem

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