
Thursday, August 2, 2012


Hall No. 201 & 205, Vijay Stumbh,
Zone I, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal

No. Assn/2/2012/GS                                                                                                      Dated 23/07/2012

Prof. T.C.A. Anant,
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation,
Sardar Patel Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001

Sub: Inordinate delay in implementation of restructuring of the Administrative Cadres in NSSO Offices.


Kindly refer to this Association letter dated 7th February 2012 on the restructuring and other issues related to the Administrative Staff of NSSO wherein your goodself were appraised of the service conditions of the Ministerial Staff, who have rendered 35 years or more valuable service in NSSO Offices and shouldering the responsibilities of Administrative Officers in the FOD Regions, are retiring on the post of Assistants without getting any pay parity and, therefore, an early implementation of the restructuring were requested. Also, a personal audience to appraise the grievances faced by the Administrative Staff in the NSSO Offices was requested. However, this Association has not received even a two line reply on this matter so far.

In this respect it is further submitted that the Administrative Staff especially the clerical staff & Stenographers working in the NSSO Offices are appointed through the competitive examination conducted by the Staff Selection Commission. While the candidates belonging to the same batch sponsored for appointment in other Ministries have been getting promotion to the grade pay of Rs. 4800/5400 by 30 years of service, in NSSO Offices most of the officials of same batch do not go beyond the post of UDC. According to the recommendation of the 6th Pay Commission and also due to the merger of the various pre-revised pay scales, Ministries/Departments have to take up the restructuring work of various cadres of staff. This Association has been continuously requesting the FOD/Ministry for the restructuring of the Administrative Staff since long. Consequently, the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation has taken a decision to restructure the Administrative posts granting Rs. 4800/ grade pay to the Section Officer in the FOD Region and other offices where no AO is posted. In response, the Data Processing Division and SDRD had sent their proposal containing the recommendation of renaming of office Superintendent and upgradation of grade pay to Rs. 4800/ vide letter No. A-13012/4/2009-CSW dated 23.07.2010. The Field Operations Division had also submitted their proposal on the line immediately. But, unfortunately, the proposal has not gone beyond the FA’s Office for the last two years.

Consequent on the aforesaid lapses the officials who have been promoted to the post of Office Superintendent in the FOD have been reverted to the posts of Assistant. The Non Gazetted Assistants with 4200 grade pay are compelled to discharge the duties of Administrative Officer with 4800/5400 grade pay in the offices of NSSO (FOD) and retire on the post itself. It is evident that unlike in any other Departments, the situation of down gradation of the post of Assistant is warranted because of the reason that the pay scale granted to the Office Superintendents so far was not in conformity with the status and responsibility held by them. Meanwhile, several of our Units have been requesting this Association to file a case against this discrimination. But we have faith on you; we feel your personal interference on these issues will solve the problems at the earliest.

In view of the above, it is our humble request you to please take your personal interference for the early implementation of the restructuring of the Administrative Staff. Please also allow us a personal audience to appraise you of the burning issues related to the Administrative Staff in NSSO Offices.

Yours faithfully

(TKR Pillai)
General Secretary
Mob. No. 09425372172


Hall No. 201 & 205, Vijay Stumbh,
Zone I, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal

No. Assn/2/2012/GS                                                                                                      Dated 20/07/2012

Prof. T.C.A. Anant,
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation,
Sardar Patel Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001

Sub: Request for a personal audience with the Secretary to apprise him the serious problems faced by the Administrative Staff of NSSO (FOD).


With regret we have to submit that we have written around more than half dozen letters for personal audience/recognition of the Association since you have taken over the charge as Secretary Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, the last one was sent 23/03/2012. But we have not been allowing to place the grievances of our members on the ground that the process of recognition of Association is still not completed or the Ministry (the only Ministry amongst the Government of India Ministries) has not been considering/respecting the provisions of CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 for granting recognition to this Association (copies of the last two letters and its reply by the Ministry of Statistics & PI are enclosed in Annexure A & A-I). In the mean time it appears, all other Associations of the Ministry have been given chances to appraise the problems faced by them. Since you are the guardian of each and every employee of the Ministry and Associations have been authorized to put up their grievances denying an opportunity to present our case is against natural justice. Meanwhile individual consents received from more than 60% Administrative staff of the NSSO Divisions are with us, which can be submitted to the Ministry any time. Ministry may also order a separate verification process if deemed fit to ascertain the genuineness of our claim.

While going through the replies given to Shri Nimalendu Basu, Joint Secretary of earlier Association and Assistant General Secretary of present Association so far, it has come to know that the FOD/Ministry is not willing to recognize this Association due to the reason that the Chief Executive of the Association is holding a post with 4200 grade pay and on the other hand, the Ministry never tried to enquire as to whether Shri Basu is holding a Group C post or not. Shri Basu has been writing letters to the Ministry as Assistant General Secretary of the present Association whereas the Ministry addressing him (even today) in its reply as Joint Secretary of the earlier Association which according to the Ministry itself has been de-recognized by June 2011. The contents of the correspondences made by the FOD/Ministry for the last two years appeared to have come from a motivated reason against this Association. While, stenographers’ Association with less than 50 posts all over the NSSO Offices has been considered for recognition the group of equal interest cadres with more than 1000 strength is not considering recognition.

As regards the position of the recognition of Staff Association under JCM Scheme in other Ministries, this Association has already informed the Ministry that the earlier composition of the Association under the related provisions of the CCS (RSA) Rules has been continued there and only the Ministry of Statistics is an exception on the matter. Recognition of Associations under CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 and JCM rules are different matters and as such the Ministry was requested to consider the difference while considering recognition to this Association. But the Ministry out rightly rejected our requests.

Sir, it is our humble request you to please take your personal interference to allow us a personal audience with you at the earliest.

Yours faithfully

(TKR Pillai)
General Secretary
Mob. No. 09425372172

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