
Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Dear readers,

Given hereunder is the draft Campaign programme of the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers for the proposed one day token strike of the Central Government Employees on 12/12/12. A final decision on the Campaign programme will be taken by the Confederation after feedback from the National Secretariat Members. The final campaign programme will be published in this web site.

The readers of this web site can also participate in these activities. They can participate/organize campaign programme at their respective place. They may also give wide publicity amongst the central Government Employees in their place regarding the Confederation’s own strike after a gap of around 45 years. The carter of demands for which the strike is to be conducted is given below:

All Units of the All India Association of Administrative Staff (Group C) MoS & PI is requested to participate in the campaign programme as scheduled below at their place and join the strike on 12/12/12 with increased vigor.

General Secretary

A-2/95,Manishinath Bhawan,
Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi-110 027

Website: confederationhq.

Circular No.13/2012 Dated: 29th July, 2012

All National Sectt. Members:

Dear Comrade,

Kindly recall the discussions we had at our meeting held at the CHQ on 25th. For paucity of time, we could not carry out the discussion for finalising the campaign programme on that day. The house said that another meeting after the 26th programme might be convened to finalise the campaign programme for the impending strike action. Most of the Comrades expressed the difficulty in undertaking another visit to Delhi in the month of August, 2012. Taking into account that the strike action is slated for 12th December, 2012, and hardly four months are at our disposal and in view of the fact that October and November being festival months, we propose the following programme for your consideration. Your views in the matter may please be communicated to the CHQ through e-mail latest by 10th August, 2012. We are to deploy the Sectt. Members to different States. The Secretary General will intimate the final decision after the feed back on 10th August, 2012. Kindly ensure that you send in your views well before 9th August, 2012.

Details of the programme schedule
Campaign Programme in September 2012
11, 12 and 13; 18, 19 and 20th  and 25, 26 and 27 September:  The proposal is that a team of Sectt members will be in charge of the  States indicated in the Annexure. The group of dates indicated will be chosen by them to finalize the programme in consultation with the concerned State Committee.  The State Convention will be held on the last date of the group of Date and the two dates prior to the State Convention will be used for the purpose of office wise meeting in which the National Sectt. Members will participate.
1st 12th October 2012
In the same manner as indicated above, district level convention and meetings will be held. The State Committee of  Confederation Office Bearers and Circle Secretaries of affiliates will participate in those meetings/conventions.  The State Committees can explore the possibility of Vehicle jathas to cover important stations of the states
19th November 2012
Mass Deputation and Serving Strike Notice to the respective heads of Departments/Office as the case may be.  At the National level, the notice will be served on the Cabinet Secretary
20,21,22 and 23rd Nov. 2012
Relay evening Dharna for three hours (between 17 hours and 21 hours) at a common place to be organised by the Confederation State Committee with the participation of all affiliated organizations.
11th Dec. 2012
Lunch hour /evening massive demonstration in front of respective offices for mobilizing the employees for the strike the next day.
12th Dec. 2012
The one day token Strike.

Kindly indicate the changes you wish to make this programme and inform the undersigned as quickly as possible.

With greetings,
Yours fraternally

K.K.N. Kutty
                                                                                                                                      Secretary General


Item No. 1: Revision of wage with effect from. 1.,01..2011

Item No. 2: Merger of DA with pay w.e.f. 1/1/2011.

Item No. 3: Remove restriction imposed on Compassionate appointments

Item No.4: Functioning of the JCM and implementation of the arbitration award.

Item No. 5: Remove the ban on recruitment; cretate posts on functional requirements.

Item No. 6: Stop Downsizing, outsourcing & contractorisation of the Govt. functions.

Item No. 7: Stop price rise and strengthen PDS.

Item No. 8(a): Regularize the daily rated, contract, contingent and casual workers and bring permanent scheme for regularization.

Item No. 8(b). Absorption of GDS as regular postal employees

Item No. 9: Introduction of PLB and removal of ceiling limit

Item No. 10: Revising OTA and Night Duty allowance rates:

Item No.11: Implement all Arbitration Awards.

Item No. 12:Vacate All Trade Union victimisation.

Item No. 13: Make the right to strike a legal right and stop curtailment of TU rights.

Item No. 14: Implement MACP on hierarchy:

Item No.15: Scrap the New Pension Scheme

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