
Saturday, July 28, 2012

A-2/95,Manishinath Bhawan,
Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi-110 027
Website: confederationhq.


Dear Comrades,

                The National Sectt. of the Confederation places on record its appreciation and gratitude for the tireless efforts of the State Committees and the affiliates in making the programme of 26th July, 2012, i.e. the March to Parliament a grand success.  The gathering at Jantar Mantal  had been magnificent and far higher than our expectation.  As per the initial information supplied to us, every State has strived to mobilize maximum number of comrades to participate in the programme so as also was the endeavor of the affiliates.  More than 20,000 comrades converged at the Parliament Street with placards, banners, flags and wearing different colour caps. We anticipated quite an amount of difficulties and problems on 26th due to the decisions taken by the “Anna Hazare Committee against corruption”  to organize indefinite dharna/fasting programme at the same venue.  At the last minute, the Police authorities had to shift the spot at Jantar Mantar where we were to commence the procession.  We could not get sufficient time to convey the changes made to our comrades, who had already started from different stations.
 We also note with satisfaction that the leaders who had been entrusted to undertake the country wide campaign programme had done so with dedication and sincerity.  As per the report we have at the CHQ, the campaign programme as chalked out had been carried out in all places except in Madhya Pradesh. The inability of the MP State Committee due to some unavoidable reasons had its adverse impact on mobilization of the comrades from that State. Similarly, we have been informed that the expected number of comrades had not reached from the North West Region, especially Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir.  Perhaps, we might have placed the target for these states unrealistically.
The procession commenced at 11.30 AM and the first contingent reached the rallying point at 12.15 PM.  The meeting commenced immediately thereafter.  Com. President, Working President and the Secretary General, National Federation of Postal Employees on behalf of the Confederation addressed the gathering.  Com. Tapan Sen, Secretary General, CITU, Com, Amarjeet Kaur, Secretary AITUC, Com. Basudeb  Acharya, MP and leader of the CPI(M) in the Parliament were the other speakers.  The Secretary General while concluding the programme conveyed the decisions of the National Secretariat to go in for a serious campaign programme in the form of Mass Dharna, Demonstrations, Rally before the Governor’s house etc.  He also declared that the Central Government employees under the banner of the Confederation will be on a day’s strike on 12th December, 2012. (12.12.12). Our next step must be to draw inspiration from the success of our March to Parliament programme and advance our movement to the impending strike action to create sufficient sanctions so that the Government will announce the setting up of the 7th CPC  and hold meaningful negotiation for the settlement of the other demands in the charter. The National Secretariat will meet in the first week of August, 2012.  Notice is being issued separately.  All Sectt. , members are requested to attend the meeting.

                We have published quite a number of photos of the rally in our Website.  The Press Statement issued   on 27th along with the copy of the Memorandum to the Prime Minister has also been placed. Kindly use the explanatory memorandum for the intensive campaign you will have to undertake for the strike action.
                 With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

KKN Kutty
Secretary General

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