
Thursday, April 13, 2017

On 6th & 7th May 2017
At BTR Bhavan, Thiruvananthapuram

About 250 delegates will attend the camp.

Change in Venue
Please note that the venue of the All India Trade Union Education Camp is shifted from EMS Academy to BTR Bhavan Mele Thampamoor, Thiruvananthapuram, which is in the heart of the city and walkable distance from Railway station and Bus stand. Contract numbers of Reception Committee is given below.

1.    Com. V. Sreekumar, State President, C-O-C, Kerala                   -        09447254666
2.    Com. P. V. Rajendran, General Secretary, C-O-C Kerala             -        09446023884
3.    Com. S. Asok Kumar, District Secretary, C-O-C Trivandrum        -        09446849677
4.    Com. K. Kamalasanan, President, C-O-C Trivandrum District       -        09495515784

Number of delegates allotted to each affiliated organization and C-O-Cs

1.    National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) (All affiliates)   -  100
2.    Income Tax Employees Federation (ITEF)                                            -     30
3.    All India Audit & Accounts Association                                                  -     20
4.    All India Civil Accounts Employees Association                                  -     20
5.    National Federation of Atomic Energy Employees                              -     20
6.    Ground Water Board Employees Association                                       -     15
7.    All other affiliates (each organization)                                                 -       3 each
8.    C-O-C Kerala                                                                                                 -     50
9.    C-O-C West Bengal                                                                                      -     20
10. C-O-C Tamilnadu                                                                                         -     30
11. C-O-C Karnataka                                                                                         -     20
12. C-O-C Andhra/Telangana                                                                         -      20
13. C-O-C Uttar Pradesh                                                                                  -      10
14. C-O-C Mumbai                                                                                              -      10
15. C-O-C Nagpur                                                                                               -        5
16. C-O-C Delhi                                                                                                   -      15
17. All other C-O-Cs (maximum)                                                                     -        5 each

All affiliated organisation and COCs are requested to ensure participation of allotted quota of delegates without fail. The camp will start at 10:00 AM on 6th May and continue upto 5:00 PM on 7th May 2017. Accommodation and food will be arranged by the Reception Committee. Delegate fee Rs. 800/- (Rs. Eight Hundred only) per head.

Yours fraternally,

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob: & Whatsapp – 09447068125

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